Thank you Kassa for tagging me in our little "around the blogosphere" tribute to some of our favourite authors. I am tagging Amy at the My Friend Amy blog and I hope that all of you will continue to follow the trail of breadcrumbs as we avid readers take the time this month to thank those authors who have touched our lives in some way and reinforced our passion for reading. You can also click on the button on the side bar which will take you to the list of blogs in the order we are following.

Dear Lynn,
I wanted to take this opportunity to let you know (very publicly it would seem) that I am a big fan and have been enjoying your writing since the very beginning of my discovery of the m/m genre (September 2008). In fact, in checking back to my old files, you were the very first author whose work I bought and read when I started dipping my toe into the pool.
In my flitting around the Internet, someone mentioned Loose Id and I decided to check it out. While perusing the site I came across your book Rush in the Dark. The story-line appealed to me (probably since there was a cowboy in there :-) and I took the plunge and bought my first m/m romance. (Yes, I know, I bought it out of order but I was young and naive back then.)
You had me hooked from the start. Wow. I was in love with Brian, wanted to slap Rush and was cheering for them to work it all out. The very next book I snatched up six days later was Soul Bonds and Sammi captured my heart. I always say I am so lucky that I chose you as my first try at m/m romance. I have read some books since, that if they had been my first might have meant the end of my involvement in the genre. Instead I got a great story, with wonderful characters and yes, steamy smexin'.
So thank you for ushering me into my love of m/m with grace and hot menz, and you remain one of my favourite authors. I know if I'm in the mood to shed some tears I just have to pull out Edward, Unconditionally and read about Edward and Winston or his Grandma and I can get my sniffle on. Your recent books set in New Orleans have exposed me to a world that I've only seen on TV and you've put a human face on the people who've had to deal with the aftermath of Katrina.
I want to offer my continued support in your writing and I look forward to your new books coming in the m/m genre.
*For those of you interested in more of Lynn's work, if you click on the letter addressed to Lynn in the top picture it will take you to her website where all of her books are listed and how you can purchase them. I hope for those of you unfamiliar with her work you will give one a try (she also writes m/f for some of us in this exercise who prefer that genre) and, no, I can not recommend just one, however unlike me, pick the first in the series if you go that route. LOL
What a lovely letter, Tam. I've only read a couple of books by this author but you post has inspired me to check out that series at Loose Id.
Thanks Jen. I really enjoyed the Uncommon Powers series (which these ones are a part of) and her recent books about New Orleans have been excellent as well.
Have a super weekend.
That was a great letter. Hmm. I think I need to reread some Lynn Lorenz... oh, I even have one or two I haven't read yet!
Thanks Chris. I'd say read the ones you haven't read yet first. :-) Then you can reread. I was just thinking I should pull out Breakfast at Tiffany's again. (Not that it was that long ago I read it. LOL)
Breakfast at Tiffany's is one them I haven't read. :)
Ohhh. Read it. I wasn't sure at first. Homeless guys? Really? Yes, really. Excellent book.
Great letter Tam! I think authors would love to know that they were a driving influence in the field. Here, she got you started on m/m so that's pretty big. Your first author can turn you off or get you hooked.
I recently read her pinky swear and I liked a lot about it. I didn't love it but she intrigued me to want to read more of her work and although not a fan of re-using movie names by AA, I'm diving into her Breakfast at Tiffany's.
Wonderful letter Tam, so succinct and yet heartfelt! Lynn Lorenz is an new to me author, but I'm going to bookmark her site and will have to "dip my toe in the pool" of her work.
Thank you so much for sharing. :-)
Wonderful letter - The fact that she was your "first" and you liked it enough to continue with the genre speaks volumes. I've not read any of Lynn's work but I'm going to check it out now (esp once you noted her recent ones are set in New Orleans - SOLD!!).
Thanks Kassa. I sent Lynn and e-mail and she said she'd try and stop by later.
I think I liked Breakfast at Tiffany's a bit more than Pinky Swear, maybe because it was such an unusual premise and one you don't see in romance. Usually people who are homeless don't seem very "romantic" but I really enjoyed it and was sucked up in their relationship and how they survived in the city which is even now not back to "normal".
I did find at least Breakfast at Tiffany's had a real tie-in with the book. I've heard of some of the stories which have the name but no connection whatsoever. In this case Tiffany's is a restaurant where one guy works so it makes sense.
Thanks Lea, I hope you enjoy her work as much as I have.
I think for you Patti it will definitely be interesting but I think you'll be a harsh critic being a local. LOL Lynn grew up in New Orleans though so I think she brings a personal touch to the stories that is difficult for someone who has never been there.
Fabulous letter, Tam!
I also love Lynn's writing and the Common Powers series is my fav. I've read a few of her other stories and really enjoyed them all. I'll have to move Breakfast at Tiffany's up my TBB.
Thanks Lily. Hope you enjoy it. I was also lucky enought to have won that one at Wave's. Double bonus. :-)
Wonderful letter Tam!!!
I do agree a new author, especially your first in a different genre, can either turn you on or off with their writing style. I think this is great!
Have a great day!
You give good letter, Tam!
I've enjoyed the "Common Power" series greatly. I also like the "In the Company of Men" series - they're historicals, though, so may not be everyone's cup of tea.
