It's almost the weekend. Seems like a long week. I might even take off early tomorrow afternoon. We'll see. I'm mad jealous that my daughter has a 4 day weekend. It's a holiday Monday for everyone in the province EXCEPT me and the other federal employees. Oh well, traffic will be light. Always a silver lining huh? Oh and it's Valentine's weekend. Bah humbug to quote David from the bottom story. (If you ind weird words that would normally have an f in them but don't, it's because that key seems to be shot on my netbook. Grrr. I try to cut and paste but miss some.)
Speed Dating the Slow Way by Chris Owen (45 pages)

This is a rather unusual story compared to most I read. Reed is doing a charity speed dating thing when he realizes his "date" was a camp counselor from when he was a teen. They don't have time but he gets Jack's card and figures maybe later he'll meet up with him during the charity event. Instead he gets hammered and picks up a guy and is making out in the elevator when who gets on but Jack his "date". Reed's date invites them to join them and Reed is so horny and drunk he's fine with it. They kind of have this weird group sex thing completely with poppers but Jack never touches Reed but Reed is totally slutty. A month later he phones Jack and they get together and Jack explains that he's basically a free-lance social worker for gay teens and his job comes first. Both guys were totally up front about their sex practices. Jack phoned and Reed was busy with his dildo when the phone rang so he didn't answer it. When Jack asks why when he phoned him back a few minutes later he tells him. Really? Ooookay. So it was quite a different feel to other m/m books but maybe more accurate? Who knows, for some I'm sure. My friend answered his phone during a BJ, so I wouldn't put it past him to spill all.
Bottled Up by Andrew Grey (206 pages)

For some reason I love this cover. *shrug* Sean runs a wine store and he saves a young kid (16) who's being attacked behind his store. He feels attached and takes the kid in. His boyfriend freaks but this opens the way or Sam the cop to make his move. It's basically a story of Sean and Billy getting to know each other at the same time Sam is suddenly dating a single parent plus the guy who attacked Billy is still out there trying to get him but that's not a huge theme until near the end. To be honest the story is probably totally unbelievable but the rescuing of the abandoned kid theme is one of my soft spots so I let a shitload of stuff go that will make other people crazy. For one, Billy hugs everyone, all the time. My daughter is 15 and she'd rather fling herself off the roof than hug me in public. LOL But then again she knows she can cuddle me on the couch at home and hold my hand so for a kid who has been without that they are more open. He's a perfect kid, never lips off or goes out drinking. He also switches to calling Sean Dad within weeks and I think Sean gets adoption rights within a couple of months which I know from friends who've gone through it, that even when the parent signs away the rights it usually takes a hell of a lot longer. But as I said, I love this theme so I pretend it's easier in Wisconsin. I also liked that Sam and Sean couldn't just have mad sex and make out anytime anywhere because there was a teenager running around the house. Welcome to my world. Not that I have anyone to make out with, but your life is not your own. Sam was maybe a bit perfect but on the whole it worked for me, I can see issues others might have though. There is a follow-up book about Billy once he's older and at art school I have waiting to go.
Falling by Cassandra Gold (20 pages)

David hates V-day with a passion having been dumped that day the last two years. He's almost home when someone knocks him down the apartment stairs. He is rescued by his hot fire fighter neighbor Chris who takes him to the hospital. He has a broken wrist and various other injuries and is sent home. Chris moves in with him for the weekend to take care of him and David finds out Chris IS gay and even has a crush on him and they get freaky in the shower. Now seriously, on that many pain meds and with so many body injuries would someone BE in any condition to have sex 2 days after falling down stairs? Mmmm. I'm not so sure, but it was a cute story that if you just disregard that part (how come the men of m/m are such tough bastards and real life sick and injured men are big whiny babies?) I quite enjoyed the interplay between Chris and David.
*snort* Ok, it's been a long time since I had to deal with a sick/injured male person, but you have a really good point. Hee hee.
