So we've had one full day in San Francisco and it was a busy one with sore feet and for some even more sore legs. We're having fun and the six of us haven't killed each other yet living in the same house. :-) There are some gorgeous houses here, everything very tall and on hills and many of them in gorgeous condition. Here are some random pics of what we saw since we got here.
Kris and Jen and Kristen have gone to Alcatraz today. I am going shopping later (doing a load of laundry now), then meeting up with them in Chinatown. I think tonight we are going out to
Yaoi Con to meet up with some people for drinks. That's the plan anyway.

A cool house.

There is a little gift store near our apartment and there are three cute pups like this who seem to live there. They like to play chase the ball in the store.

There are several great
Halloweenly decorated in our neighbourhood. This one was might impressive with giant moving spiders.

Some weird building.

A view of the hillside and all of the houses near our place.\

The Castro Theatre and Hot Cookie where
Ally Blue tells me they have macaroons shaped like happy man parts. I'll be stopping in there later this morning.

Some more spooky decorations, and hey, they're going to vote for Wiener. Yum, hot dogs.

The perfect house for
Polt. And it's only about 4 blocks from the Castro. Totally perfect. :-)

The most frightening thing we saw at the Museum of Modern Art. Michael Jackson and Bubbles in ceramic, human sized.

Kristen, me and Jen near some random painting.

A very cool spider statue we think made by the same woman who made the giant spider in Ottawa.

My favourite artist Mondrian.

Squee. Yes, the Mondrian cake. Swoon. Kristen sent me a pic of that a year ago and after I found out it was from San Francisco I was determined I was finding it while I was here. It was totally yummy (and $9). Kristen had the upside-down ice-cream.
It was totally cool Sean, and delicious. Now I can die happy. :-)
That cake is a steal at $9. I still have food-sticker-shock from my $10 cheese sandwich in Vegas.
That was the price of an airport sandwich Jordan. So far I haven't noticed prices too bad, although of course EVERYTHING is expensive at Whole Foods. We had a nice Indian buffet for lunch, all you can eat for $15 each including soda and tip.
That house IS perfect for me, purple, near the Castro, and hopefully walking distance to the "happy man parts" (which has no replaced "naughty bits" as my favorite word for...those thingees!).
Continue to have a great time!
It looks like a fabulous place!
I'll take a piece of that cake, please.
Outstanding, Tam! You're just like my husband -- you like to take photos of buildings! But that ceramic of Michael Jackson and Bubbles in yellow like some kind of frozen lemon meringue sculpture? Whoa ...
Good to see you all are having so much fun Tam.
Funny to see the Halloween decorated houses. Halloween is so not an issue here. It will pass here completely unnoticed.
They do have some beautiful houses in SF. Like Polt, I love the purple one.
The spider is cool but MJ and Bubbles in yellow... umm, not so much!
Loved the pic of you, Jen and Kristen but where are the others?
Yummy cake!!
Have tons more fun!!
Great pics - the houses are beautiful. The hills look very steep. That cake is pretty cool, I would have gasped at the $9 too :)
Looks like a good time, and no one is dead yet!
Your descriptions (random painting, some wierd building) are just awesome :P
I love that there are dogs in the store!
Um. Yeah. I like spiders O_O
I loved SF when I was there. Wished I could've spent more time there, it was awesome. Your pics are gorgeous, thank you for sharing :D
**pssst... chocolate cayenne cookies! For real! They will make your mouth happy happy!**
I'm still scarred after the Bubbles/Michael Jackson experience, but the rest of the museum was really cool and the cake was delicious, despite the cost :).
Jen, *SQUEEEEE!* You look so trim and pretty -- not in the least bit jet-lagged! And Tam is smiling so happily, and Kristen is, as usual, adorable. Oh, how I wish I could be there!
Did you happen to see any Alexander Calder sculptures or mobiles at the museum? I adore his work.
Those houses are so damned pretty, it's a shame they're jammed together like that. Yikes. I don't think a pair decent butts could even fit between them for a quickie. ;-)
That's a pair OF decent butts, although I'd settle for a photo of one.
I, too, love that spider. Sucker belongs right in my front yard. Better yet, on the roof.
You would love the house Polt and would have thighs of steel because it's almost straight up from the Castro to that house. LOL My legs are killing me. Buses are my friend.
It was delicious too Eyre. Even with the price.
It was actually gold Val. Not sure it was real gold but it was metallic. And frightening. LOL
Halloween is very big her Ingrid and we bought our pumpkin carving kit at the hardware store tonight and Kris is going to have her first try at jack'o'lantern carving tonight.
The time we took the pic Kris was at the Asian museum and Chris and Tracy were trudging up the hills to Haight Ashbury. INSANE. We haven't done the mandatory group pic yet.
Not dead yet Wren, although my feet are feeling a bit like they need some life support. SF seems to be a very pet friendly city. There was a cat in one store we were in today in Chinatown.
Well Ally, we didn't get the Chocolate Cayenne cookie, I couldn't resist the chocolate chocolate chunk. Then Kris got her lemon bar which one of her things she had to try in America and we got a few other goodies and giggled at the happy boy parts with coconut hair. :-)
You'll be scarred for life Jen by that statue. :-)
We wish you were here too KZ. Hmmm. Not sure we saw that artist or not. We might have, there were so many it was hard to keep track although some parts of the museum were closed that day except for members. But on the other hand we only paid $5 entry rather $18.
We did see a few more cuties in the Castro tonight but I think it's such a tourist mecca it's full of straight couples and women. LOL
Jen, Tracy, and I got the happy man parts cookie. :) We have photos... and Tracy has video, which is not suitable for the sensitive and/or male..
Very cool pictures! Thanks for sharing. I too like the giant spider sculptures... and that cake! I'm glad it was as good as it looked.
Safe Travels.
Yes, for those who fear "Bobbitting", say away from Tracy's video.
Thanks Miranda, we're having fun so far.
I want moving spiders on my house!!
That cake looks so derrrriciouz and cultural!
I'm classy that way Josh. Not it means I don't have to anything cultural for another 18 months or so. :-)
They were very cool Jase. Expensive I imagine but impressive.
Great pictures Tam! I love the cake picture and wish I had eaten it.
Polt - If you moved into that purple house you would have the best ass and legs ever since it's on the hill of death aka really damned steep. lol It's cute though.
Tam - I'm totally drooling over your daily hottie. He's a keeper.
True that Tracy. I'm sure the people who live on that hill must have amazing asses. LOL
He is lovely.
That cake! How fantastic. That statue is ridiculous. And yay, now Polt can move to California!
A house just waiting for him Michelle. :-) Actually there are a fair number of purple houses here.
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