Word veri: Inumpugo - doesn't that sound like either 1) a disease or 2) a curse?
Thanks Cecile, I was quite lucky with the first few authors I chose as I was shooting blind at the time.
Thanks Wren. I'll have that put on my headstone when I die. :-)
I think that word veri comes with nasty lesions. Twu Wuv would probably cure it though. Or the amazing magical dick. LOL
What a lovely letter. This is an author I need to check out!
Dictionary definition:
Inumpugo - a disease of the nervous system, producing lesions of a nasty sort. Only known cure: amazing magical dick (AMD).
Hi Tam! I finally got the kids off to school and some errands run!
I'm so flattered and thrilled that you wrote your letter to me! Me!? I can't stop blushing and blinking.
I can't say how...I'm not sure of the word...proud(?) I am that I was your first and you enjoyed it so much it opened a whole new genre to you. That's incredibly humbling.
And thanks to everyone here who said they enjoyed my books, and to everyone who said they'd give them a chance. Without readers, I'd just be showing my books to my husband and friends.
This author blog idea is so great! And I'm happy beyond words (altho there've been a lot in this note)you picked me.
Thanks FV. Hope you try out Lynn's work.
Thanks for stopping by Lynn. It was a pleasure to write the letter, if a little public way to gush.
Being someone's first is always special. LOL Hopefully it will get your weekend off to a great start. I'm looking forward to your new books that are coming. Keep up the great work.
You'd be great at that word game Balderdash Wren, making up wacky definitions.
You inspire me, Tam. We'd have to play as a team!
Tam - Great letter..
I have read one or two books by this author and I do like her.
It is a memorable thing to remember your first and I agree, if you had started with some of the books out there now you probably would not have gone on..
Going to go check out more of Ms Lorenz work...
Thanks EH. It does seem to be luck of the draw sometimes. Hopefully you'll enjoy some of Lynn's other stories.
You're on Wren. We could take on Khris. :-)
Aw, what a lovely letter. *wipes tear from eye*
All for the hot smexin also.
Hot smexin' should always induce tears KB. Or fluids of some kind anyway. Let me get you a tissue. :-)
I need to read this author's work! Fabulous letter ;)
Thanks hon. Definitely check out her work. Worth a read.
Take on Khris? You really want to try that? :D
You're going down. Wren's a writer you know. That means mad word skillz.
Kris has that sociopathic trout stare action going on. And I'm pretty good at making up words to combat Wren's words.
Won't Kris be surprised when she wakes up...
It's actually far better to play that game against non-readers. They have much less vivid imaginations.
Great letter, Tam. I really enjoyed Breakfast at Tiffany's -- the New Orleans setting was so vivid.
Thanks Val. It was a very interesting and unique book.
Great fandom, Tam. I also really liked Lynn's Common Powers series and I thought her No Good Deed was terrific. I will have to check out Breakfast at Tiffany's. I seem to have missed that one. *Must rectify immediately.*
BTW, you will never defeat Khris. You might as well surrender now. Resistance is futile.
Great letter, Tam. "Edward, Unconditionally" is one of my fave m/m books. Your letter reminded me I've got "Breakfast At Tiffany's" in my TBR pile-- I think I need to bump it up.
I was lucky about a month ago when I read a book by Lynne called Best Vacation that Never Was - I loved it. I just picked up four more the other day. I know my fist venture into the pool was a m/m/m book that started my wonderful journey of finding so many talented authors. I shudder to think of all the wonderful books I would have missed out on if I hadn't taken a chance on something out of the norm for me.
Thanks Kris. Definitely read it. And what, you guys are the Borg of Balderdash? Ha!
Thanks Richelle. I do love Edward's book. Lots of emotion.
Wow Teresa, you really jumped in the deep end of the pool with m/m/m. LOL I too enjoyed The Best Vacation that Never Was. Hope you enjoy her other books as much.
Well crap, I signed in as my kid. Miss Magzz is me. LOL
Wow. I step away from the computer for a few hours, and gauntlets are flying everywhere!!! And Tam forgets who she is! And the borg is back!
Fantastic letter Tam. And Lynn Lorenz is a new-to-me author - sounds like I should check her out!
Thanks Orannia. Hope you give Lynn a try.
Lovely letter, Tam - these are such a wonderful idea (although it took me a while to drag my eyes away from the cute couple at the top).
Lynn Lorenz was a very early find for me also when I first stumbled upon m/m & who could fail to love Edward?
Thanks Juniper. Sorry to have distracted you there (not really LOL).
Edward was a special guy. You just wanted to hug him.
I'm running a bit behind with the fan letters *pants*
Great letter, Tam! I really need to start reading something from Lynn Lorenz! :)
Thanks Janna. Hope you don't wear yourself out blog-hopping. LOL Hope you will give Lynn's work a try.
LOL! I might need a little night rest before I hop on. I def will give her books a try, I always do with the authors you recommend! :)
Fantastic letter! These books sound right up my alley. I'm buying one tonight.:) Thanks for the tip!
Thanks for stopping by Ferishia, hope you enjoy them.
After reading your letter, Tam, I definitely need to read some of Lynn's books. Thanks for the wonderful letter!
Thanks Tracy. Hope you enjoy them.
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