Obviously getting head from a chipmunk is mind blowing because that turtle is one happy dude.
Now we let Mother Nature have at it.
Now to settle down to the reading.
Falling by ML Rhodes (342 pages)
This is set in today's world but with magic around us. In the closet Christian works for the Bureau of Dark Magic Affairs which is kind of like a police system for the magical world. They hear about some murders in the US they think could be linked to a dark mage so Christian gets himself assigned as a visiting cop to the case. He teams up with Alec. There is instant attraction but Alec's partner (work and life) was killed 18 months ago and he's not quite ready to move on, or so he thinks. Seems this dark mage is looking for an amulet that disappeared 30 years ago that could give him unlimited power. Finally when Alec is attacked, Christian is forced to tell him all about the magic world which doesn't go over very well. Even though Alec has been able to heal people he only believes in things you can touch and prove. Eventually he gets over it and just when they get back together the mage destroys the police station almost killing Christian and Alec. Christian takes him back to England. After some research it turns out that Alec is the thought-dead son of the last man to protect the amulet, he is magical and there is a big show-down with the baddie. I quite enjoyed it, kept me reading (read the whole thing last night after work) and while I thought she maybe went a bit overboard on the quantitative sex (I'm blaming it on magic because most normal guys' dicks would have fallen off by then) it was an enjoyable read. I liked how it handled Alec's ex, and his past and why he was the way he was.
Upwardly Mobile by Clare London (47 pages)
This is a steamy little short about two guys who are opposites. They are trying to get home from work to head out to a friend's birthday and due to rain uptight straight laced Owen is stuck on a near empty train and go with the flow risk-taker Caleb is in his car. Caleb starts to goad Owen into pushing the limits with some steamy phone sex in public. Very fun story about pushing limits and sexy too as you get to know the two men by who they react to the situation. A great read.
*blink blink* Mother Nature, you naughty girl!
Heh, I had to go check - I've actually read Falling. I thought it sounded familiar...
It's from 2007 so a bit older. I got it from Fictionwise a while ago and never read it.
Tam, those photos are priceless! I may never be able to serve up a parsnip ever again, ha, ha!
Wow. Hmm. What's that turtle thing really supposed to be?
I liked Falling, and even tho' I read it a loong time ago I still remember the ice cube kitchen sex.
Val: I'm not a parsnip lover so I prefer them just being kinky. LOL
Wren: I have no idea. It seems to be connected to the quasi fish tail thing in the water but it just doesn't make sense all around.
I had forgotten about the ice cube sex. I think I was too dazzled by their amazing recuperative abilities at that point.
Interesting pics, I love the tree pic!
I read Falling a while ago and liked it. Haven't read the other one yet.
Heh. I told someone about Falling the other day and pointed out to them that it had ice cube sex in it and therefore should be read. Weird.
Showed hubs the pics and we had a good laugh over them *g*
Both books sound good and I haven't read them yet, so they're gonna be added to my TBB list. Thanks!
"I told someone about Falling the other day and pointed out to them that it had ice cube sex in it and therefore should be read."
Damn. I wish all readers were as easy to please. Ice cube sex = recommended read. Hero with eyebrows = recommended read. Somebody drives a car = recommended read. Sheesh, Kris.
("tatolog" -- That's one phallic pic you didn't have, Tam. Haha! Oh, I love Word Veri.)
Ingrid: Falling was a good read, Clare's is worth the time too.
Kris: It's a freaky small world. Although if someone suggested ice cube sex to me right now I'd probably sock them one as the windchill hits -35C out there. Brrrrr.
They are both good reads Janna. I had a bit of a rough time there with some books that were meh for me but it's been going well lately. :-)
KZ: Well, I'm all for heroes with eyebrows. Just seems wrong otherwise. I also like books where they have most of their limbs and digits intact. I'm pretty easy to please that way. Maybe you could use a popsicle in one story. I've heard urban legends about popsicle sex but not had any experience. Kind of like ice cubes but more phallic.
Re your word veri, it's not really a log but ...
Tam, ewww! I didn't care so much about the parsnip, but that potato is just WRONG.
I live in potato-growing country. Every harvest season, without fail, freakish spuds turn up in local bars. They're always good for a laugh. (What a pathetic life, eh?)
Ah to live in a smallish town KZ. LOL
Red Alert, Tam! And did you get an email from FW with the extra 15% off coupon code for this weekend?! Eeek.
Holy shit. Ummm. I probably did but I don't always read those FW things. But I'm definitely heading over to ARe. Thanks.
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