Kris seems to think that fire fighters will win in a hotness poll. Being the ever diligent and scientific soul that I am, I have created a poll where you can prove or disprove her theory. I have given a few examples to help you decide. But exercise your freedom to vote and click the button. I'll be honest, Spanish police officer #1 is making me rethink my choice. Yowza!

Although I voted firefighters, it really depends on the individuals. :) The two "cops" in your photos were "meh" for me.
It's really hard to find pictures of cops. Tons of fire fighters but not so many cop calendars. those guys are from a Spanish calendar.
I can't decide. I do sort of like construction workers, though.
That kind of apathy got George W. Bush into office Wren. *stern face*
I'll give you a construction worker tomorrow.
1) I did not vote for him. I voted for the other guys. Fat lot of good it did me. :P
2) Thank you.
Law Enforcement Officers!
(and it looks like I might be alone in that preference -- even with hot guys #1 and #3 on display!)
Then more for you to enjoy Val. :-) Not that I think you are greedy or anything. That first policeman works for me but in general I like the firefighters.
Firefighters have always been my dream come true. Something about a hot, sweaty guy in bunker gear just makes me drool.
I'm with Val, cops every time. They have so many interesting ways of getting themselves into danger. Firemen, well it's all just fires isn't it?
No, Jen, it's not just all about the fires. It's about water, soot and sweat too. :)
Yeah, cos cops never get sweaty and dirty when they're chasing down the bad guys *rolls eyes*.
Thanks for stopping by Stephanie. They are dreamy.
Sheesh, am I going to have to separate you two Jen and Kris? ;-) They are both pretty delish, but cops do a lot more paperwork than most fire fighters I think. I've never worked up a sweat typing up a report.
Tam: I don't know what you mean.
Jen: Cops, well it's all just good guys/bad guys and paperwork, isn't it?
Mind you, undercover cops get to be all biker tough with tattoos and piercings. That works.
Now, now. I'm not changing my vote, I'm just saying some cops are more appealing than others.
Firefighters are hot but I voted for cops.
I love the cop/special agent hottie with a suit and tie (rumpled or not) and his big bad gun!
YUM, he can frisk me anytime! ;)
Hi Tam! I could never resist a poll ;)
I voted firefighters - I love cops/special agents stories, but from a purely physical point of view ff are probably more drool-inducing... they have to stay fit no matter what, after all...
Wow Lily, you and your hubby need to get some handcuffs. ;-)
Maybe that's it, fireman have a more physical job so you know they are fit and ripped under all that equipment. Thanks for voting. :-)
Haha, I mentioned them to him and his answer is always the same... "No f*cking way!"
I don't think he's into bondage of any kind, what do you think? ;)
If that's his response Lily perhaps not. But not the reverse either? Having you at his mercy? Most guys would get off on that. Oh well, maybe dildos? LOL I kid, I kid.
ROFL, my poor hubby is a bit old-fashioned although I have persuaded him to play outside his comfort level a bit. But despite his love of cop shows cuffs just don't do it for him, either way.
I voted for Policemen - but not based on those two you have up there..
I have a thing for artillery - long, short, snubnose, pump action...
you get the drift....
If your thing for firemen is all about the soot and sweat, you can get that with a mechanic as well..
**I'm only saying*****
Cops for me - I saw out at lunch yesterday and I probably stared at him for ten minutes. He was purty.
Lol, Mandi. Can you get arrested for staring at a police officer? I can just see your defense to the judge:
"But your honour, he was just so purty"
EH: Uh huh. The bigger the better, is that your motto? I'm talking weapons of course. ;-)
Mandi: Sounds yummy. It's hard to find good pics of police officers but there are plenty of nice ones out there. Thanks for stopping by.
Hi Jen. *waves*
Hi Tam *waves back*
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