I have been totally in a reading slump. I'm blaming Jen because she told me she was in a slump and it's like H1N1, it spreads and now I've got it. I'm in re-read mode.
Not much happening at home although my kid's life is getting crazy. Thanks to musical practice 4 afternoons a week plus all day Saturday plus history projects that involve carving WWI trenches into $30 pieces of floral foam.
Ack! One more week and she's off for spring break. We were talking about going to Chicago but it's too cold. So guess I won't take the week off, I'll save up my days, she'll spend some time with her Dad and she suggested we go to Montreal for the day so that will be good. Would love spring to come and visit, but I'm not holding my breath.
So since I've not really read anything new except a short or two, you get some little update posts to amuse you. Or not. Whatever.

The GLBT Bookshelf is having their
rummage sale again. I got some really good books there for a great price last time and all the money goes to support the site, so stop on by and see if you can get a deal on something by an author you love or maybe a new-to-you author.

Jen and I are planning a Fortnight of British m/m Authors on Brief Encounters for the last two weeks of the month. Each day we profile a different British author and review one of their
short stories. We'll have some book give-aways as well so once we get closer I'll post more info and I hope everyone will stop by and say "cheerio" to our British guests.

Registration for readers is open for the
GayRomLit event in New Orleans in October. There is a limit of 300 registrants but it's not full yet. It's $100 US for everything except the lunches and dinners I assume (since that's not on the registration) and also doesn't include your alcohol consumption. :-) Lots of us are going, me,
Tracy (I hope) and probably lots more. Looks like a great opportunity for those who can swing it in October and hey, gay bar pub crawl, possibly with strippers. Bonus. Not that I'm into that.

I think KB posted this on Twitter. She found a new m/m review site.
Man Oh Man Reviews. I don't know any of the people who are listed as reviewers, Kerri,
Markie and Max, but the more the merrier I say. They also review m/m/f so this might be of special interest to some readers who do enjoy a little girl in their manly action. Anyway, it's worth checking out some additional opinions on m/m books. They seem pretty new, so hopefully they'll pick up some more followers.
That's all I got for today. Oh and 2 cookies. Just enough for a taste with your tea (or coffee or cola or water or margarita).

Oh my, I sure to like a little F in my M M sandwich. And the October conference looks hot!
Thanks for sharing.
I have been in re-read mode for about a month now and not anything heavy either - mostly floss..
Is New Orleans ready for you guys.... Lots of pics please... (I am making my request early)
Looking forward to your Brit author events...
You should come Mrianda. It's going to be a blast.
I'm thinking we should have matching jackets EH like the Pink Ladies. We can just blow into town, cause some mayhem, and then leave. LOL We'll have lots of pics for sure.
It is totally not my fault :P!
Want to go to NO! I am hoping to go to the day for UK readers and authors of m/m on the 23rd July in Milton Keynes, so I may have to content myself with that. Although Milton Keynes is far, far less exciting and exotic than NO :).
The British fortnight is going to be great. I'm really looking forward to profiling the authors some of which surprised me by being British when I thought they were from the USA. It just goes to show how clueless I am.
I wish you could come too Jen, but I know it's difficult with family responsibilities and it's FAARR for you. However it will be cool to meet some of the British authors who won't be in New Orleans. Kristen suggested we get a cardboard cut-out of you and carry it around with us and take pictures of you and various authors.
She also suggested moving in with you and commuting to Manchester ... until I mentioned 6 year old twins. LOL She's changed her mind.
Some authors manage to write "American" so well that it is hard to figure out if they are British, even though I love when there are just enough hints to let me know a story is not taking place in Nowhereville America.
Thanks for the heads up about the newish review site. They gave Stormy Glenn a D, which I find promising. :D
Oh, we'll definitely have to do something to include Jen, even if she's far away!
I haven't had a chance to check it out yet. I saw they did Talker as well so I figured I'd check and see if we both think the same things are good. :-)
Hahaha reading slump ey, I'm in overdrive. So many books to read. i can't seem to stop and it's costing me sleep!
Owh hell you have no idea how much I want to go to New Orleans, but it's gonna be that or Australia... damn.
Sometimes I'm like that, can't read enough, other times just no motivation. While I'd love if you could come to New Orleans, if I was you, I'd choose Australia too.
Sorry you have the blahs. I totally empathize. Also, thanks for the link to the new site. I'll have to check it out.
Yeah. Blahs are kind of sucking. Ah well, life goes on.
I've been in a total BLAH funk for a while now. I have been reading (otherwise I'd have gone off my rocker by now) but have been in hibernation mode as far as the blog world. I just couldn't find the energy to write a review or blog hop. Missed everyone though so I cracked open Google Reader again today. LOL
Thanks for the links but most especially for the second pic. OMG... so freaking sexy!!
I know the feeling Lily. Sometimes everything seems like too much effort.
Maybe he'll inspire you. :-)
Lately, I've really been changing things up when it comes to my reading. I just finished a nonfiction book about Carthusian monks (fascinating stuff, seriously) and next I'll be diving into The Forest of Hands and Teeth by Carrie Ryan, my first YA novel. (Hell, how could I resist that title?)
So Tam, maybe you should read a history of the Crimean War or something. :)
Umm. No KZ. However I have read 3 books since my slump hit so maybe I'm back in the game. That is a cool title.
I blame you (and Jen) for passing the reading blahs on. I may go re-read JCP as Chris is doing.
Glad your slump is over! I may just go on a cookie binge.
Sometimes rereads work for me. Well, always. I can relax my brain because I know how the story goes and then I'm ready to tackle something new. Oh and cookies? Cookies make everything better. :-)
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