I went to two author panels with author's I read which were very fun. They are very small and intimate which is nice. Kris managed to win a ticket to get her book signed by the HUGE guest of honour. She only signed 200 books so out of the thousands of people she was very lucky to meet her.
What about all those rich and famous authors I mentioned? Did I get to schmooze, lick their boots, carry their bags? Almost. I did get to schmooze, but no one let me carry their bags, I think they were scared I'd run off with them. Not that I didn't have enough of my own to carry. My shoulder was killing me. So who did I meet and what are they REALLY like? BWAHAHAHAHA, the truth shall be revealed (in no particular order).
- Clare London - We are sandwich soul mates, no mayo, no mustard, why must everyone put mayo on everything with bread? Funny funny lady.
- Andrew Gray - A man with energy to spare, very very funny and spoiled rotten by his husband who serves him dinner on a tray while he works. I really need to get one of those. Great hugger.
- Mary Calmes - Super lady, very funny and the type of person you'd just love to hang out with.
- Marie Sexton - Beautiful and can make horizontal stripes look freaking hot.
- Amy Lane - A fun woman who can knit and talk at the same time. Just like you'd imagine her based on her on-line personality, a fellow Mom of a teenage girl.
- Belinda McBride - Looks far too young to have a daughter who is a chef. It was fun to find someone who knows all the foodie stuff.
- ZA Maxfield - Funny, friendly, just a terrific person, making everyone feel comfortable and at ease, and amazingly even knew who the hell I was.
- Ginn Hale - I covet that woman's hair. GORGEOUS! She's tiny and a bundle of energy. Super friendly.
- Astrid Amara - Another one with great hair. Is there a rule that Blind Eye Books only takes on authors with great hair? Another funny lady who was so nice.
- TC Blue - We laughed, I was a goof, I offered to have her autograph my boob since she didn't have any books there. But we found a post card instead. I think she was relieved.
- Tessa Cardenas - Gorgeous lady, so young, well, she looked young. :-) Sweet woman.
- Lynn Flewelling - I didn't get much chance to talk with Lynn but I was in a panel with her and she was so gracious to her fans from the previous panel, she patiently signed all their books and was friendly and open.
- Felicitas Ivey - We didn't spent much time talking, but I was in the panel she was on and she was very funny and straightforward and a great speaker.
- Ariel Tachna - I didn't get much chance to talk to her but she is another tiny young one who had on the most amazing Indian inspired outfit with jingly bells.
- Nicole Kimberling - I didn't get a chance to really talk with her but she was working at the Blind Eye booth.
- Nikki Bennett - Again, I saw her but we didn't chat.
- EM Lynley - Another author I saw but did not get a chance to talk with.
It's hard to believe that before this Con, as I told Marie Sexton, the only author I'd met was Robert Munsch. Yes, it's true. I'm on m/m author glut at the moment and loving every minute of it.
So after all that fun, we came home, ordered pizza as my daughter walked up hill after hill after hill and her shins were killing her. LOL While I was out schmoozing (fawning), the sister of a friend took her out sightseeing yesterday. She got to see the SF State University where she attends, they walked ON the Golden Gate Bridge, found an amazing cupcake place and she had an amazing day.
Then about 10:30, Jen, Kristen and I got our costumes (or a sort) on and headed out to Rocky Horror Picture Show. We could NOT get a freaking cab. We phoned 5 cab companies and they either didn't answer or we got "circuit is busy". WTF? So we walked down to a main street and flagged a cab. Three of my friends bailed but we easily sold those tickets to waiting people. The show was great fun, they act it out and had costume contests and other competitions before it started. There were some great costumes but I have to say I saw some better Frank'nfurter costumes in Ottawa last year. There was a Sean of the Dead who was a dead ringer for Sean. He won. But we had great fun, dancing and yelling along.
Then came trying to catch a cab home. First one guy asked where we were going (and it was only a $10-$15 ride) wouldn't even stop for us when we told him. FINALLY someone stopped and when we told him where he refused to go. He would not move the cab until we got out. I was soooo pissed I kicked the cab as he left. After I thought maybe not so smart as I might have had a free ride in a police car. FINALLY someone picked us up. I gave him a $5 tip on a $10 cab ride. We are really close to the Castro so it's not like those other cabs couldn't have gotten a gazillion fares right by our house. I'm still annoyed by it. We got home at 3:00. Ugh. Oh well, that's what vacations are for.
Tonight Kristen and Kris are going to go Trick or Treating, we'll put our pumpkin out on the step too. I'm meeting a friend for lunch and we're going to so a bit more shopping around and just checking out the city today, then taking it easy tonight and tomorrow we're off to the airport. All too soon. It has been so great spending time my blogger friends, we all got along, no strife considering everyone is existing on less than optimal sleep, but we're having a great time and I'm so glad we made this happen.
Happy Halloween everyone.
It was such a great day!
I chatted quite a bit with EM Lynley who was just so lovely. We talked about the difficulties of getting your books out there for review amongst other things.
I was a total fan girl for ZAM and was trying to play it all cool, but failed miserably when I had to do the 'I just love your books' gushing thing :).
Rocky Horror was just...well...an experience :). The taxi thing was a pain though. Inconsiderate buggers.
Gushing is to be expected Jen. :-) I think we were all doing it a bit.
And yes, an experience for sure. A birthday to remember for you. LOL Those cabbies were jerks.
Who's who in the picture? You all look fabu!
How I wish I could be there with you all. *sniff*
The pic is me - my kidlet - Jen. :-) We are having a blast although I'm sure we're all going to sleep for a week (a month for Kris) when this is over.
