I have read very little these last couple of days. We've been pretty much been glued to the three 24/7 Olympic channels up here. Tonight we were freaking, the women's 500m short track final with two Canadians was on at the exact same time as
Maelle Ricker was getting her gold medal for winning the women's snowboard cross and the Canadian was doing the first run in men's
half pipe.
Arrgghhhh. We got the silver in short track which was thankfully delayed due to a wipe-out so we could see Justin do half pipe and managed to see the anthem played. Shit. We need one of those TVs that lets you watch 5 channels at once.
LOLCurling has started and seriously, are the Norwegians on crack? Who the fuck thought these were a good idea? The rule is black pants people, it's the Olympics not the circus. There is actually a
facebook fan page for these pants and a link where you can buy them. I dare one of ya to buy them, wear them in public and take a pic for me. :-D

On the book front, I've been mostly rereading books because I can read and watch TV at the same time. I don't lose my place or lose my concentration. I know the characters and what happens.
LOL So I re-read
Edward Unconditionally by Lynn Lorenz. I won her new book
Breakfast at Tiffany's about post-Katrina New Orleans today, so looking forward to that. I also re-read
The Tin Star by J.L. Langley. A great classic read. I bought the
Petits Morts series by Josh
Lanyon and Jordan Castillo Price but I don't want to start until I can give them the attention they deserve. I'm trying not to read any reviews so they are pleasant surprises. I've heard many good things. I had a bitch
of a time registering for eXtasy books today. Arggghh. Seven tries later and an e-mail to the company I finally got in and got Stephanie Hecht's new book Savage Awakening in the Lost Shifter series but again, I will wait until I can give that the attention it deserves rather than read with one eye. Looking forward to Rat's story and no Chris, he's not a cat shifter with a hairless tail. Sheesh. So that's about it. Here is some eye-candy.
The gangster of love on the slopes.

Man down! Man down! Someone rush to that boy's rescue.

Nipple ring? Check. Belly button ring?
Meh. Nice package? Oh yeah.

Swiss skater has a very nice face, Tam.
Okay, now flip him over.
("specti" -- You specti me to settle for that?)
Well, I was just spectilating. ;)
Hmm, maybe you need to read that MLR snow/skiing related collection during the Olympics!
He didn't have any butt pics on his site KZ and googling "male figure skater ass" didn't seem to get me anywhere. :-) And yes, I specti you to settle or what I give you and like it.
I've heard there is really only one really good story in that book Chris so I've passed on it. I I pay $1.50 or a taste test and get one out of three I don't mind but that one is much more expensive.
I liked Ethan Day's story quite a bit, but yeah, things went downhill from there. Er, sorry about the pun...
LOL That's what I heard and I'm not sure how much that book is but I think it's $5 or $6 and to pay that much for one short story is not really wise. Maybe if it comes up cheap some day on Fiction Wise I'll get it.
The Tin Star by J.L. Langley. A great classic read
The Bronte sisters are probably turning in their graves...
I had a bitch of a time registering for eXtasy books today.
This is one of the few sites that I dont buy from - because it's just a headache to get sorted with..
I have read Hecht as part of the Lewellyn/Hecht team and I Like Tall, Mean and Darkly - I laugh out loud at that book...
I have been recommended her books before - but Extasy drives me up the wall... Love the Shifter blurd though - might try that one...
I wonder if it's on Fictionwise or other outlet..
Keep on enjoying the man candy ....
Fuck the Bronte sisters. Heathcliffe and Rochester had nothin' on Jamie and Ethan. :-P (Although maybe together we'd have something.)
EXtasy was crazy-making, but hopefully now that I'm registered it will work better. Stephanie does have a great sense of humour and I found myself chuckling a few times in the first two books. Primal Passions and Feral Christmas are available at FictionWise. Of course the new one just came out this week so it may not make it there for several weeks. Depends on the publisher I think.
Guess where I picked it up... FW durign the V-Day sale! :)
Woot! My veri word is perth. :D
I just check the FW site and saw the first two - 'll grab those and wait until the other one gets there...
Have you read the Archangel Books...
I am in a shifter mood...
No I haven't read those yet but I saw them there at FW. Hmmm. My TBR is getting too big. LOL But I will keep them in mind for sure.
I can't imagine how big your tbr pile is going to be after the Olympics!
And your hottie? He IS at the Olympics. He's currently in 5th place! If you go here
you can see lots of butt pictures!
Huh, what do I know. To be honest we haven't gotten to into the figure skating this year. Thanks for the help Wren. I'm sure KZ will appreciate it.
I know, I have to stop shopping and start reading. On the weekend I guess since most stuff doesn't happen until 3:00 or 4:00 our time. :-) Housework? Phooey.
Tam, would you be so kind as to package up the Gangster of Love and send him down to me, please? We don't have snow but it's been really cold so he should feel right at home here.
I loved both The Tin Star and Edward Unconditionally. Great reads!
I've read a couple of Stephani Hecht's books and liked them although I haven't read any this series.
He'd probably appreciate somewhere a touch warmer Lily. I'll send him right down. :-)
Ooo, thank you, Wren! He really is very pretty, even when he's facing forward!
Glad I could be of assistance!
Do I come all the way overhere... no book reviews O_o
Good thing you have all these hotties playing in the snow :)
I know, I know. I'm so bad. Tomorrow I think. ;-) Maybe not be much but it will be a new book. LOL
Lol, you're really caught up in the Olympics, that's so funny :) I can wait another day for one of your reviews... I guess ;)
The hell?? How the frack does Chris get perth as a word veri??? See. Google does hate me.
Won't you have fun when your word veri is minneapolis, hmm?
Chris has the power. If someone gets minneapolis I'll all over dead.
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