Isn't it Friday yet? Sigh. What a long week. Someone asked me when the next holiday for us was today and I said "May 24". She's like "Seriously? That long? Really?" Ummm. Yeah, sorry. A month. Ugh. Oh well, spring has arrived back in Canada and I have to say it looks really beautiful out, as I am in. *shrug* I haven't been reading all that much, a few things here and there but here's the last couple.
Jude in Chains by KZ Snow (125 pages)

Misha has decided to go undercover at one of the gay reprogramming camps to do a magazine article. When he arrives he runs into Jude with whom he’d had a close encounter a couple of years ago. He’s determined that Jude won’t get sucked into the program and lose himself. It’s an exposé of his time at the centre, the kind of things they do and a few of the people he meets. It’s also him spending a fair bit of time with Jude both getting to know him and trying to convince him that being gay is not a horrible thing. Okay, people who know me are aware that I have serious issues with religious intolerance in my books (a couple of DNF in there) and I was worried about this. I luvs me some KZ Snow, but I know that not all themes are for all people. Now comes the big BUT, whew, I really enjoyed this and while the owners/leaders of this retreat are intolerant, they aren’t as bad as some stories I’ve heard *shudder* and it’s not page after page of spewed hatred. I smiled often, there are some genuinely humerous moments and I felt a bit sad sometimes too for the men who so desperately wanted to be "normal". Misha’s statement to Jude "I just wish you loved who you are as much as I do." pretty much says it all. If only everyone could feel that kind of self-acceptance the world would be a kinder place. So for others like me who are thinking "Ewwww religious fundies, run, run fast!" the focus is not so much on that but on inner acceptance and exploration. I’m glad I took a chance.
Man Down by Stephani Hecht (76 pages)

Jessie is a young twinky paramedic student who meets Randal, an older more experienced paramedic who has just started working for their city again. Randal is immediately attracted (as is Jessie) but Jessie is so not his type. Randal likes em bigger and bulkier and more fly by night. Jessie is an incorrigible flirt though and is up for a good time with no strings, he’s focused on getting his life on track and it’s obvious something bad happened to him in the past but he won’t discuss it with Randal. During a training session Jessie freaks and finally has to tell Randal about his past and he’s sure that Randal will reject him once he knows. This has a bit of the characters from Running Hot which was nice to see and there is a fair bit of humour (I really like Matt, too bad he’s straight. GFY Stephani?). It’s a nice story of an older guy/younger guy getting over a bad past.
Jude in Chains by KZ Snow (125 pages)

Misha has decided to go undercover at one of the gay reprogramming camps to do a magazine article. When he arrives he runs into Jude with whom he’d had a close encounter a couple of years ago. He’s determined that Jude won’t get sucked into the program and lose himself. It’s an exposé of his time at the centre, the kind of things they do and a few of the people he meets. It’s also him spending a fair bit of time with Jude both getting to know him and trying to convince him that being gay is not a horrible thing. Okay, people who know me are aware that I have serious issues with religious intolerance in my books (a couple of DNF in there) and I was worried about this. I luvs me some KZ Snow, but I know that not all themes are for all people. Now comes the big BUT, whew, I really enjoyed this and while the owners/leaders of this retreat are intolerant, they aren’t as bad as some stories I’ve heard *shudder* and it’s not page after page of spewed hatred. I smiled often, there are some genuinely humerous moments and I felt a bit sad sometimes too for the men who so desperately wanted to be "normal". Misha’s statement to Jude "I just wish you loved who you are as much as I do." pretty much says it all. If only everyone could feel that kind of self-acceptance the world would be a kinder place. So for others like me who are thinking "Ewwww religious fundies, run, run fast!" the focus is not so much on that but on inner acceptance and exploration. I’m glad I took a chance.
Man Down by Stephani Hecht (76 pages)

Jessie is a young twinky paramedic student who meets Randal, an older more experienced paramedic who has just started working for their city again. Randal is immediately attracted (as is Jessie) but Jessie is so not his type. Randal likes em bigger and bulkier and more fly by night. Jessie is an incorrigible flirt though and is up for a good time with no strings, he’s focused on getting his life on track and it’s obvious something bad happened to him in the past but he won’t discuss it with Randal. During a training session Jessie freaks and finally has to tell Randal about his past and he’s sure that Randal will reject him once he knows. This has a bit of the characters from Running Hot which was nice to see and there is a fair bit of humour (I really like Matt, too bad he’s straight. GFY Stephani?). It’s a nice story of an older guy/younger guy getting over a bad past.
BDSFerret by Celia Kyle (16 pages)

Okay, Chris found this and I got so intrigued I had to read it. It's billed as comedy/parody and it has a pretty cute cover for Changeling Press. Mika is a were-ferret who decides on Christmas Eve he needs to get laid and he needs someone dominant to do it. Even though he lives in a town of prairie dogs and he's a ferret, which is a predator, he's much more of a sub. So he goes to the local gay bar where he hooks up with very dominant prairie dog and bar owner Owen. It's just the one night covered in the book. Was it comedy/parody? Well there were some cute moments, I liked Mika, he's kind of your usual flighty nervous sub type and yes, were-ferrets and were-prairie dogs are kind of funny. It's not rolling on the floor funny but it's cute and all in all an okay read for something different. However $3 for 16 pages ain't cheap, luckily I had a credit sitting at Changeling so it didn't really hurt that much.

