So I met my daughter and the restaurant we wanted to go to was closed, so we went somewhere else. Still had a nice meal and despite some windy weather we sat on the patio. She said "I guess you wanted me to put your present in the house." Huh, Present? She came home from school at 2:30 and found the flowers sitting on the step even though it said "5:00" on the tag. But that's fine. So I want to take a picture and put them on the ironing board that I hadn't put away by the fireplace. Great. I turn around and Max decides he's got to jump up there and check this out, thus knocking over the ironing board. The kid and I are both screaming "Nooooooo Maaaaaax!" as we dive and I have visions of the gorgeous heavy glass vase in a thousand pieces not 10 min. after ttaking it out of the box. God! But it slid straight down and probably only spilled 1/10 of the water and ended up upright. Whoa. I think I aged another year. LOL So thank you my sweet for the flowers and to everyone for the good wishes, it made my day special. And seems Kris and I have cats cut from the same naughty cloth.
Sigh. Another year flown past. By the time I'm 80 I'll feel like I'm having a birthday every freaking week. Kind of a tough one for me. Closer to the 5-0 than the 4-0 now. Ugh. I don't FEEL that old. Then I think too much and get depressed. Double Ugh.
Anyway, in honour of my day, I will share some of my favourite fresh baked cookies, some that I don't usually put up, and they are young and fragile, so treat them gently, they aren't used to being handled too much.

Twookies! Nom!
Happy Birthday, lovie! May you have a wonderful day... or as much of one as possible. ;)
Happy Birthday, Tam! And I don't believe you are actually over 40. No way.
And as for cookies: I'll eat them all at once. Yum!
Happy Birthday! :)
Okay, Matthew's my new favourite guy. :-D
Thanks guys, have some work stuff to take care of this morning and my daughter is meeting me after work and we are going to go out. Should be an okay day if my work stuff doesn't make be want to throw myself through my office window.
Happy Birthday!! Hmmm, nice cookies ...
Happy birthday, mate!
Have a good day and I hope work isn't too crappy for you. Enjoy your meal :).
Happy Birthday! Thanks for the cookies (@Kris twookies - LOL!) hope you have a wonderful day!
Thanks for the wishes Anne, Jen and Patti. I better get my butt out the door here or I'll be late.
Look at you sharing your cookies on your birthday! You're awesome. Don't let work ruin your day.
Happy Birthday! Enjoy your day, meal, and time with your daughter. Sounds like a good day!
Happy Birthday, Tam!
Aww, I know how you feel-- I have a birthday coming up next week, and I'm not looking forward to adding another year to my age either (sounds like you and I are only a couple of years apart). *Big hugs* to you. Go out and have a great and fun day with your daughter!
And thanks for the cookies-- they were delicious. :)
Thanks Eyre and Kassa. Except for some construction (why do they lay down new pavement and then one month later dig holes in it and patch them?) the day is going pretty well.
Eyre's got me laughing my ass off over at her place.
Thanks Richelle. We're going to try a new Mexican restaurant (well new to us, there aren't that many in Canada LOL) so I can do a double celebration of Cinqo de Mayo and my birthday. Any excuse for an extra margarita. :-)
Twookies?! Like wookies, only SO NOT.
Happy birthday to YOUUUUUUUUUUUUU! May there be much laughter and chocolate in your day.
But with way less hair, and shorter, and thinner, okay, nothing like a Wookie at all. LOL Thanks Chris.
Happy Birthday, Tam!
Thanks Val. :-)
I'd wish you a Happy Birthday here but 1) I've already done it elsewhere and 2) I can't quite think of anything really coherent what with me gazing at the cookies and drooling puddles on the desk. I'll take the first one please? In fact, how about a whole box full of those steaming hot cookies!!! Yum!
But um, yeah, happy birthday. And may you get...cookies and not cake this year! :)
I KNEW you would have good cookies over here!
Happy birthday to you, dahling!
Happy Birthday, Tam!!!
I hope your day is fabulous.
Happy Bifhday to you
Happy Bifhday to you
Happy Bifhday to my dear Tam's!!!!
Happy Bifhday to you!!!!
I hope your day is filled with a loaded stapler for those office people that just won't leave you alone...
I hope your evening with your daughter is the most memorable time you have had in a while...
And I hope those cookies you get to eat in bed honey!!!
Love ya!!! Hugs to you!!!
