State of Mind by Libby Drew (270 pages)

Grier works for a mysterious group called The Organization, which uses people with mental powers to "save the world". After a job goes way wrong and many people are killed, he abandons his job and goes on the run knowing he was set up and something ugly is happening. Alec is a young favourite of the Director who is sent to track Grier down and bring him in. Once he finds Grier, he starts to wonder if what he's been told is true. Grier tells him what is going on and then they set out on a quest to find the truth involving a friend of Grier's whose father is a big crime boss and an enemy of the Organization. It's a bit complicated with several characters involved but it definitely sucked me in and kept me reading. It seemed like Alec believed Grier pretty fast but I guess since they can read other people's minds they can tell if you are telling the truth. They don't get together until near the end, but I was so caught up in the intrigue I was good with that. :-) I'm sure there are lots of plot holes but with the psychic angle I just let them go.
Icing on the Cake by Shayla Kersten (65 pages)

Jeff is convinced to get the wedding cake for his best friend's wedding in 3 days. She sends him to Ollie, he can hardly focus on cake he's so enamoured with tattooed pierced Ollie. They end up together but Jeff is a bit freaked as Ollie's bedroom is a "dungeon" and Jeff NEVER gives up control. He's all about his career and staying in control. However Ollie convinces him that maybe he needs to try a different way, rather than never being with the same guy twice. It's a cute little story, only takes place over 3 days so they both admit it's just starting, not true love. I could understand Jeff's need for control given his past and he needed someone equally strong to get him to relax for a minute. Definitely worth a read.
Fighting Dragons by TA Chase (91 pages)

This is a continuation of the Dragons series and is Bailey and David's story. Everyone knows that David and Bailey are attracted but nothing ever happens. Bailey figures it's because of his injuries he sustained in Iraq, he shakes and has trouble with his balance. Mordred who wants everyone happy arranges for a love spell on St. Patrick's Day. They have 24 hours of amazing sex and you find out that David's politician father has big plans for him in parliament and he's never not done what his father wants save for joining the military. After Bailey confesses his love he tells David he has to choose, try and win his father's approval or Bailey. There is lots of Mordred and George and Kael and Hugh so it's kind of fun to see them all together and to get a look inside Bailey and David's heads. It's typical TA, an nice easy read which was I needed at the time.
Pool Boy Seduction by Amanda Young (10 pages)

Martin, in his late 30's comes home from a rough week at work to find his neighbor's 21 year old son in his pool. Todd offered to clean the pool and mow the yard for the summer and Martin gave him use of the pool. He goes out to hang out with him and well, the pool boy fantasy kicks in for real. That's about it, just a little sexy interlude, nothing profound.
The only one I've read was Icing on the Cake, which I enjoyed. Hope your dental appointment goes well!
I really liked Icing on the Cake and have TA's on my reader.
The bunny man is interesting. ;)
I hate the dentist too. Hope it goes well for you.
Well, my appointment was just a cleaning so no biggie but of course I got lectured on flossing more. Arrgghh. I thought the girl who does my teeth was about 25. She is so perky it hurts. Last time she told me she's 40. Good think I was laying in that chair because I nearly fainted. LOL She super duper nice though. :-)
For some reason I think Pool Side Seduction was free somewhere, but I didn't realize I had it until this week so I have no idea where I got it. Maybe not. Too much shopping, I lose track.
I just realized I went to the dentist who are anti-all things sugary, then promptly came to the office and ate a cookie. Ooops.
You must've been subconsciously rebelling against the dentist!
Probably. My inner 2 year old. You say floss? I say FU, give me candy.
I agree that State of Mind sort of sucks you in; I enjoyed it!
My dental hygienist makes my check-ups go quickly - she's my age, lives in my neighborhood and we know a lot of the same people. She is capable of carrying an entire conversation for 50 minutes by herself; I always get great scoop when I'm there. I see the dentist for maybe 30 seconds each time!
My boss loves going to the dentist. That's all I can say. I'm at work right now ;)
OMG, your Hottie of the Day is making me speachless. And not in a good way, lol!
I enjoyed Icing on the Cake a lot. Wouldn't mind a sequel for those guys though.
Nothing like catching up on the local gossip while getting your teeth cleaned Wren. :-)
Your boss is weird Miranda. :-P
I agree Janna, a sequel would be nice to see how Jeff lightens up, or not. :-)
The Kersten book is the only one I've read, and I loved it.
My dentist is a sedation dentist. If you get frizzed out about anything, she'll knock you out.
That's handy Eyre. I don't get freaked out but I don't "enjoy" it. It's one of those necessary evils in life. Like a pap test. Ugh.
I did enjoy that book a lot and anything that involves baking for me is a winner.
I am on page 10 of State of Mind and I love psychic angle - I can forgive a whole lot of wrong when I get that in a book...
I will catch up on Chase book soon...
Hope the dentist visit wasn't too traumatic..
I survived EH. :-) The paranormal angle to a story can make you more forgiving of things that might otherwise drive you crazy. It was a very enjoyable read.
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