Hardass City by Kiernan Kelly (109 pages)
Torquere Books

Brad is a top gamer in the game Hardass City. One night he's approached in the game by the only gamer better than him who wants to talk to Brad about some strange game developments. Jeff actually came up with the game concept and was cut out by his partners who cheated him out of his share. Now he suspects something hinky is happening because the guys want to sell the game and are cheating the players out of money they owe them so Brad and Jeff work together to bring down the bad guys. It's very different in that there will be a chapter of Brad and Jeff as their alter egos Dare and Spike working the game to keep the players "alive" and then Brad and Jeff out in the real world trying to get the evidence to make Jeff's case. I'm not a gamer (I don't have the eye-hand coordination to even play Pac Man) so I don't really get being THAT into a game, so that part was kind of a "huh?" to me. When Jeff and Brad finally get together, it was very steamy though. It was interesting though to have the virtual and real world aspects in one book.
Touch Me Gently by J.R. Loveless (195 pages)
Dreamspinner Press

Kaden was badly abused as a youngster and has PTSD and basically freaks when around large men and loses his job again when he has yet another panic attack. His employment counsellor on a whim tells him his cousin in Montana needs a cook on his ranch, so Kaden takes the job leaving New York behind. He's not sure it was a great idea as Logan the owner is a big guy and there are tons of big cowboys around including one that decides he wants to get up close and personal which sends him into a tailspin which means cutting. Although Logan is straight, he and his sister Shea work on earning Kaden's trust and of course Logan is attracted. There is lots of angst as Kaden has panic attacks and struggles against cutting and I am a sucker for the abused kid finds love in a gentle man story. My only niggles were after Logan decides he's gay he takes to blow jobs and buttsecks like a pro and Kaden is often referred to as "the teen" which kind of threw me off since he's 19, I know he's technically a teen but I kept thinking 15 (probably because I have a "teen") and although Logan was only 28, it still bugged me a bit. I prefer just names to the kid, teen, younger man, etc.
Army Green by J. Rocci (125 pages)
Torquere Books

Cam and his veteran lover Evan run a riding therapy/lessons farm. Evan lost his left leg and hearing in one ear but has recovered. After talking with his old commander, Evan agrees to bring Reo, a wild child from his unit who saved his life when an IED got him. Cam and Evan develop some strain in their relationship when Reo starts stirring things up and Evan makes excuses for him. There is also an underlying story of Reo and Derrick, a young man who is leaving for college in a few months and their unspoken attraction. There isn't much story or conflict really, just the of a story of an established couple coping with everyday stresses. I'm wondering if there will be an additional book with Derrick and Reo because it was hinted at but nothing really came of it. It was humorous to see city-boy Reo deal with horses.
I'm really not sure about that particular Kiernan Kelly story, because of the real/virtual thing. I have Touch Me Gently - I'll be curious to see if the same things bother me. Not sure about the last one. Too many horse farm/ranch books! ;)
I know, I know. All this horsiness surrounding me in real life and the fictional one. LOL
I think the book will really appeal to gamers who ARE their characters, and while it was an interesting concept, sort of an alter-ego thing, I don't really "get" the whole gaming industry although it's certainly big bucks.
I don't have any of these. Kiernan's doesn't appeal too much, the second sounds interesting and third, a maybe.
I think the gaming thing is either a turn-off or on but I did find it interesting to have the two worlds, if you will.
The middle one was good even though I had a few issues. Like I said, I'm a sap for the abused kid storyline. :-)
The Hardass City one sounds very intriguing!
It's always interesting to read books that are "different" and having their characters in the game as in essence real characters is an interesting twist. I'm just not much of a games person. We don't even own a Wii. LOL
Hardass City sounds like something I might like. I really really really LOVED Virtually His by Gennita Low with a large majority of the story happening in virtual reality.
Touch Me Gently sounds good too. I enjoy reading about the healing after the trauma and new sexual discovery. Big gentle guys are a soft spot too. This one hits quite a few!
I think you will like the book then Miranda if you liked the other. It's also a VR game where they go to an arcade to use full body suits.
The second one touches lots of my soft spots too, so I'm willing to overlook quite a few things.
Farm/horse books...back in the saddle. You're funny. lol
I have to say none of these appeal to me overly much. My wallet is extremely grateful. haha
Sometimes there is a god of no-temptation Tracy. :-)
I have to say I'm intrigued with the gamer one, especially the way it's structured. Hmmm, maybe one for when I'm in the mood for something fairly short.
I have Army Green and it's prequel Taction in my TBR pile so will get to those soon.
The other one sounds pretty good too, although I've read quite a few angsty books recently so I've been trying to read something more lighthearted.
Ah, I wondered if there was a prequel to Army Green since it just kind of jumped into Evan and Cam being established and doing well.
It is different Jen and certainly worth a read for something different. I didn't sniffle during the second one, but dealing with severe abuse and cutting is not exactly light and fluffy.
The Loveless book is on my list, but I'm saving it for when I need something emotional. I may have to add Army Green.
I would suggest you get the book Jen suggested at the same time as Army Green if you do Eyre. I think I would have appreciated the relationship between Cam and Evan more if I'd had the background of their relationship.
If you're in the mood for a little angst the second one is a good choice. Not excessive but enough to tug the heartstrings for me anyway.
Hardass City sounds interesting. I like virtual/reality story lines. Some of my fave anime have been based on these.
Not sure about Touch Me Gently. I have a feeling that if those things niggled you they will drive me batshit.
Then you'll probably like it Kris. I think the second one either has hot issues that make readers able to overlook some things (i.e. me) or they'll drive you crazy. Worked for me though.
I am also intrigued by the game thing - and I am also like you - no hand eye cordination or silly old mom as my kids tell me...
But it does sound different and it is nice to get a new concept..
I have the second one and will DEFINATELY get the last one.. thanks Jen for letting us know there is a prequel...
Sometimes even the story doesn't connect with you in a big way, it's nice to try a different format that is a bit unique EH. Hope you enjoy them.
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