I freaking give up on blogger sometimes. It won't let me schedule posts. Grrrr. So I'm too lazy to delete and repost. It's Monday in Europe, that will have to do.
Duncan's World by TA Chase (120 pages)

Kyle is nearly 21 and follows his bull riding father and older brother on the circuit. He is basically their slave and his Dad beats him regularly. When he meets his father's number one competitor and enemy Duncan who is 17 years older they immediately hook up. After an amazing night with Duncan he stands up to is Dad and prepares to go home to his Mom on the ranch he is attacked and Duncan drives him home to try and get some answers from Kyle's mother. I do like TA's cowboys and these are pretty typical. I understood why Kyle's mother never left her husband (there is a good reason) but she had to know he was beating both her sons and yet she allowed that although it kind of sounds like he didn't do that until recently. Lots of reference made to the age difference which I think was realistic and while they admitted their strong attraction very quickly it wasn't insta-love in the usual sense so I didn't mind. If you like cowboys and the rodeo setting this is a nice read.
Only For Him by Shawn Lane (90 pages)

This is a continuation of the stories that started with Only In His Dreams (not a horse in sight). This is Barnaby the flamingly out secretary at the law firm and dorky law partner Nathan. Barnaby's been crushing on Nathan but figures he doesn't know he's alive. Of course Nathan thinks Barnaby's too popular to notice him. When Nathan is ill Barnaby takes some files over and stays with him. They sort of start a half-assed relationship but the first morning after they sleep together Nathan says it's a mistake and then changes is mind 5 min. later. This is a theme that repeats for Nathan who runs hot and cold. Finally after an incident at a club Nathan breaks it off and then of course changes his mind. Sigh. I loved Barnaby, he wears lip gloss and nail polish and guyliner, but Nathan really needed a kick in the ass, either date him or don't but stop with the push/pull thing. This brings into the mix Barnaby's older very conservative Dr. brother who finds guys like Barnaby too much and mentions that Nathan has a step-brother who's a nurse at the same hospital so I see something coming down the line for them. It's a cute series of inter-related stories so I'll keep an eye out for the next one.
Midnight Dalliance by S.J. Frost (49 pages)

Okay, this is an English riding cowboy story. :-) Dalton is a young British man new to the show jumping circuit in America. He's breaking up with his boyfriend who had abused the horse Dalton bought from him when Kelvin, the star of the tour steps in. He has just retired his horse and offers to ride Dalton's the next day. Dalton has been crushing on Kelvin since he was a teen and takes him up on the offer with a suitable "reward" if Kelvin can win the competition. Dalton doesn't have much money and Kelvin offers for him to bring his horse to his stable and train him there, with benefits. Dalton's not sure since that's how he got mixed up with his ex. I found Dalton went from struck silent by being in the presence of his idol, to offering him sex very blatantly not 20 min. after breaking up with his ex. It just seemed a bit off for me that he'd be so aggressive under the circumstances. The horsey parts were good though.
LOL - maybe you need to read the Horsfall books next, since you're on such a horsey roll here. :D
Already read them. LOL I thought I had the other TA cowboy one but I can't seem to find it. I do have Bittercreek's Redemption but I don't want to overdose here.
I'm thinking about starting A to Z next or maybe Timing. Hmmmm.
It's Monday in Oz too. :)
I thought you were tricking me by including "Only For Him" so I'm super glad that you added your disclaimer about there not being a horse in sight. Phew. So my memory doesn't suck that badly.
Hmmm, these sound interesting. Love your cowboy photo!
I don't think that they even did the obligatory "ride me" sex scene. So no, no horses. Dead cows in the form of steak Kris. Although I suppose you and Barnaby would be eating salad. :-)
He is pretty isn't he Val? Janna had some nice ones that post. I wasn't thrilled with the last one, except for the horsey parts. :-P
Pretty cowboy! You know I have that addiction . . .
I can understand why Kyle's mom didn't leave her husband, but couldn't she have done something to get those boys away from him? You're right--she had to know about the abuse. I wonder if there will ever be a story about Kyle's brother. Wouldn't that be an angsty redemption story?!?!
Ack. I'm not sure I want to see that story Eyre. It would have to be pretty incredible to get me to like it. :-)
Just popping in to say thankyouverymuch for the cowboy pic!
I've got the first two in my TBR and looking forward to reading them soon. The third doesn't grab me though.
Love that sexy cowboy!
I just read a story (in an anthology) where two guys have sex on a horse. Was bit sceptical bout that.
These all sound like good reads. I've a ton of cowboy books in my tbr pile at the moment. I should dig them out.
I am a few books before I get to that Chase book - I do like that author - What I expect is what I get so I am never disappointed..
That Lane book was definately a cute read..
Happy Monday hon... give them hell.
Glad you like him Wren. :-)
The first two are good reads Lily, the third I would assume is appreciated more by fans of the author.
The first of Stormy Glenn's Tri-Omega series has two of the guys having sex on a horse (within min. of meeting and I'm not sure there was any lube involved either LOL). Not sure ow realistic it is, I'd need some anecdotal evidence. ;-)
I agree with you on the Chase books EH. You know what to expect.
I'm not sure I'm quite ready to take on the week. It is POURING rain here this morning, we still haven't found our umbrellas. Sigh. I'd rather climb back into bed. Guess I'll drive my daughter to school so she doesn't arrive soaking wet.
I really want to read Duncan's World by T.A. Chase.
I haven't read any books by Shawn Lane must put author on my 'try out' list.
Duncan's World is a good read. I enjoy Shawn's work. They tend to be light pleasant reads, at least the ones I've tried so far. Worth trying out for sure.
Thanks for linking me :) I'm amazed that you remembered that you got it from my site - I'm good at stealing cookies but always forget where I got them from, lol!
The first two books are on my to-buy list, I like both authors! The third I've read a while ago and I liked it, but I agree with you about the sudden, blatant offer :)
Hard to forget such smokin' cowboys Janna. LOL
It just seemed out of character for me in the last book. It wasn't awful for sure, but not something I'd tell people "Oh, you must go get this." The other two are definitely worth a read.
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