Tam I knew you would be the one to give us the true picture..
I am so freaking jealous of you meeting all those wonderful author... They all sound lovely..
Glad the kidlet had a blast while you wild women where being fan girls...
Lovely pic - hope you have more of those costumes to share with us...
They were all great EH. You couldn't ask for nicer people. I do have a few more costumes I'll have to post.
Looks like you had a wonderful time - thanks for sharing!
We are having a great time Patti.
*sigh* Man oh man...abundant funniness, books, dressed-up boys, awe-inspiring hair, and Tam kicking a cab. The trip would've been worth it for that last bit alone. *g*
Thanks for the lively reports. You get a basket of gold stars!
Wow! This sounds like so much fun! Meeting all those authors is great. To be honest I thought the authors there would all be unknown to me, with mysterious Asian names, but it's nothing like that.
It's so much fun reading your posts! Thanks for sharing Tam. :)
How cool you got to meet so many m/m authors!
Glad you guys are having a great time. Thanks for posting pics! Y'all look great in your costumes!
That sounds terrific, Tam! So much fun. I'm glad you got the chance to go to the con.
Ichigo is working some abs in that photo. I know someone who is going to be thrilled with the color of you wig.
Fabulous costumes! Once again, I'm jealous of all the fun you ladies are having. :)
How did that woman keep from popping out?!?! Some things do need more coverage.
Sorry about the sucky cabbies.
I kind of regretted that kick KZ as I did it, but at the time I was so ticked off. LOL
There were only a couple of Asian authors from the yaoi genre there as special guests Janna. I don't think many of them travel to shows in America be cause they don't speak English.
He had been dedicated in the gym John. :-) Ah yes, purple.
There were others that were even more risque on the bosom front Eyre, but they all managed to keep themselves intact when it counted. I suppose double sided tape was invented for some purpose. :-)
It's been a fun time Wren although I think a lack of sleep is catching up with the kid today. Not exactly a bright sunshiny disposition to fit the weather.
omg I left so early this morning I didn't get to hear the whole cab story! That's hilarious. Ok, it probably wasn't at the time but it's funny AFTER you're home and have gotten sleep. lol
Yaoi-con was so much fun and I loved meeting all of the authors. You're right. They're all hilarious and more than willing to talk - they were great.
Can't wait to hear more of the antics. Now, you all aren't having too much fun without me, right? ;)
LOL, those look ready to pop out any minute! It's a wonder they didn't. :)
Sounds like you are having a blast. I'm soooo jealous... meeting all those great authors, you are so lucky!!
I've been to a couple of Rocky Horror shows, they're super fun although it's been a while.
The cabbies sound like total jerks!!!!
Loved the pic but again... where's the rest of the gang hiding?
Today was crabby kid day and the other three walking 8 miles until they nearly died. LOL Kristen and Kris got some good swag out trick or treating tonight.
We are having fun Lily. It would be great if you could have joined us. You would have loved all the authors. The cab driver did deserve a kick, wish I could have kicked him.
We didn't even get the mandatory group picture and some are more shy than others. :-)
Swag was good. So was sending the kid up enormous flights of stairs time and time again. I could be evil though. :)
Hey, I spanked a cabbie too! He had a load of French tourists and quoted them $100 to take them just a couple miles. Then he graciously offered his cab to me, Zam and Cherise. In the end, he took the youngsters to their destination for $10 and wasn't too happy with me. LOL!
It was great to meet you, Tam! Such a fun weekend!
wow! You guys had awesometastic fun!
Ha, she's young, she'll recover faster than us Kris. :-)
OMG Belinda! What an ass. Yay you for helping them out. He tried to tell us his meter was broken last night, but when I said I knew it was a $15 ride that's when he kicked us out. Grrrr. Still ticks me off. :-) Luckily the rest of the day was amazing. Hope you have a good grip home.
Dang. Now I just need to write a post with a link to this post and I'm done with my vacation post. :)
It's been a lot of fun... although my legs may not work when I wake up in the morning...
We are having a great time Jase. I'm sorry to leave tomorrow.
I think you will be moving slowly tomorrow Chris, but have amazing calves. :-)
Kristen looks so cute! And I love your wig - so Polt. Glad you're having a good time : ).
Happy Halloween!
Thanks Michelle, We're having lots of fun.
Thanks Miranda.
Tam-- "Is there a rule that Blind Eye Books only takes on authors with great hair?"
Nikki-- Yes, I'm afraid. If they have lame hair I make them buy wigs. :) (Actually I, myself was coveting the wigs at the booth next to ours, as my own hair is pretty boring.)
I'm sorry we didn't get to talk this year, but there's always next year!
Ah, you should put that in the submission guidelines Nikki. "Head shot must be included, only amazing hair will be considered". :-)
Hopefully another time we'll get to talk more. It was so busy it was hard to get a chance to chat with everyone. Hope it was a good show for Blind Eye.
Loved meeting all of you guys, Tam. :)
I actually looked for your group later but didn't see you. Likely because you were out of the hotel! *gasps*
Ah, well. I'm glad everyone had fun! *hee*
We actually stayed downtown Tis. We were in an apartment about 9 blocks from the Castro. Ahhhh, the Castro on a Sunday afternoon. Eye-candy delight. :-)
It was so fun to meet you
Yo shout-out to my sandwich soul sister! It was so good to meet you all, the SBI as I call you (Super Bloggers Inc) and at such a fun event :).
Looking forward to next year?! ^_~
sandwich soul sister That would make a great short film Clare. :-)
Hope you survived your trip home and get back to normal life.
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