Priority One by Stephani Hecht (70 pages)
eXtasy Books

Dylan is a 20 year old EMT, (Lucas of Lights and Sirens brother). He's been dying to try out a club so he takes Lucas' ID and heads out. There he runs into hot firefighter Kaleb who's set his sights on him. Kaleb doesn't do relationships, ever. He takes him home and Dylan is a virgin no more. Then Kaleb totally freaks when after sex Dylan shakes his hand, thanks him and leaves. That's HIS role. While on a job Dylan cuts himself and when he sees the blood it brings up some issues he never even told Lucas about and he faints. This leads to an interesting exchange with the bitch nurse from hell, but I'm not sure she's redeemable. We'll see I guess. LOL Despite both Dylan and Kaleb's assertions they had no interest in a relationships, oops, fell into one. Another cute sweet story set in this universe. I would have loved to see more of Kaleb and Dylan after they finally admitted their feelings but it was still a nice read.
Her Two Dads by Ariel Tachna (184 pages)
Dreamspinner Press

Sri agreed to donate his sperm to his friend. When she dies in childbirth, he's faced with giving the baby up for adoption or keeping her. His one roommate Jamie agrees to help him out when Sri keeps her as Jamie had experience with younger siblings. Eventually Jamie gets totally hooked on little Sophie and her Dad and FINALLY the two guys hook up and try to make it work with some bumps in the road. Jamie is Mexican and Sri is Indian and there's lots of description of food as well. If you know anyone who is considering having a baby, this is like a how-to manual. I did enjoy that Jamie and Sri took time to get to know each other better (roommates for 3 years so it's not like they were strangers) although after awhile I was like "come on, just sleep together already" but Jamie kept saying wait wait wait. I also got a bit bored with the level of detail about baby stuff. I guess because I've BTDT, and have no interest in doing it again. I don't really care about car seat options and swings vs bouncy seats. So I found myself a bit impatient at times as well get on with the story of the two guys and not how much stuff they had to buy at Babies R Us. There's not a huge amount of conflict and their interactions with the baby were sweet, but I kind of lost a bit of interest and just kind of wanted to cut to the chase at time.
Fortune's Choice by Stevie Woods (44 pages)
Torquere Books

Keith inherits his aunt's house in his small hometown. He goes back to decide if he wants to pull up stakes in LA and move home (writer) or sell. He starts thinking about his best friend Dale and how he had a crush on him. He goes to buy a Christmas tree and runs into Dale. They reconnect and very quickly Dale tells him he's gay and always had a crush on him. Keith reciprocates and well ... you know how it goes pretty quickly. It was a nice story about reconnecting but I think within two days Dale agreed to move in with him, and they declared their undying love. They hadn't seen each other in ten years and while they shared a bit of their history my thought was "You have no clue if you even like this guy. 28 is NOT 18." But if you don't mind that kind of dynamic it's a well written story.
Work of Art by Rob Knight (28 pages)
Torquere Books

Wade is a very popular well-selling artist. However he hates to be touched, doesn't like people and hates openings and loves Corn Flakes. His boyfriend Sawyer manages to entice him to go but he gets stressed and after they leave Sawyer decides he's going to ask Wade to move in with him even though he knows Wade may not feel comfortable or agree. It was interesting because it's obvious that Wade suffers from some sort of disability, autism I suppose, but at a highly functioning level, but does odd things such as wanting to start fresh so Sawyer finds everything he owns piled into the kitchen and bathroom even his bed, couch, etc. But Sawyer loved him and knew how to work things around what he needed to be comfortable. So it was quite different from most romances, but it was a sweet story and I admired Sawyer's patience. I don't think I'd have the same.
I enjoyed Priority One, but I did want just a little bit more about them after they got together, too.
I haven't read the others, although Her Two Dads is on my reader.
My Two Dad's is sweet but I found myself losing interest when the focus of the story stayed too much on childcare and not enough on the relationship between the two men. But different strokes.
I have to say I liked the last one because the one character was so different. He wasn't the perfect hunky guy (well, he was hunky, but not perfect) that usually populate m/m and I find those stories rather intriguing.
I've got Priority One on my reader and totally agree with you on My Two Dads. It could be serve as a manual for new parents. :)
It was like a public service announcement. They needed that book "What to Expect the First Year". That thing was my Bible. LOL
I think you'll like Priority One Lily, it's a quick read but enjoyable.
That's why I didn't want to read My Two Dads. I knew it would be all about looking after a baby and after having 4 myself, I wasn't really interested in re-visiting that, lol!
Is this Stephani Hecht the 3rd in the Lights and Sirens series? I liked the first 2 and have been waiting for the third to hit ARe. Sounds good anyway.
BTW your hottie's arse isn't as nice as Brent's. A bit too flat for my liking. I like something more rounded that you can really get to grips with :).
I was the same Jen. However if someone's got baby lust I think it would be really up their alley.
Yes, that's the third one. After Matt's story.
You are the fussiest woman when it comes to arses. But really, it's difficult to live up to Brent's divine creation. :-) I'll keep trying.
I thought I'd share this with you guys. I just ate a Weight Watches pizza for lunch. This is what it looked like:
after cooking in my microwave per instructions
The picture on the bos
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA Yeah right. Tastes like a piece of chewy cardboard with some crappy cheese on it. I'd be disappointed if I was on WW and just ate 7 points.
Thanks so much for the review of Priority One. I promise there will be more about Lucas, Dylan, Kaleb and Matt, as they will be having a combined Holiday story coming out in December. The brothers have a lot of issues to take care of and what better time is there to do it then at a family holiday get-together?
Oh, so glad to hear Stephani. Because really, there's nothing like a knock down drag out fight over the turkey and stuffing. :-) I'll be eagerly awaiting their next edition.
Work of Art and Priority One sound very good. Adding to the list. :)
They were both good but quite different in feel Tracy. Hope you enjoy them.
I enjoyed Priority One and Her Two Dads; however I understand how the latter could wear on someone who has firsthand experience with all the baby stuff.
It's probably like most things, when you are a bit too close it's less interesting than things you know nothing about. I think it was accurate though, sometimes it seems a bit glossed over and this certainly spelled it all out.
"but it was a sweet story and I admired Sawyer's patience. I don't think I'd have the same."
Well, you're gonna have to find some for living with me in SF. Just warning you.
That's only five days hon, I'm not asking you to move in with me forever. I can fake it for a short while. ;-)
Cool sum up hon..
Tachna book was a bit meh for me... not read Hecht book yet..
Need to read the other two first....
Maybe it's because you have kids too EH. LOL The novelty wears thin after a few all-nighters with a screamer. :-)
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