PS... thanks for sharing the wookies!!!
Mmmm. Cookies for my birthday Polt. I'll share but you have to treat them gently. :-)
Thanks so much Wren, Lily and Cecile.
You have a lovely singing voice Cecile. LOL
Hmm. I think someone's been nibbling on your twookies...
Blushes.. Awww shucks Tam's you are too sweet to me!!!
Hugs & Kisses!
Nibbling on the wookies you say Chris.....
Happy Birthday, Tam! I hope you have a wonderful day! And thanks for sharing the sweets with us :)
They better damn well not leave marks Chris. *glares around at party guests*
Thanks Celile and Janna. Just treat them gently.
I think nibbling on a wookie would get you nothing but a mouthful of hair. Ugh. I'm not saying a guy has to be waxed and buffed but I have my limits. And a wookie is over it. :-)
HAPPY BIRTHDAY (again), TAM! You needn't worry too much about your age as long as you still have a taste for delectable cookies. That's what separates the frisky gals from the withered old hags -- or so I keep telling myself. ;-)
Happy Birthday Tam! Look at you, giving out presents on your birthday! :) Thanks.
I hope you have a wonderful day!
Whew KZ, you've eased my mind. I feel better now. ;-) I don't think there's any chance of me withering then at this rate. Thanks for the wishes.
Thanks Tracy, we're practically twins. LOL
Happy Birthday! You could really peeve your coworkers and wear a party hat... ;)
Thanks for the cookies... I will be super sweet to them, nice and gentle!
And wookies... I'm with you on that especially below the belt!
And wookies... I'm with you on that especially below the belt!
Ewwww. That would keep a waxing salon in business for a week. Ouch. LOL Thanks for the wishes. Thanks for treating my boys well.
For those who care, I just had real cookies for lunch. (Not the two legged kind, sad sigh.)
What kind you ask? Oreos? Chocolate Chip? Oatmeal raisin? Nope ... TIM TAMS. That famous Australian cookie. Kris sent me some at Christmas and I got hooked. My grocery store usually only carries the caramel kind which are good but the caramel is a bit chewy, but now they have the regular. LOVE 'em. The only thing is the melting point of the chocolate is really low, it's not even hot here and they are super melty, I can only imagine in Australia when it's +310 degrees. So I keep them in the fridge. My daughter complains the caramel is too hard then but too bad. I like them that way. :-)
Those cookies sound and look almost as yummy as the two legged kind.
Almost Lily, although they never complain when you ignore them and read, in fact they'll happily keep you company while reading. For as long as they last. :-)
Happy happies hon - Cake and cookies to honour the day..
Good for you - something sweet and something to keep you young..
Enjoy hon.
Thanks EH. :-)
Happy Birthday, Tam! :) Hope you have a blast! Easy with that cake and those cookies, just imagine the possibilities. *g*
(Gawd, thinking about cookie no. 1 offering a huge piece of that decadent chocolate cake...)
It's gonna be an orgy!
It's gonna be an orgy!
I wish Lilli. Thanks for the wishes. We ended up stopping at a bakery and picking up a couple of birthday treats for later, unfortunately they won't be served by anyone remotely resembling Cookie #1. Sad sigh. :-)
Hi Tam
I had no idea. Happy birthday honey. I don't get out much as you can tell, so I would never have known.
Are you doing anything special tonight to celebrate?
What wonderful presents (and you don't look a day over 29).
Happy Birthday, from another who's getting a little too close to 50 for comfort. We'll just have to make it look good.
Flatterer Wave. :-) Thanks. Nothing special, we just ate out and now we're watching Grease. No hotties involved except Danny Zucko.
Thanks Eden. That's great advice. :-)
Wow, Kris rocks! Those are gorgeous.
They are pretty Chris. Brightened my day for sure.
Aww, Kris is such a sweetie!!
I love their color. Beautiful!!
I'm so glad that you like them, Tam. Tulips are a fave of mine. *g*
Many happies to you!
I luff you muchly. xxx
Love you too hon. They are gorgeous despite Max's attempts to destroy them. Now he's ignoring them. He's smarter than he looks.
Sorry I'm late, but Happy Birthday!!! I hope you had lots of cake and got everything you wished for.
Thanks Stephani. Not too much cake but that's probably a good thing. LOL I did have an enjoyable time with my daughter and spoke with my parents and my Grandma so a good day all around.
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