I was working on my post for Wave about going around the world and decided to make my first stop the non-traditional m/m stop of Tony and Henry and Lee from Tanya Huff's Smoke series. I LOVE LOVE LOVE those books and have re-read them many times and Tony and Henry were one of the first m/m couples I read. It's very non-explicit, but I just loved them.
So I'm googling for a picture of the book cover and I come across a short article that says they are going to make it into a TV series. Squeeee. Oh my god. Henry (Blood Ties was already a Canadian TV show) and Tony. *swoon*
So I start reading:
1) Henry moves to Vancouver (check, but where the hell is Tony? He and Tony were lovers and moved together)
2) Henry helps a friend get a job on the set of a vampire TV show. (Okay, Henry didn't help Tony get the job, but he financed Tony's college and then he got the job - whatever.)
3) She finds out she's a wizard and chaos and mayhem ensue. (WHAT THE FUCK? SHE? Since when did Tony turn into a girl? No fucking way! They are making her a girl so they don't have to deal with the fact that Tony and Henry were lovers (who later split up but remained friends when Tony outgrew the relationship) and that Tony had a massive crush on straight actor (straight as a paperclip maybe) Lee and the dancing around of that relationship for 2.5 books while Tony fought off demons and ghosts.)
I was just so freaking furious I left a message on the site saying "Bullshit". Now there's be a nice girl to flirt with Lee and be "friends" with Henry. Even the vampire in the TV show is turned into a hot babe instead of the pompous ass he was in the books.
It just pisses me off that they feel the original was good enough to make into a TV series, but not good enough to leave as is. I left a message for the author basically saying "What the fuck were you thinking to allow this?". But hey, we all have to make a living and she's no JK Rowling I suppose, who can demand mega-bucks and hold out for her vision. They're her characters, her call, but I just get sooooo angry when I see that kind of hacking to make it more "palatable" to the general public.
Sigh. Rant over but I will NOT be watching the show on principle. I just can't endorse something that so perverts an absolutely amazing original in the name of blandness. I can't recommend the books highly enough though, so if you like urban fantasy (but with out the kickass chick in high heels and a belly shirt), with a good dose of humour and sexual tension, give them a try.

*trying to keep head from 'sploding*
WTF?! Well, that's a tv series I won't bother with. I loved those books!
I've not read the books, but I can see why you're pissed off. I would be too.
In fact I am, just because it's crappy that the TV people felt they had to do this.
Thanks for letting me rant. LOL
The author actually responded to me. She said that the people who would like to produce the show are hoping to capitalize on the audience of Blood Ties therefore they only want Henry to bring back the audience (short sighted). She had hoped that Tony's story would be picked up by an LGBT network but no luck so far. She also said don't hold your breath, they don't have financing yet but since they have the rights she doesn't have much say.
She also made some comments about things she would change in the book, that there were too many men (is such a thing possible?) but on the whole she was very nice in answering all my concerns about what was happening and trying to explain to me how it all works with TV rights and blah blah blah. Very complicated.
So I won't get in a snit too soon, but I likely won't watch it if they do manage to produce it simply because it's too far off from the original. If they'd just taken Henry and the chick from the other show and made a new show with them fine, but to use Tony's story-line just seems wrong to me. Hence the reason I rarely go to movies made from books I loved. :-)
I seriously hate shit like this. It makes me so angry.
I'm also thinking of getting a shirt which says 'you call it rant like it's a bad thing'.
Me too Kris. I was just livid. Maybe the whole thing will bomb with no financing and it will be a non-issue but I hate that they didn't even think the new idea was a good one. Why not just write new story lines for the old character then? You don't have to steal another character's life. Grrr.
That totally sucks!!!
I've not read the books but it's so sad that they have to change a good storyline just to avoid the 'gay'-phobic idiots out there. :(
I think it was also laziness. Rather than have to hire writers to give old characters a new story, they just suck them from an existing book. But too often I think "oh that would make a great movie" when I read a book and I just know NO ONE would make it with two guys. Or they'd just be buddies not lovers.
