All or Nothing by James Buchanan (335 pages)
MLR Press

This is book 3 in Brandon and Nicky's saga. It's between Christmas and New Year and Brandon takes his daughter Shayla to visit Nicky in Vegas as his ex and her husband both have work responsibilities. It's a bit weird and awkward and Shayla's a bit of a brat, but not going all that badly. They leave her with Nicky's friend Miri and go home for a little kinkiness when Shayla is snatched off the street. The rest of the book is the search for Shayla and how Brandon (and Nicky) deal with it and interactions with his ex and his step-mom. Detective Orozco is back, I really like that character a lot and adored Brandon's step-mom Edith. You basically know who the kidnapper is, but seeing how the process works from the police angle during a case was interesting if frustrating and when Brandon finally figures it out I wanted to slap Nicky for being so sceptical. Jesus man, have you never watched an episode of Criminal Minds or CSI? The emotional intensity and depths of despair really came through in the writing and when Brandon hits bottom it breaks your heart. And at the end, my insides went all squishy and awww with the very last line of the book. So a must read for Brandon and Nicky fans and for those who haven't experienced this series I highly recommend it. Of course you'll want to kick Brandon in the shins many times along the way, he can be a stubborn ass, but I think he redeemed himself in this book in a very big way and I was very happy with how it ended.
Happy weekend everyone. Stay warm or cool depending on your preference. :-)
I love Nicky and Brandon. They're fabulous protags and once again James wrote a hell of a story. I agree with all your points, both of them deserved slaps upside the head at times, the secondary characters were nice and the last line, so worth the pain.
Have a great weekend!
It was a great story Lily. I knew putting it off for so long was dumb, it wasn't that I didn't think it would be worth the read though. I knew that it would be great even if I did want to smack the once or twice. :-)
Oh hooray, you finished it :).
I love Nicky and Brandon too and this one was such a great, emotion laden book. It's a shame it's the last one :(.
But I think it ended well Jen. I'd hate for it to drag on with manufactured crises just for the sake of having something dramatic happen. Maybe we'll get a little taste of them some day in another form. I can hope.
Jen: What?! I thought I'd heard there would be another book. *quivery lip*
Uh oh. Conflicting reports. We'll have to check with James directly. Sometimes she stops by, maybe she'll pop in and let us know for sure. Buck up little Chris, it will be okay. *pats Chris gently and gives her a GF cookie*
*sniffles and snacks*
Haven't read it yet -- I'm dropping behind on the massive TBR pile like you wouldn't believe, but I'm looking forward to it!
You're too busy being a successful author Val. :-) It is definitely worth the time it takes to read.
It's not really the last is it?! That would be BAD!! Love those boys... and love how they love each other.
I'm not sure Mariana. I'll contact James and ask. They are a great couple, one of my faves.
Okay, I looked at the review that was done at Wave's and when Jen asked James if there would be more the reply was:
I’m not planning more at the moment. They have their HEA
*hands Chris more tissues*
*sniffling turns to sobbing*
*gives Chris lots more tissues*
Go you! :)
This one is still on my TBR too although I really want to read it. Now that I know it's the last N&B book *sobs* I'm even more reluctant to start it. It's like eating the last piece of chocolate... I never do that because I hate it when there's none left.
That's me too sometimes Janna. I just hate for it to end. But you'll really enjoy it when you read. It's VERY hot, I think my netbook was starting to smoke. LOL
Thanks for getting the answer... it just wasn't the right one O_O Uhhhh, I mean the one I was expecting...
I hadn't realized it was the last. I'll have to re-read it again. I'm just a bit sad now.
At least we can always reread Mariana.
I'd ask you what's wrong with me that I haven't read this yet...but I'm afraid of the answer! I was so looking forward to this book and then I just didn't remember to buy it. Another one that must be bought soon! Sounds really good.
I had it for a long time Tracy and didn't read it either. It's very much worth it though to see Nicky and Brandon really come together and find their HEA.
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