Kind of like 7 grooms for 7 brothers (I took some literary license there :-) This is a meme thing, I guess, that
Adam reminded me of this morning (even though he cheated technically) but still, I always mean to try this but it usually happens on the weekend when my life is BORING. But today I took my camera with me to work and you get 12 pictures of my exciting day. If you suddenly find you have a lump on your forehead it's because you fell asleep halfway though and banged your head on the keyboard.
Bun is enjoying his breakfast of pellets. No, he's not demonic .... as a rule.

Someone is looking kind of still asleep and wondering why I'm taking her picture. Still in bed at 7:15, out the door to the bus by 7:37, including a shower. Sigh. She got her sweater when we were visiting Mel and David in Maine.

Yet she had time to leave me a message in the frost on the car this morning. Awwww. Brrrrrr.

Gas has been soooo expensive the last couple of weeks. For those of you in the US, multiply by 4 to get the price per gallon. Yeah. Seriously.

This is where I get my tattoos and piercings, when I get them. I drive by every morning.

My building as seen on my walk from my parking spot. You can see all the cars coming into Ottawa from across the bridge in Quebec on the left. At 4:00 it's the reverse, bumper to bumper going back over the bridge.

This was the view from my old office window. Yeah. Nice huh?

This is the view from my new window. Yep, the open area, and my bosses door. Niiiiice. Sigh.

This is my messy space. I need to get rid of that stupid printer since I don't even use it. You can see my
Puntabulous calendar on the wall and my lovely bowl that
Vuboq gave me in front of the computer and my mug that
Polt brought me from PA. It's a veritable cornucopia of Puntabu-stuff and I didn't even place it for this picture.

After work I stopped at the post office to mail my CD 5.0 for an exchange I'm in. One lucky recipient should get it in a week or so, depending on if Canada Post decides if it likes or hates me.

At the mall I saw this car drive by and I actually followed it through the parking lot so I could get a picture. It didn't appear to be for a business who often have those kind of decals all over. It was an Asian woman ... who obviously loves animal print. I think I'd like a zebra car.

Then I picked up the mail when I got home and it was a super mail day. Not a bill in sight HOWEVER we got three good things:
1) my kidlet got a letter saying she's going to get some kind of award for last year (most likely academic since she said her spirit sucks and we know she didn't have perfect attendance) so on November 4 she'll find out what the award was for at a ceremony.
2) she also got her Shawn White Wheaties box. I had asked Polt to see if he could find it in the US and we figured since there weren't any around the time of the Olympics that they likely were only in certain regions of the US. and then he found one!!!! So I told him to keep the cereal. She was thrilled to death when she got it today. She's a fan.
3) then I got my CD 4.0, um, I mean 3.0. Umm. Yeah. It says to
Mikey on it. LOL But I appreciate the sentiment Justin and it does have a song by his Mom so I am looking forward to listening to it in the car tomorrow.

So there is my exciting day in pictures. Trust me, not everyday involves cool stuff in the mail or leopard print cars.
Have a super 12th and yay, it's Glee night.
In lieu of watching Glee I've been looking at your pictures. Very cool. I'm sorry for that view you lost, though. (Don't worry, Glee is recording, so my DH and I can watch together later).
BUNNY! Best 12 of 12 EVAR! Sorry about the change of scenery at wrok.
Maybe you could print out a huge pic of your former view and stick it up in your new office?? It would certainly make a statement.
Whew Wren. You caused a moment of panic. I thought I was going to have to stage and intervention. :-)
Bun is sleeping now. I think. He's very still anyway. I got to keep my gigantic monitor so I guess I had to give up something. Sigh.
If I could do it cheaply it would be tempting Kris. Instead I stare at a map of Mexico, well glance at it periodically.
Hmm. I think your day was more exciting than mine. How scary is that?! :)
LOL Some days you just get lucky and find a leopard print car in the parking lot Chris, some days you don't.
Last year at Christmas time I saw a car in the mall parking lot - a red PT Cruiser - that had the outline of a sleigh on its sides. I had to stop and stare for a while it was so cool.
That would be cute Wren. Some people are very creative that way. Unfortunately I'm not one of them.
It was a pretty good day in Tam-land.
Ouch for the expensive gas. Here it's been climbing the past few days, up about 25cents. Totally sucks!
That was a lovely view you lost. The idea Kris had is pretty cool though.
0_0 on the car.
What a great insight into your day. Mine would be very dull and contain pictures of schools, the church where I work and perhaps the inside of a sports hall where I take my daughter to gymnastics, lol!
BTW, my first thought on seeing your hottie (well, OK, second thought after 'nice bum') was hmmm, scorched dick :).
I would hang up that picture of ironing man. Now that's a view!
Congrats to the kid on her award.
Your bunny is adorable.
*pets the bunny*
A zebra car would be awesome, but I'd like a tiger car myself.
Thanks Lily. I don't know why gas has been going up. Probably because we just had a long weekend which usually means they jack the price up because more people are traveling. Conspiracy theory much? LOL
Well, my day was none too exciting Jen, but I thought I'd share work pics.
Since I work with all women and one gay man, I could like get away with hanging up a pic of a naked butt Michelle. :-) I'll pass on your congrats to the kidlet.
Oh, a tiger car would be cool Eyre. There should be a trend start of animal print cars. Cow, giraffe, I'd need a cougar car. ;-)
Awww, I used to have bunnies. Such gentle creatures...
But those pix of your workplace -- ack! They bring back bad memories. Traffic. Parking lots. Ugly concrete buildings. Fluorescent lights. CUBICLES! *shudder* Been there. Don't want to go back.
I've been so damned spoiled by living in the country that I get irritated when I'm stuck in a line of vehicles crawling through Friendship (our county seat of approx. 800 people). Pathetic, hey?
"Such gentle creatures..."
Well, he hasn't drawn blood ... yet. Sigh. He will regularly take a nip at me when I put my hand in the cage to feed him but never the kid, go figure.
I don't mind my work space. I have an actual door and except for the lack of natural light it's not bad. We do have cubes in our other building which I worked in for about 6 months, I didn't mind that either. It's not the environment so much as the managment. :-) As for traffic, well, you kind of get used to it I guess and unless it's REALLY bad then I just deal. I've started taking an alternate route home which is making it faster even if slightly longer. Such is life to pay the rent. :-)
I want a panther car. Wait, my car is already all black... SWEET!
To bad you couldn't put eyes on the lights and some kind of whiskers, or a big nose on the hood. :-) That would be freaky.
Oh I like the view from your old window - the new one? Not so much. How can they do that to you? Evil bastards all! Maybe you can pin a life sized poster of your current hottie so that it's facing you. Sounds good to me!
We had a major reorg Tracy and lost 50% of our staff so we were spread out all over the floor. At least now we are near one another. I'm kind of in the "whatever" stage right now.
Wow, I get two mentions in one 12 for the 12th! Glad to see the Wheaties box made it in relatively good condition. I was afraid it'd get all bent up and stuff.
Looks like a good day all in all. Certainly better than mine. And I have to wonder how much it would cost to ship a zebra painted car to Ottawa...the WHeaties box was less than two bucks, how much could it be? :)
Yer almost famous. :-) I think shipping a car would be more than you have on hand, unless you've won the lottery and haven't told us about it yet. :-) I have no clue how much it would cost to get that leopard print but it can't have been cheap or everyone would have one.
What a great post...
A nice way to see your day - and you made me giggle as well...
That car is fab......
Thanks EH. It was a cute car, definitely makes a statement.
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