Wicked Cool by Val Kovalin (70 pages)
Amber Allure

Stu is a junk removal specialist who takes a job for project manager Brian. They are attracted despite their differences and Brian's refusal to speak about his past. Finally Stu can't stand it and forces the issue without much success, but Brian starts getting paranoid that people are following him or in his house and he makes Stu teach him to shoot a gun. Stu's not sure what the heck is going on until he finds someone in his own house. I won't say much more, I suspected Brian's secret, but that didn't detract from the story and Brian and Stu were hot hot hot. I liked how Stu tried to be patient with Brian's secret, but I could also relate to his frustration of wondering if the guy was an axe murderer or something. :-) Congrats Val on a second successful foray into being published.
Tuluscan Six and the Time Circle by Anne Brooke (30 pages)
Amber Allure

Karlan works with time anomaly records and is working late one night when an alien appears named Tuluscan Six. He claims that in a year, something Karlan does will screw up the time lines and his planet will burn. He also claims that he and Karlan are lovers and he's come from the future to fix the problem. Karlan's not sure, but Tuluscan shows him the anomaly and they work to fix it while Karlan becomes more attracted to Tuluscan and they have some "fun". This was a cute little read with some humour, reference to Karlan's ex who wanted to do something extreme with marmalade, but also a bit of a bittersweet side as there were no guarantees that with the anomaly adjusted Karlan and Tuluscan would meet, but you knew they loved each other already. So I'm hoping that time line worked out for them. :-)
Just a Summer Fling by Lily Grace (41 pages)
Torquere Books

18 year old Ryan has been forced by his parents to go on vacation with them to San Diego. He's depressed as he just broke up with his cheating boyfriend. He meets sexy surfer Chris on the beach and his friend tells him it's his chance to have a summer fling and get over his ex. He'll never see Chris again. They spend the day surfing and Chris invites him over for dinner. He kind of let slip that he only wants a fling before heading back to NYU to start school. Things are going well, but Chris says he can't be with Ryan if it's only a fling, he knows he'll want more and there's a little tidbit of info he didn't reveal. This was a cute story about two young guys still testing the dating waters, unsure of what they want or each other. There's no smexin', just some kissing but I quite enjoyed the story as Ryan gets past his battered self-esteem.
Ghost by Sean Michael (63 pages)
Torquere Books

This is from the Velvet Glove world which I've only ever read Braided, but something compelled me to try this. Ghost, one of the subs at the club, passes out during a scene for no apparent reason. Club doctor Trip tries to figure out why and it seems Ghost comes from a line of seers and Ghost is empathic. When others' emotions get too much he shuts down. Trip also seems to be a tiny bit empathic and they can't send Ghost back into the sub population, so Trip takes him on and they are able to connect and allow Ghost to have feelings and work in the clinic with him sensing people's feelings. You don't need to read the other stories to get this one, and I enjoyed it. Not buckets of sex as you'd expect but the connection between Ghost and Trip was interesting.
Hey, you did more than I did today - I dumped a bit of drain cleaner down the drains, hoping to keep ahead of clogs and gunk (after an unpleasant snaking adventure last winter that I never want to repeat).
I've only read Val's book, which I definitely enjoyed.
Eww, um yeah, I have to say in general my drains are good. *knock on wood* Tomorrow is groceries, going to the show where Kristen is working to look around and some ironing.
The other three books were all pretty good, I'll definitely be checking out more by Lily Grace.
I could also relate to his frustration of wondering if the guy was an axe murderer or something. :-)
Ha, ha! Tam, I'm so pleased you enjoyed it. Thanks very much for the review! I'm glad you liked Anne's story, too. I really enjoyed that one. :)
You're quite welcome Val. It was an excellent read.
Anne's was fun too and I'll never look at marmalade the same way again. :-)
I love the Velvet Glove stories, especially Ghost.
Like you, I did some laundry. It's still too darn hot to go without AC down here. I also graded papers. Fun, fun, fun. :)
I never really got into the stories Eyre although I read Braided after a twincest discussion at Jen's I think. I did enjoy Ghost and I have to say he intrigued me even in that story so it was nice to get his background.
Our high these days is around 60F, definitely not a/c weather. :-)
The temperature got up to 98F here today, and when I got in my car this afternoon, it was 107F inside it.
It's supposed to get down to 37F tonight in Minneapolis. *preshivering*
Ugh. 107 is way too hot.
Not so cold here tonight Chris, but it's raining so that keeps it kind of middle of the road. It was about 37 the other morning when we left the house. Very shivery.
We had a LOT of rain Wednesday - Friday. In fact, the Minnesota River hasn't peaked yet from all the run-off. It's well past flood stage.
No danger here - that's affecting the southern suburbs. The Mississippi runs through a gorge here, so if we get flooded out by that, the country downstream is DOOMED.
A lazy day of reading and relaxing sounds like Heaven!!
The only one of these I've read is Ghost which I enjoyed. I've got Val's on my buy list so I'll hopefully be reading it soon. The others sound interesting too.
Have a great Sunday! :)
Marmalade - never trust it .... it's alive, you know! :)) Many thanks, Tam!
These all sound good, Tam. I'm definitely going to read Val's book and I have Anne's on my tbr pile.
BTW, if we're comparing weather temperatures, it was 11C here in Yorkshire yesterday. Don't know what that is in old money, but it felt freezing to me. Very much looking forward to the temps in SF, the October average for SF is the same as my summer average here!
They were all pretty good books this set Lily. Doesn't always work out that way. :-)
I actually find marmalade repulsive Anne. Ugh. :-) You're quite welcome.
I think you'll enjoy them Jen.
Yeah, 11C is COLD for a high. It's 10C here this morning but will get a bit warmer. Oh wait, I lied, up to 13C today, with drizzle. Not fun.
So in the Anne Brooke book do you not get to see the HEA?
No, you don't see a HEA, you just hope that things go as they are supposed to and that they didn't change the time-line to ruin it. I'm eternally optimistic though. :-)
Thanks so much for reviewing 'Just a Summer Fling!'
I'm so pleased you enjoyed it.
Take care,
Lily Grace
Thanks for stopping by Lily. I enjoyed the book a lot and will keep an eye out for other work by you.
I think the greatest compliment a writer can get is having a reader want to read more of their work. Thank you! I'm a new writer. 'Fling' is only my second published story. My first story, 'Forces of Nature,' is also available at Torquere Press. Hopefully there will be many more in the future!!
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