So this week, I think, I surpassed my goal for the m/m reading challenge below. (You can click on the button on the sidebar to see the challenge details.) The original challenge was 20+ books in 2010.
HAHAHAHAHAHA Okay, so I changed my own goal to 75 books of at least 90 pages. Otherwise I was finished by about Jan. 12. I'm sure I've missed some, I'm not very good at updating it and I usually had to go back a bit and sometimes wasn't sure if I added something and I didn't count
yaoi, but needless to say I well surpassed the goal set by the challenge organizer and my own goal.
I don't usually participate in challenges because I tend to get all stubborn and go "You want me to read 5 books by male authors who have red hair?" "No." Even if I would have read them anyway. The kid inside me rebels but this one was easy, it's not like I was going to stop reading m/m. So I'm glad I'm done and I have no intention of keep tracking anymore so I can see double that number. I'm content with what I have. Good luck to others who are out there working on their challenges for this year.
Thanks Miranda. Nice to be finished and not have to think about it anymore. :-)
Thanks Stephani.
Congrats, Tam!!! I'm stubborn like that, too. :)
I'm pretty sure I've completed my challenge. Maybe it was 100? Anyway. And orannia informed me that I inadvertently completed the Big Book Challenge - glad I wasn't officially in that one, or I'd not read anything other than shorts for the rest of the year...
Nothing like blindly completely challenges you're unaware of. Well done Chris.
Aw, thanks! ;)
It's always good to discover that there are others who react to challenges the same way I do.
Thanks Eyre.
I've only got one word to say about today's hottie.
Oh, and congrats on completing the challenge :).
Shhhh. He's got a nice bum. :-) And if he is jail bait his parents should be ashamed for letting him wear that to work at the car wash. LOL
Yep, you're special! :) Congrats, Tam!
Thanks Janna. :-)
Woot! :)
Thanks hon. :-)
Tam, that's outstanding! Believe me, I understand about the "inner rebellious kid" that can make it hard to complete a challenge -- I haven't finished a single one yet. :)
You just have to pick easy ones Val that you'd do anyway. LOL Kind of cheating but it counts.
He does look a bit young but damn, he's a cutie! ;)
Thanks Lily. I'm thinking he's at least 20. It's the blond hair. :-) Just makes him look young.
Congratulations! I signed up for the same challenge since I don't normally review that many m/m books. I've done my 20, now I just need to do the plus. lol
Great job!
Thanks Tracy. 1 = +. :-) Should be easy. You've got five months.
I was going to issue a congrats on the challenge, but then I felt the need to get my carwashed and everything else went outta my mind.
Know where this particular car wash is set up. I'd want to stay inside while it was washed, cause as he reached to clean the top, he'd obviously be squishing things all up against the window.
And yes, I do feel slightly pervy saying that. but frankly, the lust I feel over the picture overwhelms my perviness. :)
ROFL You can't be too pervy around here. :-)
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