I then took a quick wander downtown. Well, in a town of 15,000 "downtown" is relative. LOL Everything closes at 5:00. I ended up getting a couple of things at the Christmas shop (I need more Christmas decorations like a hole in the head but I adore those shops) and got a small ceramic kitten and got my daughter a Pittsburgh hockey themed item as she is a fan. I also got her some banana flavoured peanut butter so she can always have peanut butter and banana sandwiches without the banana. :-) I really don't feel like going out so as I passed a grocery store I picked up some fruit and snacks and I can just relax in. We had such a nice lunch I'm not really in the mood or another big meal. Beautiful day here, too bad we were inside all day.
So tomorrow we head back to the airport at 3:30. I'm hoping I can move my flight up otherwise I'm stuck wit a 3+ our wait. On with the reading.
Sea of Sin by India Harper (50 pages)

Every year, closeted cop Chris goes on a gay cruise and fucks as many young guys as he can in 7 days. The first day he meets is next door neighbor Kieran who had no clue he was signing up for a floating orgy and is also older like Chris. He's not interested in the twinks but finds Chris' indulgence amusing. He indicates he might be up for something with Chris but keeps putting him off until Chris is so crazy to know what it will be like he gives up on the young guys and they end up in Kieran's cabin for three days with dick rash. At the end Chris wants to stay in touch but Kieran won't even tell him were he lives or his name as he says they both have careers neither is going to give up. They make some vague promise about Christmas in Cancun. I liked it up until the ending. Seriously, you don't even know the guy's last name and you want to meet in Cancun. Do you have any clue how BIG that city is? I don't need a HEA, HFN works but this wasn't even that and yet it hinted at more than erotica. I was left distinctly unsatisfied and would have preferred to read about Chris fucking everything that moved and in multiples of 4 and then going home. I wouldn't have felt kind of ripped off which I did.
Pinky Swear by Lynn Lorenz (113 pages)

Lane and Matt have been best friends forever, always swearing allegiance with pinky swear. Eventually Matt's dad beats him up yet again and kicks him out for being gay, Lane's family takes him in and raises him. Although Lane knows Matt is gay he doesn't tell him until at university and never reveals he's in love. At university they are room mates where Matt is a total slut, which kills Lane but finally 3 days before Matt is leaving for California for a job, he gets drunk and they have sex. He wakes up to find Matt gone and feels used and dumped like one of the myriad of men that passed through their apartment. Lane moves to New Orleans and 5 years later it's Katrina time. His elderly landlord refuses to leave so he stays with him. In the aftermath, Lane's newspaper sends him to NO to cover the story and he tries to find Lane and get him supplies. After Lane punches him (yay Lane) they talk and Lane finds out why Matt ran. Anytime someone makes another person feel like a cheap piece of crap it breaks my heart. I'll admit I shed a little tear for how badly Lane felt when Matt ran. You figured out why, but I still felt badly. Lane's landlord, an old queen was a riot and offered some good insight to Lane, I liked him a lot and I liked Matt too and you're happy they got their HEA, but I was also happy he got punched in the face. LOL Sometimes a guy just needs a punch in the head. I liked how the story followed their friendship from about age 12, showing how the relationship changed and the descriptions of NO post-Katrina were vivid and heart wrenching. All in all another great read from Lynn. Oh I won this, two Lynn Lorenz in a row. Hope she has another one coming soon, I'm on a roll. :-)
The Guilty Verdict Vol. 1 by Katsura Izumi (250 pages)

