So we made it to Montreal. We left home before 11:00 which was my goal so
woohoo. Fast trip, dry roads, sort of sunny. Good times. Even made it to the hotel easily where I am paying enough to feed a family of 4 for the week for the honour of parking in downtown Montreal. Ugh.
This is the view from our hotel room. The Basilica of something or other. The backside. This should be the city of churches. You can't swing a cat without hitting one.

See? Not 1.5 blocks from the hotel the St. Patrick Cathedral. Since it is St. Patrick's Day (or was), I felt compelled to take the picture.

We walked down to China Town. Much smaller than San Francisco obviously but we had some lunch and checked out some shops and bought some small soup/cereal bowls because I only have one left.

Then we wandered through Old Montreal which is full of streets like this. See those cobblestones? Bitches will kill your feet. Very quaint, tons of artsy stores, tourist stores full of crap, restaurants, etc. We finally made it to the port and went to the
Imax movie about surfing in Tahiti. Ugh. I need to go to Tahiti, blue water, sunshine, white sand, ripped Tahitian dancers in loin cloths, shirtless surfers with six packs.
Umm. Yeah. Definitely need to head to Tahiti. It was really cool though although as someone who grew up near the geographic centre of North America, water freaks me out.

We went to a Christmas store and ... best ornament ever. A merman with a six pack. I did not buy him but we did take a picture.

Then we found the cupcake shop and for St. Paddy's day they had green red velvet cake. We had to try it. It was yummy. The other was chocolate mint. The icing was way too minty for me. I can only imagine how much food colouring we ingested.

Then we saw these guys trying to rip off the tourists. I have no idea how much it costs. Probably about $60 for a half hour. But that was a pretty fancy pink carriage.

Our feet were sore so we grabbed a cab back to the hotel and then around 8:00 found a restaurant nearby. Tomorrow is shopping as my daughter wants to hit some of the stores here that we don't have at home. Then back home around 4:00.
It's supposed to rain tomorrow, or it was, but we'll be inside mostly so I don't care. Today was nice to be out walking. Have a great Friday/weekend.
So is there generally a lot of cat-swinging in Montreal? It sounds like you're having a good time; enjoy the rest of it!
I can't believe you didn't buy that ornament!
Sounds like a great first day. :)
oh my god! Mark collects mermen!! I need to find that ornament!!
If I'd known I would have gotten it for you. There were actually about three of them. Just google Mermen Christmas Ornaments. More than you ever though possible. :-)
It was kind of big Chris and really doesn't match my tree. LOL
So, did you miss the Bali store with all the carved wooden cocks in the front window? Because that would most definitely warrant a photo. And maybe a purchase.
Oh my, we must have missed that one Mel. :-)
Sounds like a great time! I know how it feels to pay that ridiculous amounts for parking, I've done so in New Orleans (dont ever do that again) and NY (had to take out a loan).
I can't believe you didn't get the merman though! We should all have some sort of nod to naked chests at christmas.
Have a great day tomorrow and rest the feet.
Thanks for sharing the pics! Sounds like you guys had a fun time. Hope the second day is just as great! :)
Swinging cats? Not so much.
Every time I see anything about Montreal, I think of this Gino Vannelli song.
Sounds like you're having a fabbo time :).
Thanks Kassa. Yeah, the parking is outrageous but what can you do? If that ornament hadn't been so large (at least 6 in) I might have gotten it but to spent over $20 on something that I found amusing but didn't call my name seemed rather silly.
We had a good time Lily but I'm even more tired today. Shopping is not my thing.
A Gino, with all that hair. :-) Montreal is a great city, parking prices notwithstanding.
We had fun Jen. The cats are happy to have us home.
Tam: We found them for lots less on Amaazon, so all is not lost! :)
Glad you had fun, Tam! It's great that you and your daughter take these little trips.
Thanks Eyre. We had a good time.
Now I want to visit Canada (even more). That ornament is great. We had minty cupcakes on St. Pat's, too! They were from the grocery store, though. Yummy and gross (mint frosting) at the same time.
You really should Michelle. You're always welcome to come visit. I like chocolate mint but it was REALLY strong. The green (red?) velvet was much better. I think it was $8 for 2 cupcakes. Ack!
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