Mist Gray: Falling Apart, Falling Together by Andy Slayde and Ali Wilde (140 pages)
Torquere Books

The locals at his cabin tell Ten (Tennyson) that his neighbor's BF died a year ago, but he has no time to be feeling sorry for someone and taking care of them. Avery his still mourning is dom's death and their good friend and fellow dom gives him some discipline from time to time, but he's in a long term relationship as well. Cameron encourages him to invite Ten for dinner. Ten is a bit freaked, he's not very social and he really doesn't want to get involved, however he's drawn. That night they get funky, but when he realized Avery is into the whole BDSM thing he says, sorry, not my thing. However when Avery breaks his ankle and needs someone to stay with him Ten moves in and can't seem to keep his hands off and starts to open up to maybe doing SOME stuff. I liked how Ten was reluctant because of BDSM and he didn't understand it but he didn't just arbitrarily say no either. It's squeaks a bit close to the insta-love line, but due to the slightly paranormal aspect (was Avery's lover still around), I let it go. :-) On the whole I quite enjoyed it and there is limited BDSM content for those interested. More talk than action.
Baked by Sean Michael (350 pages)
Torquere Books

This is a Hammer book. I've never read anything in this universe (except for maybe some shorts in anthologies) but it was twincest. What can I say, pervy to the end. It's actually about two sets of twins, but not together. There are two parallel stories. Clay has twin brother Devin and Darius who crashed his truck and basically make him insane. He's known that dom Bake has been eyeing them so figures a good punishment will be to let him have a go at them. Bean is Bake's twin, but they aren't sexually involved and neither Bean nor Clay are into the BDSM scene. The two stories run along with Dev and Dare adjusting to life with Bake and Clay and Bean falling in love. There is some jealousy on Bake's part and later there is a kidnapping and recovery that stresses the relationships. I was leery about buying this because of the name. Bean? Bake? seriously? Ugh. Most of the time I was able to ignore it. It has a hint of Braided, the twin dynamic was similar although as it went on I found it less so. There is tons of trademark SM sex, not as much as I expected to be honest, but enough that I skimmed a few of the scenes that I didn't really feel added much. The BDSM is super light and consists of a couple of spankings and one interlude with a flogger. For fans of SM it will be an enjoyable read, I'm not sure it really had much to do with the Hammer universe although a couple of names are tossed in as other characters from other books I presume. After the opening scene they never go back there. Forgot to add I am TOTALLY into the font on these books though. Lurv it.
Into the Tigers Den by Misa Izanaki (35 pages)
Torquere Books

This is a follow-up to Ride the Tiger. Evan is living with his brother Dante and is in love with his were-tiger lover Varian but Dante is making him insane trying to run his life. He wants to move in with Varian but Dante is reluctant to agree. Varian invites him to go and visit his parents with him at their hotel and he sneaks out rather than tell Dante. When they get there it is obvious Varian and his Dad have issues. As well Dante has come chasing after Evan. The relaxing vacation with is lover is a bit of a bust and both Evan and Varian are going to have to deal with their family conflict up front. It was okay but I always feel like I just wanted more. I wanted to know why Varian's Dad was so upset with him (a couple of sentences explains the whole thing), more talking between Dante and Evan about Dante's behaviour. Anyway, I just always feel like it's a little taste (which it is, it's a sip after all) but I just want MORE, more meat, more depth.
Ok, I'll definitely be picking up Mist Gray, but I still say NO NO NO to twincest. :)
And I'm glad to hear that your stomach is doing better!!
If you ever decide to take a foray into twincest this is not the book I'd recommend. It's okay but certainly not the best one I've read. I think Gemini is still my fave. Definitely not for everyone though. Hope you enjoy Mist Gray.
I just finished Mist Gray yesterday. Very nice overall. Baked is on my Reader for later this week. I couldn't help myself, I love SM! :)
Glad to hear you're feeling better. Happy Sunday
Thanks Lily. There are a few inconsistencies in Baked that I just had to kind of not think about too much, but it's classic SM and as I said, it wasn't quite the non-stop sex fiesta that I expected. LOL Although there is plenty to be sure.
I'm reading Baked in stages. I'll read 30-50 pages and then have a break from the sex and read another book, lol! I'm enjoying it tho, more than I have some of SM other books, so that must be a good sign.
I managed to blow through it in a day Jen. I just can't do the stop start thing very well. This sounds awful but it had more of a story than I expected. LOL However for anyone avoiding it because they've never read any of the Hammer books, it really doesn't matter since as I said, after the opening scene, it's a non-issue.
Glad you are feeling better..
I like first one - it's the bdsm thing that calls to me...
I am a Hammer series fan... I LOVE THOSE books...
Thanks for the intro...
I like the sound of the first one, but you know how I feel about ectoplasmic cum...
They aren't very graphic EH, neither of them, but the vibe is there. I was suprised there wasn't more Hammer connection with the twins, but since you like the books you may recognize some of the names that are thrown out.
No no Kris, no ectoplasmic cum, it's all totally human, it's just little mysterious things that hit at the supernatural, nothing too obvious.
That's a relief. :)
BTW, Chris called you a prize hog because of your winnings at the goodreads group. I thought you should know.
*rolls eyes at Kris*
If you believe that's what really happened, Tam, I can forward you the email. *ahem*
Guilty as charged. :-D I love me some swag.
Tam would so believe me over your so-called proof, Chris.
That being the email in which you called me a prize hog?
Um, can I plead the 5th or something here?
Have you forgotten you're Canadian?
*whispers* See! I don't know what you've done to her, Tam, but be careful!
Then I'm claiming diplomatic immunity.
Ms Kris apparently woke up on the trouble-making side of the bed this morning. ;p
It's Monday here so you all need to suffer too. :p
"Pervy to the end" is by far the best line I've ever read in a review! Now I have something to aspire to. Aside from a DIK, that is. :-D
Kris, how do you feel about ectoplasmic cum? I must've missed that particular rant...uh, I mean soberly thought-out intellectual opinion worthy of a Supreme Court justice.
Now I have something to aspire to.
You just have to start writing some hardcore kink and it'll happen for you. :-)
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