I've read both books in the wine store series from Andrew Grey - for me, they were both ok. Not great, not horrible.
I think I'll skip that first book.
I usually like Chris Owens' stories but the blurb for that one just didn't appeal.
I just finished another book my Andrew Grey so even though I've got this one and it's sequel in my TBR I'll wait for a bit.
Haha, good question. RL men always revert to little boys when they're sick. Must be something in their DNA. :)
These all sound quite interesting - if a little bizarre in the case of the first story.
Big hugs for you not having anyone to make out on the sofa with :).
Hub doesn't whine when he's ill he just constantly huffs and sighs and does the pathetic puppy dog eyes thing until I give him lots of sympathy.
I love Andrew Grey and I agree there are bit's in that book that you just have to roll with the punches...
I would love to hear your thoughts on the second book - Billy's story...
Falling - has all the eye rolling moment for me...
What is it with men and their libido - or is it authors. Who can think of smut or even can get in up under the weirdest of circumstances is beyond me..
Thanks for the round up
Chris: I did enjoy the wine story but I was also cognizant o the laws in it. I just chose in this case to overlook them. :-)
Arghhhh. flaws, flaws. Stupid f key.
It was a very different Chris Owen story Lily. Not really to my taste and I kept thinking "Wow, this is kind of different".
I think I'll take a break before I read the next Andrew Grey I have the bad habit of binging sometimes and then I notice more issues that take away the pleasure, it's better or me to distance myself and come back fresh. In theory anyway.
Don't send me hugs Jen, send me a hottie. LOL I got invited to go to NYC for a weekend this summer, by a 21 year old .... gay boy bassoon player. Sigh. I need to work on expanding my circle I guess. :-)
But in books guys are always "No, no, I can have sex with a broken leg and brain damage, I'm fiiiiiine." in reality it's "I can't reach the remote." said while looking pitiful. Mind you, much less sexy this is true.
I am going to take a bit of a break EH but I'll likely get to it in the next week.
Yeah, not only when sick but in other inappropriate situations as well. Oh well, adds to the "romance" I suppose and we keep reading them. :-)
Yer freaking me out KZ. LOL
Let's get this straight: nothing is easier in Wisconsin, since most of us are broke and/or half frozen much of the time. That's why we like to drink. Well, I suppose befriending people is fairly easy -- residents are generally good-natured and forthcoming (see drinking reference) -- but the teenagers are every bit as surly and sneaky as they are anywhere else.
But, hey, fiction is fiction. What wizard would choose to live in Milwaukee, much less on the south side, as Jackson Spey has done? I fully appreciate suspension of disbelief. ;-)
(Federal employees in the U.S. get a gazillion more days off than the rest of the population. What's up with Canada?)
(Sorry for the deletions, but my dog's been acting up and breaking my concentration.)
Crap, you saw through my fib! I was trying to freak you out, Tam. It's so much fun.
("dedespat" -- Dede spat on John's dick, because they'd run out of lube.)
He ate your homework as a kid too didn't he? :-)
Wow, Wisconsin sounds like Manitoba, where I grew up. I'm good with suspension of disbelief most of the time. :-)
Under the federal employee contract we get 15 days per year plus one floating day. Depending on the province that floating day can be taken most anytime. In Quebec it's June 24 for St. Jean Baptise and Alberta is Feb. 15 for Family Day. In Ontario I get it on the the first Monday in August, fondly known as "the August long weekend". Monday (Family Day) is a new holiday so if we wanted to take it off, we'd have to give up our August holiday or else give every other federal employee across Canada (Family day is NOT country-wide) another day as well. Of course they are not in favour of that and I'd rather have a day off in summer than mid-Feb. so we go to work while all stores, banks, schools, daycares, city/provincial offices, etc. are closed. It's kind of weird but I love the day of no traffic.
All three of these sound good! Thanks for the reviews, Tam!
Thanks Val. I enjoyed two and three and while the first one wasn't "bad", it didn't really catch my interest. But for someone who's looking for something less "romantic" in the sense that it's more open sexually I guess it's a good read.
