It's a gorgeous weekend here weather-wise. I'm off to Halifax for business Monday so have to get some laundry done up and all those chores and tasks completed before I leave. Tomorrow. I'm sure tomorrow I'll have time.
Twice in a Lifetime by Shawn Lane (113 pages)
Amber Quill Press

Florist Jude still suffers periodic nightmares of the murder of his lover five years ago. One day at the diner he sees a gorgeous cowboy come in. Rex is the new vet in town and is indeed from Texas. When Jude's cat decides to have a go at the neighbor's chihuahua, he has his reason to meet the vet, who asks him out. Jude is not looking for a relationship but they start dating and things are going really well until Rex wants him to meet his family which freaks Jude out. After his dead lover's family treated him cruelly when he was murdered and his own family is less than accepting, he's not too keen on the idea of having to deal with that again. It is a very sweet story and Jude is fun and flamboyant and Rex loves him that way. He doesn't try to change him, doesn't try to push him into therapy for dealing with the murder, just supports him. It a very enjoyable story with some steamy semxin' as Rex and Jude definitely have chemistry.
Squire by Jet Mykles (158 pages)
Loose Id

After Rabin filled in for Brent on the Heaven Sent tour his own band fell apart when their label dropped them. He's now got the chance to work with Brent and moves to Chicago and in with Brent and Hell for a month until he gets settled. Brent's cousin Izzy is also staying with him and he's a total flirt, but that's fine because Rabin is straight. Right? His last weekend at the house he and Izzy hook up but Izzy says it's no big deal, let's keep it a secret because you're straight. Right? Things are not going well with the music and he and Izzy continue to see each other but Izzy insists it be secret. When Rabin's band have the chance to fulfil their old contract it means leaving Izzy and heading to LA. Rabin's not happy, but he's straight so no big deal. Right? Things are awful in LA and when he almost hooks up with another gay singer he realizes he loves Izzy, he hates the direction the band is going and after a blow-up with his band mates heads back to Chicago. This is typical Jet Mykles in the vein of Heaven Sent and if you loved that series I think you'll love this one. Izzy is cute and flirty and fun and it was nice to Rabin figure out that he did love him and it wasn't just an experiment. I stayed up until after 2:00 last night to finish so that says something. :-)
Fun with Dick and Shane by Gillibran Brown (225 pages)

Gillibran is the houseboy and submissive to Dick and Shane, an established couple. Shane is the oldest and the head of the house, Dick is his sub and Gilli is both their subs. Shane is the harsh one, Dick is the one who sooths Gilli when he gets his ass tanned which happens on a fairly regular basis. He's stubborn and lippy and immature and he knows it. He just can't keep his mouth shut and while he agreed to do what they tell him, he just can't resist pushing. This is one of the funniest books I've read in a long time. Gillibran is hilarious. His mind is always in over-drive. He also gets stuck in his head, dwelling on stuff, and then spiraling down which sometimes triggers his insolence. There's not a lot of sex in the book, not described, just talked about in passing, there is a lot of spanking and not in a fun way, it's punishment, and while it's D/s it's not BDSM. This is written in diary form from Sept. - Dec. so everyday or every few days he writes and entry and sometimes larger "stories" about big events. I will definitely be checking out the sequel and if you want a good laugh, this is great. There are some emotional moments, but for me the humour stood out. I'd say this is one of my fave books I've read in a while. I have to quote this part about the snail because I laughed out loud.
I hate fucking snails, not that I ever have, fucked one I mean, as with mangoes and fruit I’m just not into humping animals and stuff. I don’t know anyone who is, not personally, though Dick did once express an interest in pony play. I told him he could ride me anytime, but not after sticking a saddle and bridle on me. This houseboy does not wear stirrups or crawl round the floor with a horsetail butt plug protruding from his arse, while someone chivvies him along with a riding crop. Fuck that for a game of gee-gees. To compensate a bit for shattering his kinky pony fantasy I whinnied enthusiastically during sex, which was a mistake really, because it put him off his stroke and he couldn’t do anything for laughing. Shane was a bit taken aback as well and smartly cuffed Dick up the back of the head for encouraging my horseplay. Dick said he wouldn’t have minded so much if he had actually encouraged me to horseplay. Getting back to escargot. Like I said, I’ve never sexually molested a gastropod. I wouldn’t know where to start really. If rumours are true a snail’s sex organs are located on the back of its head, how about that eh? It gives a whole new meaning to having your brains fucked out, no wonder their eyes are out on stalks.Oh, I got this at the GLBT Bookshelf Rummage Sale for only $3 (50% off), so pop on over and support the site and get some books for a good price. You can't afford NOT to do some shopping.
I agree about the first two! Haven't read the third or even really looked at it, but after your review, I'm feeling this compulsion to head over to the GLBT Bookshelf Rummage Sale.......
Stop laughing.
You may have avoided it because it seems m/m/m and while it is a menage relationship the sex is more described as above. I bought it purely on a whim, in think in part because of the rainbow cover. LOL
Also for $3 it's a good deal for a longer book.
I loved Shawn's book, and Jet's books is on my tbr list. I've been wondering about the third one. Now I'll have to get it.
Squire! I can't wait for more from this series. :D
It's certainly not a romance in the true sense of the word. It starts with an established group and just covers a short period of time, so it's more humorous gay fiction, but I think was so well done.
Supposedly it's autobiographical. Is it really? I'm not sure. How do we know if people make up on-line personalities, or maybe it's embellished but it still made me laugh.
Definitely Kris. I can't wait to read the rest in the series.
I haven't read any of these although the 1st and 3rd are on my eReader. Jet's story is on my TBB. They all sound good.
Good luck with the laundry and trip prep! :)
I think you'll enjoy all of them Lily. I got lucky with three really good ones in a row.
I'll have to get the Shawn Lane one for sure, and the gastropod one sounds pretty funny. :) Great reviews!
The first book is on my ereader and the second book I hadn't yet heard of. If it made you stay up late it's going on my tbb. :) It also reminded me that I still have a few books to read in the Heaven Sent series.
The third book sounds funny but maybe a bit exhausting as well...
Thanks Val. I really enjoyed the third one although it deals with some more serious things like health issues and the death of a friend it's still a very amusing read.
Finish the Heaven Sent books first Janna, Squire will make more sense then. It's not REQUIRED but the little things will mean something.
While Gilli is a bit tiring always being full steam ahead, I just adored him to bits. Even when he was being a brat.
Thanks for the heads up on the last book - it really sounds like something I would love... and a sale as well. Cool
Shawn book - I am reading in a day or two and Mykles book - still not read anything by this author yet..
not sure why I gravite away from his books... must read one, one day...
I would never likely have purchased it otherwise EH which is a shame. So now I'm out there pimpin' it hard. LOL
I think you will really like Jet's books. Start with Heaven and once you start with the boys you'll want to devour them all. I didn't read the last one in the series which is m/m/f, it didn't really appeal but the first 5 are great.
Tam: I didn't read that 6th book for the same reason. :)
I also heard the dynamic was kind of meh. I'll stick to her m/m. It's brilliant.
Ok they all sound good! Crap! Uh, I mean, thanks. :)
Twas my pleasure Tracy. BWHAHAHAHAHA (evil laugh)
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