Happy Canada Day to all my Canadian friends (who if you exist here are lurkers LOL). Being in the nation's capital always means a huge celebration with nearly 100,000 people gathering on Parliament Hill for concerts and then fireworks. I have to admit that while Canadians tend not to be as patriotic as Americans, hearing that many people all singing Oh Canada at the top of their lungs brings a tear to your eye. The whole downtown area is blocked off and there are all sorts of activities going on. The kidlet is heading down with some friends this year, not sure I'll go for the fireworks or what's happening. Might be a quiet day for me at home. No rain predicted so that's a good thing.

Happy Canada Day to you! After seeing those luscious cookies, I must proclaim, "I love Canada!" ;)
Thanks Miranda. At least for part of the year we manage to shed the parkas and mittens. :-)
Happy Canada Day to you as well hon...
Hope the kidlet have loads of fun this evening...
Thanks EH. Yesterday afternoon the Snowbirds, our military precision flight team, did a double flyover right outside my window at work so I got a good view of them. Not sure if they were practicing for today or doing something for the Queen since she was in town yesterday and today as well. But it was cool to see them right outside my office building.
Happy Canada Day!!! That last cookie is particularly tasty...
Oh! Congrats on your win at Wave's, too. :)
Thanks Chris. I just saw that. Yay me. :-)
Have a fun day, Tam!
I wonder why Canada Day is so close to Independence Day in the U.S. Do you happen to know?
Thanks KZ. I intend on staying home most of the day so it will be quiet but that's okay.
I wasn't really sure KZ about the date but I found this:
On July 1, 1867, the British North America Act created the Canadian federal government. This Act stated that Canada would become an independant dominion (territory) of England, which is why Canada Day was originally called Dominion Day.
So just seems to be coincidence that it's so close to July 4.
Happy Canada Day! Tam, this reminds me of when I was first getting to know you back in February or so and you gave me this great list of mm fiction titles set in Canadian locations. I thought to myself, "Maybe I can get together a feature for Canada Day way out there in the future on July 1st." And guess what? I still haven't got it together, ha, ha! Maybe for next year's Canada Day ...
Happy Canada Day to YOU, Tam!
I love Shawn Ashmore! Did you know I met him in person? Talked to him on Jarvis Street in Toronto, took a photo, shook his hand, said a few words to him. he's cute AND awesome!
LOL I know the feeling Val. I was scrambling last night to get something up today. The time races by.
Lucky you Polt. I've not many any famous Canadians. Sigh. I presume he was wearing more than the flag when you met him. Much to your dismay. ;-)
Cake to help you celebrate...
That second one is bloody frightening. LOL
And that would be both meanings of "bloody"...
Ah, thanks for the info! I've always been curious about that.
I stay close to home on July 4th too. Never used to ('cause, man, I love even the dorkiest parades, cookouts, and fireworks displays), but I seem to appreciate peace and quiet the older I get.
I enjoy being downtown and mocking the tourists but it's getting home that's a PITA. However the kid's plans seem to have fallen through (we are huge organizers and people who just fly by the seat of their pants make us nuts) so we may drive down to my office and walk over to see the fireworks at 10:00. I've done nothing today except on-line stuff. Kind of nice to just veg.
Happy Canada Day!!
I hope you've had a great day. Thanks for sharing the cookies. Nom nom nom! :)
It's been a lazy day which is a good day Lily. :-)
I live right in the middle of the neighborhood where they show the fireworks. That means I get to deal with all the traffic and the asshats who think it's okay to light off illegal fireworks. So help me gorsh, if someone blows off their finger and it lands in my yard, I'm not giving it back. Finders, keepers.
LMAO, Stephani! I have JUST the photo for you - it'll be in my post tomorrow.
LOL Too funny Stephani. We usually have a few fireworks in the neighborhood you hear but it's not as big of a deal here as in the US I don't think.
The kid has to decide soon if we are going. I don't really care one way or the other.
Ryan Reynolds and Shawn Ashmore in one day. Be still my heart. :)
I hope you've had a great Canada Day, Tam!
These Canadian cookies are delicious and I liked that song! :)
They are purty aren't they Kris.
Thanks Janna, had a nice relaxing day.
Happy belated Canada Day! I really loved that video - very creative.
And the cookies? I'll one of each please. Maybe 3 of the last. :)
Thanks Tracy. Hope you enjoy your long weekend.
Way late, but here's a cake for you to enjoy:
Happy Canada Day!
Thanks Michelle. LOL Have a super July 4.
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