I'll be honest I've never read about poppers in a book yet but I think they are pretty common on the club scene so that was different as well.
Wait, only 16 days off/year?! (Ok, yeah, I'm spoiled, I've worked at my job for nearly 14 years, so I have around 5 weeks/year of combined vacation/sick time (aka PTO).)
No no honey, those are paid statutory holidays. I also get 4 weeks vacation (started at 3) plus our sick time is cummulative so I have about 6 months sick time saved up. (Guess I should book some plastic surgery or sumthin'.) So those 16 days include Christmas, Easter, New Year's, etc. In total I get 36 days vacation and about 14 sick days per year.
Will you adopt me? :) I figure if I ask each of my Canadian friends, sooner or later...
Sorry Chris I only keep chained in my basement, um, I mean adopt hot sexy American boys.
Thanks for the reviews, you're always cracking me up with your funny side remarks (you have a friend that answers the phone while getting a BJ? really?)
I think I skip this Chris Owen, sounds too weird.
The second and third seem more interesting to me. In fact, I appear to have the Andrew Grey book on my ereader :)
I wish I could send you a sexy hottie for your basement... uhm... couch ;)
Yep, my friend is very open. LOL
I conveniently have a bed in my basement and I do like the European boys. :-D
Darn it. Um, I make really amazing flourless chocolate cake - does that help my case at all?
Ok, I'm rolling my eyes so much during the second story in Love Ahead I'm going to get eyestrain. OBVIOUS what's going on. You idjits, you couldn't just exchange your real names during your months of phone conversations?!
LOL, I would feel rather embarrassed at so much openess *g*
Ah well then, I ship one of them delicious Dutch guys from my basement to you tomorrow ;)
Ps You want a blond or dark one?
@Chris: 'idjits'? Did you make that word up? :)
Isn't this Urban & Roux a good read? Really?
I like the dark ones Janna. :-) Thanks.
Chris: Yeah, I know. It just made no sense to me that in all that time they never said "Hey, what is your name anyway?" Suspend disbelief hon, it will go better for you. LOL
Janna - I stole that word. Slang. :) It's a decent read, but they've definitely tightened up their writing since this one (2008).
Bottled Up was okay, but I thought Uncorked was much better. Bobby's character didn't "act his age" in Bottled Up, in my opinion. There were times when he seemed too young.
I have to work Monday. It was supposed to be a day off, but we have to make up a snow day. We're also going to be in school a couple of Saturdays. Of course, it's snowing again right now.
I am going to give myself a day or two before I start Uncorked so I don't OD on the author. :-) I thought he seemed young too for someone who was on the streets, but ...
School on Saturday? Are you serious? Kids will show up? Here the schools NEVER close that I've ever seen, so technically school is open every single day, even if only one teacher and two kids manage to trudge through the snow to get there. Mind you here it would have to be BAD to have the main roads unpassable. Buses are more often canceled for icy roads.
You're lucky, Tam. I prefer the dark ones myself, so I have plenty to pick from ;)
@Chris: ah, it's one of their earlier ones. Luckily, I still have a few of their recent books on my TBR :)
Tam - <a href='">Most excellent video</a> for singleness at this time of year - from the song: "...'til Cupid, that bitch, puts a cap in your ass... don't fuck with love."
LOL That was great Chris. Thanks.
Oh gawd, Tam, you won't believe it. I accidentally sent the dark haired hottie to Vancouver instead of Ontario *thud on forehead* And he took his skates and wants to do a few Olympic rounds ;)
Well, maybe you don't like them that young anyway... otherwise keep an eye out for him, his name is Sven Kramer and he's pretty fast :)
LOL Oh I like 'em young Janna but I might have trouble catching him it seems. :-) I'll keep an eye out for him during the games.
*g* You cougar! You just have to know when to seize the opportunity - right after a match he won't be that fast anymore ;)
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