I wish all athletes from all countries much success (but of course for Canadians to go just a smidgen faster, higher and further) in 2010 in Vancouver. I hope for no more tragedies like yesterday. I'm pretty sure these guys aren't Olympians but they are kind of god-like. I also think it's about warm enough in Vancouver for them to actually dress like this.
Oh and be prepared to read boring medal updates or rants as the case may be for the next couple of weeks. Along with book stuff of course.

Mmm, that last one's especially nice. I'm amazed that they have no goosebumps. ;)
Photoshop is a wonderful thing. LOL
That's what the world needs -- Nekkid Men's Olympics.
I think we also need an Olympics-related story. Yes I do.
Did you see this freebie from Ally Blue?
Nekkid Menz Olympiks - KZ could you get on that?
Thanks for the lovely pics, Tam
KZ: Yeah yeah, I didn't have time to work on your comments, nor did I thank you. *mwah* That sport doesn't start for 2 more days. I got time. I believe the naked men Olympics are also known as the Gay Games.
I did read Ally's story this morning Chris when she posted it on Facebook. I told her maybe she's got some magic since after she wrote that story North Carolina was hammered by snow. She should write one about a poor Canadian girl who wins the lottery. It just might work. :-)
You're welcome Wren. Have a great weekend.
Hmm. If the poor Canadian girl story works, maybe she could do a poor girl from Minnesota story...
As you said Tam... Photoshop is indeed a wonderful thing...
How exciting for you - I can't wait for 2012 to get here for our turn....
It is pretty fun EH even though I'm three time zones away, it still feels close.
I see Janna's cutie she sent over here Sven won the gold medal in the 5000 metres today. Congrats and he is a cutie.
Now this is the kind of "winter" I like! ;)
The last one is especially nice. Have fun watching the Olympics. Hope Canada does great!
I'm really annoyed right now that you American's stole our gold medal in women's freestyle moguls. Grrrr. :-) Down to the wire though, very exciting. Maybe not as exciting as naked men on skis, but close. LOL
I've been noticing all evening what truly fine asses these guys have. Couldn't express my appreciation in front of the old man, so I'll just have to do it here. Mmm-mmm. (Speaking of "fine," isn't Apollo Ohno one adorable twink?)
Don't fuss too much over the story, Tam. Really.
I hate his facial hair though. I'm not big on facial hair in general. Athletes do have some fine muscles.
I would spontaneously start to love skiing with those gorgeous pics! Thanks, Tam :)
But you figured I'm more of a skate(rs) loving girl ;) Way to go Sven! He is fast isn't he, riding an OR? I'm glad you think he's kinda cute since I sent him especially for you ;)
You should post your curling story, Tam. *smiles sweetly*
He is a cutie Janna, he might be the star of the games.
Kris: Yeah yeah, curling hasn't started yet. :-P Probably tomorrow.
Tam, Apollo has what I think is called a "soul patch." Very jazz musicianish. Gives him a touch of teh hot, IMO.
I'm not keen on the facial hair, but the soul patch has to be one of the sillier male facial hair configurations, IMO.
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