Although the Donald Strachey mysteries have been made into movies (made for TV maybe) that I've seen on some of our cable channels up here.
well you go, girlfriend! Also, make you stop shopping at Target for their anti-gay donations! ROCK ON! :)
Some times you just have to rage against the man Polt. LOL
Luckily we don't have Target up here so it's not really an issue but I've read about it. *shakes head* Companies need to stick to selling cheap shit and making money and stay out of politics.
I've never read the books either, but I'm ranting right beside you, Tam. Hell, I start freaking out when I discover that actors playing gay characters are actually straight. So turning a gay character into a typical (I assume) urban fantasy-type heroine does NOT sit well with me.
I'd also be writing outraged letters to the producers.
She told me who the heroine would be, kind of a klutsy goth type who I did love in the other show, but I loved her as Corinne, the admin assistant, not faux Tony. We'll see what happens. The author said there's no financing and it's Canadian so who knows, it might all fall apart. In a way I hope so although that seems kind of mean. :-)
Oh that is SO WRONG!!! I'm with you - What the hell was the author thinking to allow that? Did she just sell the rights and say fuck it? Bad, bad, bad!!
You have every right to rant, imho and I'll be right beside you.
I might even read the books too. lol
I forget how she described it but I guess they have the rights to the character of Henry but not Tony so they can do that. I just don't like them stealing his story. Make up a new story. There are a gazillion aspiring urban fantasy writers, I'm sure they can come up with story lines for a vampire and wizard.
Ah well, I'm secretly hoping the deal falls through. LOL They are great books though, one of my faves for sure. They should be at your library since they are more mainstream urban fantasy unlike most m/m books.
I haven't read these books, but I'll join in on a boycott of the series just for you Tam!
Thanks Eyre. LOL Maybe it won't be necessary, but you should try the books. :-)
I just can't endorse something that so perverts an absolutely amazing original in the name of blandness...
Good for you..
What a disappointment for you and I am sure other Huff fans ....
Waht does this say about the author herself as she would have OK the script before this even became a rumour...
One of the reasons I hate book to film/series adaptation... this is bad!!!
She claims that normally authors don't get consulted at all. So maybe it's only the big names who merit some kind of consultation, otherwise once you take the money they can do what they want. I'd like to think I would tell them to take their money and shove it knowing that but ... Who knows?
I was giggling about just leaving the word bullshit on a comment board. They won't even know what you're mad about!
Oh, I ranted beyond that. I also wasn't alone in my rant. It wasn't the company board though and they likely don't give a damn. Sigh. We're just the little people. :-)
She claims that normally authors don't get consulted at all
Is that the cop out she is going with... as I said before sad!!!!!
I loved the books. I reread them every couple years, in fact. And I don't actually have TV, but if I did, I wouldn't watch what the show sounds like it's going to be (assuming it ever happens).
Actually, Tanya Huff has a good point about television/film rights. And authors really don't usually get consulted, unless they're popular enough (and have a skilled enoug attorney to manage it), to ask for and receive refusal rights.
I don't know if anyone else remembers this, but back when Anne Rice sold the film rights to Interview with the Vampire, she didn't have casting approval and she went rather ballistic when it was announced that Tom Cruise would be playing Lestat. She took out a full-page (from what I recall) ad in Variety which expressed her extreme displeasure, but that was all she could do. The situations are likely fairly similar.
It sucks, but there it is.
Fortunately, there's nothing keeping us from pretending the prospective series doesn't exist. I'm planning to go on as usual and reread the books whenever I like. *hee*
And for the record, Tony and Lee? Yum!
I love those books too Tis. I've never been involved in the entertainment industry but I know they can be ruthless in doing what they think will bring in money, I guess that's their job. But you're right, IF it ever happens, we can simply pretend it's not and go on imagining Lee and Tony. :-)
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