Toya is an editor for a publishing company and gets to be the editor for his idol, mystery writer Hodaka. His company is in financial trouble so they want him to pressure Hodaka to write another book sooner. Hodaka refuses until he comes up with a proposal, if Toya can beat him at pool, he'll write a chapter, if he loses he gets his body. (Has anyone told new editor JenB is this how it works?) Of course, engaged "straight" Toya is clueless until Hodaka ... ummm, has his way with him. He continues in this vein claiming it's for work so doesn't count although eventually he starts to go to Hodaka for sex voluntarily. He's treated like crap and after nearly having a breakdown withdraws as the editor. Eventually he determines the reason Hodaka treats him like crap is because he's socially retarded so he confesses his love and Hodaka confesses his ... like? There is a book 2 and 3. Did I like it? It was alright but Hodaka was a giant dick, but then Toya was your typical clueless straight guy. What did you think "use your body" meant? To do laundry? And the whole Japanese mindset of "must perform at work no matter what" gets a bit annoying. I would have told my boss what Hodaka was pulling and sued him or sexual harassment. LOL But I suppose then I would have missed out on twu wuv. It shall begin it's world tour with vol. 2 and 3 to follow.
That Lynn Lorenz book sounds great, Tam. I must pick that one up. I like her stuff generally but never seem to get around to reading it.
With Sea of Sin, I think at the end they were planning on meeting up at the next gay cruise trip by this company which was to Cancun. That's how I read it, anyway.
Ah, okay, gay cruise. Still, it left me feeling kind of meh. Either get together or just have fun but it seemed like Chris wanted more and wasn't going to get it. Maybe there'll be a sequel when he does.
I do like Lynn and this one was good.
To me, it felt like Sea of Sin was simply a set up for the next book in the series. Since that annoys me, especially since this short felt incomplete, I think I'll be skipping that one...
Pinky Swear sounds good. I really like Lynn's writing. Must get that one.
I am so glad I never got Sea of Change. I would not have been happy with that one. And no Yaoi for me. :)
Glad to hear you've been having some fun 'off work' times.
I agree Chris maybe it's a set-up but I was left feeling perturbed at the end. I didn't like either character enough I don't think.
Well, this morning is making up for any fun I had yesterday Lily. Ugh. Boring. And I had a HORRIBLE sleep, woke up with a headache, sore back and cramp in my leg. LOL I've cut out of the blah blah blah and have to check out of my room, so last chance to get on-line until much later tonight. Sigh.
A town of 15,000 has a Christmas shop? I'm envious! I so love those places -- although I, too, am already drowning in Christmas decorations. I only buy vintage pieces or unusual blown-glass ornaments. Nothing from China, though. Uh-uh. It's all crap.
It's a tourist town near Niagara Falls, hence the Christmas shop. I LOVE "real" glass ornaments. I wandered around and 90% of the ones that look glass are really high grade plastic. Bah. The one I got is real ceramic, probably from China but I don't have anything like it.
Ugh - I can sympathize about the sleep! I hope sleeping in your own bed tonight helps.
Hi Tam. My sympathies for you to be traveling on little sleep and aches and pains.
Christmas shops are lots of fun, and I agree with you about the crappy stuff.
Just bought Lynn's book!
Arrgghh. There is free internet down here but no freaking bars for my phone. LOL I am going to try and phone and see if I can get my flight moved up an hour. Worth a try.
Hope you enjoy Lynn's story Wren.
Good luck with the flight. Hope you feel better. :)
I have some time to kill since our group is finished before lunch. I FINALLY got a hold of someone (how can and airline have a busy signal on their toll free number?) and it would cost me nearly $250 to change my ticket by one hour. Riiiight. I'm sure my boss would approve that. *eye roll* I could take a taxi the whole way for that practically. So I will be reading at the airport and hoping that everyone leaves me alone. Ipod here I come. :-)
Good luck with the flight! It's always good to get home. And great reviews! I think the Lynn Lorenz one is the winner here, and the yaoi thing would drive me completely nuts!
15,000 people is bigger than where I live. You'll see if you get down here this year. :) Glad you're having a good time!
The Lynn Lorenz book sounds good, the other two I'll skip.
Have a good flight!
It's awesome that your workplace is so open like that, Tam.
Thanks Val and Janna, the flight was okay but waiting at the airport for 4 hours not so much. Luckily everyone went their separate ways so I didn't have to hang out and be social.
But do you have a Christmas store Polt? Oh wait, you have Waynesburger. Better. :-)
Sometimes I'm proud of us Kris, even if we are a government. ;-)
Cool workplace Tam - I am sure the staff appreciate it..
All the bed at your meeting...
Love the sound of Pinky Swear - Sounds fun.. I think I have that Yaoi book, must go search..
The bed was great although I woke up with a sore back the second day. Not sure what's up with that. Old age perhaps.
Hope you enjoy Pinky Swear if you get it.
omg I needed a good laugh this morning Tam. Thank you. I'm sure that wasn't your intention but I just love your comments in your blurbs!
Seriously, you don't even know the guy's last name and you want to meet in Cancun. Do you have any clue how BIG that city is?
Sometimes a guy just needs a punch in the head.
And this
What did you think "use your body" meant? To do laundry?
Cracked me up!
Glad I could brighten your morning Tracy. Have a good weekend.
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