No, I'm not talking about me. I'm ALWAYS nice. Who you ask then? Who? (Whom?) Kris, that evil elf of the South Pole. She has insisted, twisted my arm, cajoled and blackmailed (okay, she asked in passing and I said yes, but that's not the point) me into doing a pick your own Christmas story at her site. Sigh. I'm such a freaking marshmallow. There better be diamond earrings in my stocking this year.
Anyway, stop by and make some choices for me if you haven't already, and PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE avoid the secret baby GFY story-line. It's a SHORT story, not a freaking novel. Small ideas people, small ideas. Just click on Jack below.
Have fun. :-)
Very awesome! I will head over now. :)
And in the Christmas spirit, I've got a Christmas Contest going on at my place too!
Can you imagine what your choices would be if she didn't like you?! O.O
I'm looking forward to this one, Tam! I did indeed make my choices the other night, and I took care to avoid the secret baby storyline (eek, sounded too complicated!).
*makes note to send Tam diamond earrings*
I'm heading over there right now! :)
But, what do you mean I can't pick the "secret baby GFY storyline"??!!?? It sounds great! Off to Kris' right now! :)
"Can you imagine what your choices would be if she didn't like you?! O.O"
True that. *snicker*
You're all evil, evil I tell you (especially if you picked that baby). I hope you get coal in your stockings. *pout*
Except Janna who gets something nice ... after the earrings arrive.
I feel your pain hon...
That evil Kris - she just suck you right into her schemes...
I dont think she can help it though... she thrive on things like this!!!!
Three words: Candy Cane Cockring!!!!!
Evil?? *ponders* Evil... *nods*
Thanks EH. They say what doesn't kill you makes you stronger, or some such rubbish. :-)
Mmm. Yes, minty licking.
Evil to the bone. Sigh. Your Mumma must be so proud.
Good luck. I'm just itching to read this one.
I think I'm going to need a rather large dose of luck here Stephani. Come on, secret baby GFY? That's just perverse.
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