Okay, Chris found this and I got so intrigued I had to read it. It's billed as comedy/parody and it has a pretty cute cover for Changeling Press. Mika is a were-ferret who decides on Christmas Eve he needs to get laid and he needs someone dominant to do it. Even though he lives in a town of prairie dogs and he's a ferret, which is a predator, he's much more of a sub. So he goes to the local gay bar where he hooks up with very dominant prairie dog and bar owner Owen. It's just the one night covered in the book. Was it comedy/parody? Well there were some cute moments, I liked Mika, he's kind of your usual flighty nervous sub type and yes, were-ferrets and were-prairie dogs are kind of funny. It's not rolling on the floor funny but it's cute and all in all an okay read for something different. However $3 for 16 pages ain't cheap, luckily I had a credit sitting at Changeling so it didn't really hurt that much.
I've just invested in some KZ Snow books - I am hoping to enjoy them just like you guys have..
Still waiting on Hecht next shifter book...
Ferret and prairie dogs - why does Chris involvement not surprise..
Another day hon and it will be Friday - Hang in there..
I know EH, Chris leads me astray all the time. It's all her fault. ;-)
Hope you enjoy KZ's books, she's really an excellent author.
Hey! Wait a minute...
Oh! The fridge delivery truck just pulled up!
Yeah, Chris is some kind of...influence!
Jude in Chains was excellent!
Chris - is this a weekly delivery kind of thing?
I read Man Down a few days ago. Cute story, I liked it.
KZ's book is on my TBB. I really like her writing but I'm a bit wary of the theme. Sounds though like I'd enjoy it. I'll have to check it out.
Just loaded the ferret/prairie dog story on Baby to read over the weekend.
@Chris... YAY for the arrival of the new fridge!!
Mmmm. Cold beer, or wine, or vodka or whatever at Chris' house this weekend. Enjoy your new fridge. I swear I petted mine everytime I walked by it when I first got it.
See, I knew Chris had the power to influence me. Glad you confirmed it Wren. :-) I fear for SF.
You are probably wary for a similar reason I was Lily but it's not what I feared. It's really a very good story with lots of self-examination rather than external condemnation (although of course that is part of it - but not overkill).
*chitter, chitter* Enjoy the ferret story. LOL
Hey Tam, how come your blog pops up on my google reader with a post about those free reads Chris led you to, but the link is not working and I don't see the post here?
Sorry for that really long sentence.
Because I was trying to post it for Saturday and *bleeping* blogger kept ignoring my "schedule" instructions and posting it. So I deleted it and will fix it later.
Sorry, ignore that. You'll have to wait till Saturday for my scoop on the freebies I read. Tomorrow's angel day. :-)
Long on sentences are a skill, truly.
Lily: No, no, last week I was just worrying about whether the fridge would arrive before the old one died!
Tam: My influence is much more powerful and nefarious in person. *bwa-ha-ha*
Wren: :p
Tam - too late, I read it on Reader.
Chris - it is hard to imagine you being even MORE nefarious!
Aw crap. I'm in trouble. And so is San Francisco.
Well don't comment Wren. Come back Saturday. LOL
San Francisco will never know what hit it.
I'm glad you liked Man Down, Tam. Hmmm...I'll have to really think about your suggestion with Matt.
I really did enjoy it Stephani and I'd be your BIGGEST fan if you turned Matt to the dark side. He must be curious by now. Or is it bi-curious. I'm so funny. :-P
Um, I was wondering the same thing about Matt when I finished Man Down...
We're terrible, Tam.
Ha! She has to do it now. Two of us vote for GFY. It's a done deal I believe when two fans vote for something. :-) That's what I've heard anyway.
And when it's three there's no question it must be done.
Umm, can I suggest that Lucas convert Matt to the gay side. Just saying. Cause really, I like them both. ;)
That's what I thought the next book was going to be!! I was absolutely convinced when I was done with Man Down...
Well, clearly, I have to read Man Down.
Oh, excellent call Lily. Yep, see Stephani, we've got it all worked out for you. You just start writing honey and we'll be waiting. We won't tap our feet too loudly so as not to disturb you ... much.
Have you read the first one Running Hot Wren? Do them togeter.
No, I haven't. So...yes, ma'am!
I'm glad you took a chance on JiC, Tam. Thank you! I did try not to be too heavy-handed with the theme, but I also tried not to diminish its importance.
A Dom prairie dog and sub ferret? Really?
:-D :-D :-D
You didn't KZ. I think it could have tipped over into showing just how awful some of those programs can be but I'm sure they aren't all Naziesque boot camps. You got the point across in a gentler way which worked well for me.
Oh yeah. *chitter* *chitter*
LOL! I leave you guys alone for one afternoon while I do the whole RT thing and you cook up my next book for me. What am I going to do with you three?
Put us on retainer? ;)
Well, I don't want KZ to feel left out, I'd love to see some more of Ash and Samuel.
Well take a share of the royalties if it all works out Stephani. :-D
What am I going to do with you three?
Make us happy and write the story. That seems like a good answer to your question.
I vote Matt turns bicurious too, Stephani. :) That's 4 ayes.
Well, that's that then. She as no choice. :-D
Hmmm Man Down was really nice :D
So are you jumping on the "Make Matt GFY" bandwagon Larissa? The more the merrier. Right Stephani? :-P
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