So it is a holiday for everyone in Canada. Well, most people. Stores and offices are closed, there may be some stuff open down in the tourist core, but out here in the burbs most stuff is shut up tight. My daughter is at her Dad's until I pick her up tomorrow so I am enjoying a day just for me. It's supposed to be really warm here today and tomorrow, in the high 20's C/nearly 80F so I might force myself to shower and get dressed and go outside. Or I could just open my new patio door. :-) Government and schools also get Monday off so a nice 4 day break for me. I think we'll hit the movie Clash of the Titans and then we'll see what else appeals.
Anyway, catching up on some reading. Chris, the evil woman gave me the sale code for the Torquere (nofool - which is on until tonight) so I went shopping yesterday. Ooops. I needed that like a hole in the head. But I have to do SOMETHING today right? ;-) I finished these two this week.
More by Sloane Parker (240 pages)

Luke goes to a sex club to have one-nighters only, preferably with two guys. He's hiding from his congressman father who has him followed and threatened him years ago when he found out he was gay. One night at the club he hooks up with Richard who is a bit older and Matthew who is 22. Although he swears once only he breaks all his rules and the next night hooks up with them again. Finally after a couple of times Richard asks them to move in with him. So they all move in and are figuring out a relationship when his father tracks them down and demands he leave them or he'll hurt them, physically and metaphorically. This has gotten lots of great reviews and I didn't dislike it all. I like a menage books and I liked their relationship but it is sex-filled to the max. Not that I mind that generally and there was enough story in between the sex to keep me content, but I'll admit I started skimming over some of the sex scenes at the end because yeah, I get it, they are still hot for each other months later. I found that every crisis they encountered was solved (or soothed) by having sex. I found some of the situations they were in would have made sex the LAST thing on my mind, but not them. It was like they had magical soothing dicks. Everything's all better as long as you have a powerful orgasm. As I said, I did enjoy reading it. I liked Matthew's character a lot, he was probably my favourite, Luke and his paranoia about this seemingly powerful father who had more influence in the country than the President was a tad annoying but on the whole it's better than a couple of menage I've read lately and lots of people really loved it so if you like menage give it a try. I think I would have liked it more if 50 or so pages of sex had been cut and it used more judiciously rather than every single scene ending in sex.
This is the follow-up to Private Dicks, it's Trevor's story. Seems Trevor is hiding from his father (holy shit, I've done the theme thing again and only realized it as I wrote this sentence LOL but at least he's not a politician) and the police find him and put him into witness protection. Peter is chosen for the job and takes him to a run-down house he bought in some small town where they will pretend to be a gay couple fixing it up. They have to hide for 7 months. After a rough start Pete and Trevor hook up and things are going okay until one of their neighbors is murdered. Wash and Roadie from Private Dicks show up for a vacation and they just can't help getting nosy and all of them trying to figure out who killed their neighbor while fixing up the house. This is a great follow-up and I'm glad Trevor got his HEA. For those who loved Wash and Roadie there is lots of them in this book as the main book takes place over about 7 days and they are with them for about 5 of them. It's smoking. Trevor and Peter together are hot, and there is some humour and the neighbors are all wacky and idiosyncratic. It reminded me a bit of an Agatha Christie where everyone has a reason to want the guy dead and they run around talking to everyone under the guise of friendly neighbors trying to figure it out. Of course there is Trevor's gangster father to worry about as well. So this was really a great duo of books. I've never read Katie Allen before these two as I believe they are her first m/m but she should really write more because she's got an engaging style and writes characters you care about and want to see get their HEA.
You and your inadvertent themes, Tam! Ha, ha! These both sound good, especially the first one since I like m/m/m. Enjoy your day off!
sorry to give you repeats of the same comment. Blogger was acting up on me.
LOL Geez guys, make me feel popular. LOL Blogger was freaking out and wouldn't let me upload pics either so I think there was a glitch in the system somewhere.
Chris: I hope that all the good feed back Katie's gotten lately will encourage her to write more.
*lalalalala* I don't hear you.
A lot of people really loved the first one Val, seems Jen and I had a few issues but really it's a good read for those who enjoy m/m/m.
I know, how do I stop that theme thing? LOL (Well shit, I just realized the last two books I read had to do with characters with tails. Sigh. I give up.)
Themes just happen, don't they? Even when you have no intention of reading themes.
Feel free to "really" delete all those extra comments that I just deleted... :D
I missed Lily's comment.
I really did enjoy Hide Out. And sex will distract you from your problems, however it won't make them go away forever. At least it's never worked that way for me. LOL Maybe I just haven't found a dick with strong enough magic.
I'm one of those that loved More ;) Guess I'm not too bothered by a lot of sex scenes. But maybe it makes a difference that it took me about 3-4 days to read the book... And you do know that sex does solve problems for men, don't you? And not only distract from them, like with us females. I have this male around the house who's living proof of that, lol!
Matthew was my favorite character as well, he was really cute!
The first Katie Allen book I recently purchased after I read about it at Chris's blog. And this one sounds really good too.
Nice reviews. :)
Enjoy the Easter break!
Ah yes, the male perspective on sex as a cure-all. Perhaps that was where I went wrong. LOL Maybe reading it over a period of time is the answer, you don't get so burned out.
I've been very impressed with the Katie Allen stuff. She's very good.
Hi Tam
I'm very glad that you like Katie Allen's book Hide Out. She's a terrific writer and it's too bad that her backlist is M/F. She told me that she's half way into another M/M so I'm looking forward to that.
So far I think the only person who doesn't like More is Jen. Maybe she's been reading too many M/M/M books :)
Jen and I shared a lot of common issues with More. I certainly didn't dislike it, but it's not the best I'd read and I got a bit bored with all the sex. Still better than some.
I'll be looking for Katie's next book.
I love More - but I agree with you - a good 50-60 pages could have been scrapped from this book...
I did like the Trio though alot - a group of three can work with the right combination...
Hide Out - I think that vouyeur scenes made that entire book for me... Love it... Good follow up I thought..
I agree EH, they were a good combo, just maybe a bit more editing would have helped it for me.
OMG, that scene was so freaking hot. *fans self*
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