So I have managed to read a couple of things but thanks to traveling all day then working and finally getting something to eat at 8:30, I'm not really up to typing it up tonight. Probably tomorrow as I plan on staying in and relaxing and watching Glee. I have a super hotel room, whirlpool tub, fireplace, poofy bed and gigantic TV (that I haven't turned on). I just have to figure out how to set the alarm. Anyway, to entertain y'all, I'm stealing this idea from my friend
Polt. Pick your favourite number between 1 and 10. :-)










I heard rumours that you had a rose on your pillow. Hmph.
Told you she had a hot tub, Chris. She's such a braggart.
Living the life, I say.
Ooh swanky! I bet my hotel on Friday night isn't as posh - especially as it's a Holiday Inn :(.
Wow, the more the merrier, eh? For me, two is still the most perfect number. Perhaps it's the romantic in me :).
I did have a rose on the pillow. Very posh. :-D
This is an adorable little tourist town but because we are here out of tourist season I'm not sure I'll get to see much. I checked one shop last night and it said they close at 4:00. Huh?
No internet all day in meetings though. That's sad. Have a great day.
Two I thought was the sexiest, but how can one deny 7, 8, 9, or even 10 skantily clad men huddled together for a photo?
Oh, I'm so conflicted. I think I'll just take one of each photo. That's, what...55 guys? Yeah, that's about what I can handle. :)
55? I salute your efforts to keep them all happy. :-)
I'm so jealous. I want a hot tub and a yellow rose. :D
Well #2 isn't really my favorite number but I love the picture.
Have a great day!
You're mean! Making me choose between all those gorgeous men. It just can't be done. It can't! :)
Glad your room is wonderful!
A rose on the pillow? Sure. :)
I like pics #1 and #2 but actually 8 is my lucky number. Now I can't choose...
You guys are having such trouble choosing. Maybe you need to try one each day for 10 days then have a few days of rest and think it over before you make a final choice. :-)
Honest Janna. I'm not sure what I'm supposed to do with it. It's in my water bottle now. I guess leave it for the maid. It's not like I can take it on the plane. It would probably be considered a weapon these days.
Good plan, the 10 days try! :)
Lol about the lethal rose.
Maybe you should use it to seduce a man in the hotel's bar or something ;)
2 is my lucky number but i pick 10! I don't have to keep them ALL happy, because the most definitely swing both ways... ;)
Hope you are having fun out and about!
I'm here without about 100 Mexican guys Janna. Not sure any are seduction worthy though. :-) Maybe one, he had a very nice butt. Not that I was looking or anything. *bats eye lashes innocently*.
Ah, you won't get tired out that way Miranda, they can keep themselves amused.
Not much chance to get out but I think at 5:00 when we finish up and see if I can head downtown before all the shops close.
LOL! One is enough. To start with ;) You go girl! *g*
I think the maid is in love with me. Yesterday I got a yellow rose for friendship, tonight I got a red one and we all know what THAT means. :-) They look lovely in my classy plastic water bottle.
Is the maid male? :)
Such deliciousness!
Hope you're having a great time, Tam!
Nope Chris. Girl crush. ;-)
I've met some nice people Eyre. I'm not very good in social situations wit strangers, introvert than I am but I really enjoyed my lunch discussion as we talked about everything from Rio Carnivale to the Canadian position on climate change.
I see the natives are all up in your business over here - As long as the place is not a hell hole, and you can strech out and have a long bath - then enjoy...
As for your men - Can I have them all, it's not fair to have to choose one, what will happen to the onces that get tossed back..
I did have a lovely whirlpool bath the first night. Very nice but takes forever to fill those large tubs. :-)
Polt might be willing to share one of the 55 guys. I know he's talented but that might be even overstretching is own abilities. :-)
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