So rather than me driving all over North America for a change, a member of the
Puntabugang came to visit me. Nathan V and his friend Esther came up to Ottawa for the Blues Fest and some touristy things and are staying with me. Nathan is a super guy, lots of fun, very outgoing and now a little sad because the Netherlands lost the World Cup final. But we drank Heineken during the match so that
alleviated the pain somewhat. Esther is great too, they are excellent house guests.

My bunny took a real shine to Nathan. Usually he doesn't like to be out of his cage much but he sat on Nathan's lap quite a bit. We call him Bun but Nathan re-christened him Frank which he seemed to like. Perhaps we'll have to start calling him Frank now.

Nathan and Esther came by my office for the grand tour. We have some aboriginal art up this month so we got our picture taken by the big totem who looking at it appears to be licking our heads. They are at the Blues Fest tonight and hopefully not getting too wet, it's been a rainy day and I think they are heading back home after the concert tonight as Nathan has to perform with his orchestra Thursday. I may not see them if they get back late. Last night they got home late from going out with friends and we were up way too late chatting so I may crash before they get back. They've managed to get around at night on the
buses and I've yet to receive a phone call saying they ended up at the wrong end of town, so it's all good.
It was great fun to meet Nathan, my fellow Project Runway contestant and
Puntabugang member, and I look forward to seeing him again in Long Island in three weeks at the pool party.
I'm going to have very few "
internet" friends left soon because if I keep meeting them they become "real life" friends. :-)
Oh, and seeing Nathan sounds cool too.
Wow. It really *does* look like it's licking your heads. In fact it looks like in the next frame you are about to be hoisted into the air, Tam.
So just how many puntabupeeps *do* have bunnies?
Project Runway was a brilliant idea organized by an amazing and great looking blogger. :-) Nathan is lots of fun Enrico.
I think only John and I are/were bunny parents Justin. It just seems like more.
Frank is ADORABLE! He's a little dwarf bunny, which explains his crankiness. They tend to be a little territorial and bitchy, but man does he make up for it in cute.
After we got him fixed when he was just a young thing his attitude improved, but he likes his own space and has never been the cuddly type. He is cute though.
My cats were less thrilled to have guests, although last night they did poke their heads out to see what was happening and say hi for a brief moment.
My GOD Tam, how did your head not implode over all the cuteness of Frank-n-Nathan? Together? In the same room at the same time!?!?!
Glad a good time is being had by all. :)
Great pictures! I'd live to have a bunny, but Cat-the-First would eat it.
Eeep! That mask is going to DEVOUR YOU.
And my veri is unpounce. :)
They are adorable Polt.
My cats will catch wild rabbits if they are allowed outside Eyre, but Vanessa, the great hunter is terrified of Bun and Max seems to think he's just another little cat. They never touch him. They seem to know he's family.
You can't tell Chris but there is actually a giant hole in the totem for his mouth (you can go around behind and stick your head in) so we could be sucked backward into it's mouth. LOL I never thought of the tongue issue when I suggested a picture there.
Great word veri.
Sounds like another fun get together with friends. Bun/Frank is a cutie. For that matter so is Nathan. The totem pic is awesome. :)
It was a good time Lily. Despite being licked by a giant .... critter? it looks pretty cool. :-)
That first pic is cuteness overload.
That second pic... *snickering*
How wonderful to meet more internet friends!
Not really a rabbit person myself, ever since my aunt used to own a psycho bunny who would spray urine on you everytime you passed its bunny house. Having said that, Frank/Bun is v cute!
Awww... Frank (I like the new name) and Nathan look adorable. So do you and Nathan. The totem is cracking me up.
That beer looks pretty good, too.
Hush you Kris. LOL
That's because he hadn't been fixed Jen. Bunnies with their "parts" spray as a territorial thing. Once you get them snipped they are fine.
I'm now regretting suggesting the totem pole picture Michelle. We should have gone by the life-sized bright yellow polar bear.
Well, real life friends or internet friends, both are just great! I love your posts about your meetings with internet friends. Nathan sounds like a cool one and he looks cute with Frank in his lap and that tongue licking his (and your) neck! :)
And at least you had the Heineken (although it looks different here)... the match was aweful.
Ah, that's not a Heinekin bottle Janna, that's a Canadian brand. We were rather disappointed in the match. Yellow cards, yellow cards. Next time perhaps. :-)
Lol, I thought the bottle looked weird ;)
Yeah, it was quite a nasty battle. We didn't show our best side in this match. :(
Is Nathan Dutch, Tam? A good friend of mine is Dutch but now an American citizen...and also a soccer freak.
Your bunny is adorable! I once had rabbits, too. Such gentle creatures. Now I only get to watch them hop across the property as my dog yips and leaps and spins on her outdoor lead.
I love the aboriginal totem! (Nice tongue -- heh.) Oh, and your tres chic ID tag. :-)
And yeah, beer makes everything better.
Nathan's dad is Dutch KZ so he's half. He doesn't speak it but when I came home the other day I found one of those programs for learning Dutch sitting on my counter so I guess he's been inspired to learn. :-)
He's a pretty good rabbit but he does bite on occasion and loves to chew electrical cords, but on the whole he's a good little runt.
I do look smexy in my tag don't I? LOL We have some really nice Aboriginal art in our building this month. Some really talented artists out there.
Hey Tam..
Glad the stay over went well and your bunny got a new name in the deal..
So win win all round...
You still have a few internet friends left still, but isn't it lovely to meet up with people who you have had your finger tips for months or years in some cases.....
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