So I am finally getting a chance to go through the pictures from the weekend and post some more updates beyond Vegemite tasting. We did do more although it was probably hard to top that.
Friday we arrived in the lovely East
Islip (pronounced like "ice" although not spelled even close) and I had to cross a big bridge. I HATE big bridges. I'm sure in another life I plunged off one to my death and then some of us went out for dinner. Me, Michelle, Craig,
FDot, Michelle's husband Harry and my daughter (the two photographers) had an enormous Italian meal that left us all waddling out to the cars. Fun times though.

So Saturday was the big
Puntabulous Pool Party. What does one do at a
PPP you ask, besides taste Vegemite? Well, I've posted some of the fun activities below:

First you admire the gorgeous yard that Craig's Dad maintains. It's really beautiful and lush and picture perfect.

You compare tattoos. Mine is just a baby compared to
Vuboq's that he got for his birthday this year. It's very beautiful.

You tell stories about how big the
Puntabuschlong REALLY is. This is similar to telling fish stories I think as I've yet to see photographic evidence of the fact.

You make memories with friends that will last forever. (While looking half drunk.)

You get attacked by hat-wearing vampires. Oh wait, that was a kiss.
Sheesh, the reaction made me fear for our lives for a moment. But I suppose him being in the sun should have been a giveaway.

Money exchanges hands. What?
Umm. Okay, that's between Craig and
Vuboq and we'll just mind our own business people. Move on. Nothing to see here.

At a
PPP there are hugs, tons and tons of wonderful warm hugs. One of the best parts.

There is bonding with a young lady who was more or less forced to tag along and made to feel very special. And corrupt her a little bit too. *Gives Adam the evil eye* ;-) Everyone was so nice to her and I have to say kept the innuendo down to a minimum when she was around, which was all the time. She had a blast.

You spend the time being so freaking adorable it's not funny. You just want to squeeze them all and take them home with you.

You pose with the silly hula girl and boy and laugh at
everyone's pictures.

You watch Harry in red, and David in blue dazzle us with their mad diving

You practice your modeling strut for the next season in NYC.

You hover near the drink table so as to be close to the alcohol while the amazing gardener now mans the grill and whips up some burgers and dogs (even some veggie ones -

You talk and talk and talk in the shade with everyone you can find. You plan the next
Puntabulous party with talk of cruises or all-inclusive resorts. I can't wait.

And finally you all bunch together for the mandatory group photo in the dark. Unfortunately Josh wasn't feeling well so he wasn't with us, but he's in other pictures. I'll
photoshop him in later, the ubiquitous floating head somewhere.
So as you can see we had a blast, I got to know so many "friends" that much better that day and really it was the best.
Sunday a few of us were still around so we went to Fire Island. It's a small mostly gay beach resort off the coast of Long Island. You take a ferry over and it takes about 15 min. to walk across the island. There are lots of restaurants (where we went) and little shops and the beach was gorgeous. Sand worthy of the Caribbean. We didn't plan on swimming but .... Sigh. Nathan decided to go in wearing his short and Kristen was "just going to go into her knees". You can see it got a little higher than the knees so I ran to the store to buy shorts and a towel and when I came back, you can see her and Nathan chatting out in the ocean. So back to buy a t-shirt. They said the water was really great, it was much warmer than Cape Cod, that's for sure.
The beach was technically clothing optional, but the only one exercising their option was the 80 year old butt you see going into the water.
LOL I swear my kid will need therapy. There was some nice eye candy though, but there were also people of all ages, families, dogs, a few young kids and generally just people out enjoying the sun and the sand. It's really beautiful there though, and we had a fun lunch with everyone and enjoyed the windy ferry ride home. Then we had to mostly say good-bye except for a few of us who stayed over. It was very sad, even sadder that night when I said my final farewells to
Polt and Nathan and Craig and
FDot as that was truly the end of our
Puntabulous super weekend. We are now in NYC complaining of sore feet, but having some success in the shopping arena. Tomorrow we'll see if we can get tickets to a show.
Can't wait for the next time.
Yet another cute pic of me and Enrico! And what happens between me and VUBOQ stays between me and VUBOQ ;-)
Great post Tam! Really great pics. I especially like the one depicting the puntabuschlong.
Great pix, Tam!! And great post!
The party was *so* much fun, as was the excursion to Fire Island. I loved meeting everybody.
It was lovely meeting you and Kristen and I hope you have a lovely time in New York. Good luck with your tix!
How amusing. The word verification for the last post was "punfool". Clearly this was a mis-spelling for "fun pool" :-)
Oh, Tam, it looks like it was So. Much. Fun! And also? You are the best mom ever. :)
It was nice to meet you too Justin. Hopefully we'll get something for tomorrow but if not we'll be okay with that too.
Hope your car is okay, read you have "issues" on the way home. Cool word veri.
*sigh* *sniff*
It was fun Chris. Best Mom ever? Mmmm. Not sure. We have our moments though. As I said on Fire Island, money is meant to be spent. I seem to be fairly good at it too. ;-\
Awwww. We missed you Mel.
The beach was so nice, I had to ask myself, why am I not doing this every Saturday?
So I think I will go this weekend, I'll send you some eye candy pics.
Thanks for sharing your great vacation pictures. It looks like you all had a fabulous time!
Oooooh definitely Paul. It was a great beach all around. Too often we don't take advantage of that which is right at our front door.
I did Lily. It's been a great trip.
You guys are so damn cute Craig.
I wasn't sure if he was exaggerating or underestimating to make the other guests feel less intimidated. ;-)
(I notice that FDot is in the background of the puntabuschlong pic, too ... there's something very eerie about it -- when I finally get around to posting my pix I'll have to see if he only shows up in backgrounds there too :-)
Oh, y'all are too cute! Chris is right. You are the best mom ever. Kristen will definitely have the best vacation stories to tell her friends.
Guess he's just a background kind of guy Justin.
Thanks Eyre, she seems to be enjoying herself so far.
I believe they pronounce it "EYE-slip", but whatever, like that matters. There was indeed sweet eye candy at the beach...and at the pool party too, let's not forget. :)
Paul, you can CC those pics you'll take to me as well. :)
Great review of the weekend, Tam! It was indeed a hoot of a time, and it was tough saying goodbye as well.
Soooo, who'd planning the Puntabucruise then? :)
Phonetics are your friend. Someone needs to tell people that down here. :-)
Mmmm. Puntabucruise. Sounds lovely, but we all have to save our pennies.
Thanks for the pics. And yes, I do live off of Josh's blood. And veggie burgers.
Ewwwww. Veggie burgers David? Have some pride. :-P Josh's blood tastes like cotton candy I'm sure.
Careful, Polt, with the pronunciation correction. You don't want Adam to make you a Poltpedia facebook profile pic ;-)
Great photo-narrative, Tam!
@Polt - Sure, or perhaps I'll just blog them, and it is pronounced Eye-slip,don't ask my why, but I can tell you that there are 4 other Islips besides East
Harry said "It's pronounced Eye-slip. Eye-slip, You-slip, We-All-Slipp for Ice Cream!"
Teehee....gotta love Harry.
Thanks Val.
Well, I'm just calling it Craig and Paul's town. Get rid of that pesky pronunciation thingy.
Yes - Harry was very amused with his Eye-slip rhyme. I think he must have repeated it 30 times (as well as his bellyflop). Sigh.
Great pictures Tam. And you are the best mom ever. Loved how Kristen went swimming in her clothes. What a great memory!
Thanks Michelle. Glad you guys made it home safe and sound. I miss everyone already.
Excellent Tam.... So much fun...
It was so much fun EH. Hopefully we can do it again someday.
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