Two of Hearts by Kano Miyamoto (190 pages)

Haruya is a writer for a magazine but has lost his motivation. He lives in the country and one day finds troubled young man Maki on the beach. He's got OCD and has been neglected by his alcoholic mother. Despite being in a relationship of sort for the last ten years with his editor and friend, he is attracted to Maki and Maki in return, although he has issues to deal with first but inspires Haruya to start working on his novel again. I quite enjoyed this story and it follows them as Maki finishes high school, gets therapy for his issues and attends college. It was a cute story and I liked the style.
The Lily and the Rose by Dany & Dany (150 pages maybe?)

Alain and Christophe are fellow students in a monastery. When they are caught fooling around Alain is ready to leave, but Christophe wants to be a priest so stays behind breaking Alain's heart. Years later they run into each other and Alain is seeking information on the man who murdered his mother and has been promised the identity of the man if he compromises Christophe so the Cardinal can blackmail Christophe into a relationship. Both men make sacrifices to "save" the other and the heartless machinations of the aristocracy are revealed. This is set during the French Revolution which is very unusual. The drawing is gorgeous with fancy gown and all the trappings of the French upper crust and I really enjoy the style these author's use. It's written "western" style so you read it like a western book, front to back rather than Japanese style.
The Selfish Demon King by Kyoko Wakatsuki (135 pages)

Shizuku is a high school student in Japan who comes home one day to find a man with horns talking to his father and brothers. The next thing he knows he's whisked to another dimension. The Demon King is determined to make him his mate. It seems that Shizuku is an incubus whose father took him to the human world to hide him as a baby. All Shizuku wants is to go back to Japan and be a normal kid, even though he likes the sex and the Demon King isn't ALL bad. I quite enjoyed this fast read. It's one of the few yaoi novels that had a touch of humour. Usually they all seem very serious but Shizuku was always telling the Demon King to behave and being a bit of a brat sometimes. It was interesting seeing Shizuku learn to accept his new life and also to accept that he is an incubus and what that means in the new world and also dealing with the manipulations inherent in a royal court. I've been kind of off the novels but this one was a fun read.
So there, I've actually read some yaoi. I'll probably try and bang through some more. I have a few of the Dany & Dany ones and I quite enjoyed this one although it says it's their longest so we'll see what's in the others. I really prefer the yaoi to be one story rather than a bunch of unrelated shorts.
*points at Hottie for the Day*
Guess which yaoi I'm bringing with me to SF? LOL.
These sound good. It's a good thing they're coming to me next.
*looks at small bag*
Oooooh. I must be psychic Kris. :-)
If you have some kind of lightweight folding bag you should toss it in Jen. :-) Or using my theory, you can always buy one there.
Mmmmmh. I think I'll be purchasing the Lily and the Rose - it looks gorgeous!
I remember Dany and Dany from old Italian forums, when they were drawing Interview with the Vampire fanart. The blond curly-haired man and the one with sleek black hair, the frock coats... <3!
I read the little blurb in the back Cornelia and the authors said they basically draw the same two characters in every book. LOL They said it's like casting the same actors in every movie they make. At least they know what they like and do well and stick with it. And it works for me as well. I'm looking forward to the others I have by them. Maybe at lunch today.
The Lily and the Rose looks beautiful!
I read the Selfish Demon King and enjoyed it too. :D
It was very pretty Miranda. I was kind of expecting the novel to be a chore as some of them have been but it was a very pleasant surprise.
*goes to check if on list for Selfish Demon King*
Maybe Jen will let you jump the queue depending on how fast you read. :-)
I think I'll be reading it in SF. You know how fast I read. :)
I read an entire yaoi in 40 min. on my lunch today. And it only took me that long because it's back to front but not in the S format, more like you'd read a traditional comic book so I kept having to reread the first 1/4 to get the order straight. So if you have 30 min. a day you can power through the yaoi anyway.
You're ready for the yaoi con I'd say. ;)
I love that hottie of the day drawing. From what yaoi is that couple again?
The site I got it from doesn't say nor does the title of the pic Janna. And Kris neglected to tel us. Come on woman, spill.
"it's like casting the same actors in every movie they make".
That is such an awesome comparison. I think deep down I do the same with some of my characters when I write... I had never noticed :)
Janna, it's called Wild Rock.
Thank you ma'am.
Ah, thanks Kris.
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