I've read some other stuff too (tomorrow's post) and I know this isn't Chris' cup of tea but I do enjoy a good menage. Okay I love a GOOD menage, I like OKAY menages too. Stormy Glenn and I have an interesting relationship. She is like twinkies. No wait, I've never had a twinky. Maybe Doritos. I know exactly what they will taste like because every bag is pretty much the same even if the flavour is slightly different. I know you'll never see them served in a high class restaurant because they just aren't that good, they are bad for you in large quantities and contain stuff that you probably shouldn't eat, but at the time you enjoy them and lick your fingers and go "that was more or less satisfying" and you let it go until next time. So I don't expect high literature, I expect a certain amount of formula (especially this particular series), I know I'll find a fair number of editing errors, but in the end, I usually like the characters and situations enough to have a satisfied feeling when I'm done. As was the case here and since I read the first three, I like to finish a series. I also find I am more forgiving of menages in a paranormal situation as here (wolves), because you can avoid those pesky things like jealousy, logic and common sense all in favour of the mate bond.
Stolen Desires by Stormy Glenn (115 pages)
Saul and Ryce have been mated for 5 years but every Friday night Saul goes off to have a one night stand. He was upfront from the beginning so Ryce has accepted it but it's getting harder. Finally he has enough and goes to a bar to get laid himself and finds Cary who he recognizes as his mate as well. He's sure Saul will be pleased. Saul comes home to find them cuddled in bed and freaks. Seems he's NOT out screwing around but won't tell anyone what he's doing. Ryce and Cary agree to "break-up"with Saul and plot to find out exactly where he goes Fridays and win him back. Well I knew what he was doing right away once I realized he wasn't screwing around because think formula people, where would a guy go in secret, come home exhausted and tired and looking rough if he's not having sex? I won't "spoil" it but I'm sure most of you figured it out. It was of course the big secret which drove me crazy, the "I must protect you by treating you like shit and not telling you what's going on" theme which I didn't particularly liked but I did like it when Ryce grew a spine. Cary was a typical tri-Omega in these books, small, effeminate, giggly, trouble-maker. His mates, two strong manly men. I told you the Doritos taste the same even if you change the name on the bag.
Unspoken Desires by Stormy Glenn (179 pages)
All of the wolf packs are going for some kind of confab and this includes Daniel from book 1. They get to the island retreat (book 3) and he sees his mate who rejected him 5 years ago and forced him to leave his pack. His mate Brom is now married with a two small kids. He approaches Daniel and there is the same "I told you to leave to save your ass and kept why a secret" thing going on but the truth comes out a bit sooner. There is also 19 year old Jaryn whom Brom recognized as their third mate and has been protecting from his highly homophobic pack and his father. His Dad's basically a giant dick and his wife is sleeping with her FIL. Ewwwwww. After he mates Daniel he grabs the kids and Jaryn and asks for asylum and they have to go before the Council to petition for the kids. I found some major errors here including one where they said Micah's special talent was A and I literally yelled out "No that's wrong!" (to my daughter's dismay) because it was Cary's talent. There were other less egregious errors but that one stood out. ALL of the characters from the other books were in this one and from time to time I had trouble keeping them all straight there were 5 sets of tri-mates and one set of two and 5 kids. So when they were all together it was a bit confusing for me.
So if you like Doritos and menage and wolves and are in the mood to let some editing stuff just slide by, they are okay reads. I wouldn't scream "run out and buy these now!" but if you happen upon them, they are typical Stormy Glenn and okay reads.
A comment about Siren Publishing formatting. They have the weirdest format to me in pdf. It has VERY large margins all around the edge. So I thought I'd compare a page of pretty heavy text with a couple of other publishers. So the Siren page had 374 words, A Torquere page had 513 and a Samhain page 520. Quite a difference. I guess that's where word count really means more than page length, because obviously 179 pages in one book is quite a shorter read than 179 pages in another. Just my little random comment for the day.
I have the same response to Stormy Glenn's books as you do! I'm not a fan of doritos or twinkies, so I liken them to Girl Scout shortbread cookies. Same idea, though.
You are spot-on with the New Moon wolf picture!
I just finished Sloan Parker's "More". I'll be curious what you think of it, whenever you get around to it!
Ha, I didn't know they were New Moon boys Wren. I cropped one of them out to fit my theme.
I see Sloan is guest posting on Fiction with Friction today. I will definitely be getting it, just not sure when.
Mmmmm. Shortbread cookies. Again, good in small doses. :-)
I shouldn't have been so lazy. Here is the link to Sloan's post.
Love the imagines you are leaving us with today... LOL at the New Moon guys.. you did not know. Well.. they sure fit your theme!
Hope all is well my friend.
I've never read the Twilight stuff Cecile and while my daughter read the books, she'd rather slit her wrists than have anything to do with the movies so they are a non-issue in our house. LOL
Not a bad day so far. We'll see how it ends. :-)
Love the image (you know that's going onto my kindle screensaver!). Your Doritos analogy made me laugh - these sound like good reads for when that's what I'm craving. Thanks!
Hi, Tam, I like m/m/m fiction, too, though I'm familiar enough with these ones to know I won't be trying them. It's ok -- as always, I like your summaries!
I find myself tilting my head to look at that first one Patti. I'm trying to figure who's leg belongs where. LOL Sometimes you want Doritos, sometimes you want beef Wellington. LOL
Since I had no idea who this Stormy person was, and you mentioned her right after mentioned loving menages, i thought she was a menage partner! And I gasped in shock! And then I laughed, highfived no one and said, "You go, girl." And then I read further and felt stupid. Such is my life.
But I DO so love the first photo. I've been in positions like that once or twice...but not in a vertical position, only a horizontal one! :)
They're not to everyone's taste Val. I'm not sure how I got started on them. It was quite awhile ago where I might have just been exploring m/m/m and then once you get started on a series (for me anyway) you kind of get sucked in.
I'm also interested to see how More works out. There is a lot of mediocre m/m/m out there which is "okay" but not so much great stuff. It's obviously not an easy thing to make work.
Polt: ROFL you made me laugh out loud. You should know me better than that by now. One would be a miracle. Two? That's really pushing it.
If only we had pictures hon. :-D
What, no stalkers?! Stormy Glenn loves her some stalkers... :)
I hate getting pdfs - I like lit, so I can convert it to what I want. That darn fixed format of pdfs - the Dreamspinner books are HUGE because of all the random giant clear pictures and weird graphic chapter headings. My reader, she pukes on too much of that crap.
Hmm. No stalkers this time. In fact I don't think there were any stalkers at all in this series. Go figure.
Well, since I read on a computer pdf works best for me. I'm not sure I can even open anything else in Windows without converting it and size isn't an issue so it's okay for me. I can' make the font large enough for my old lady eyes to read it.
Hmm. Maybe she used up all the stalkers that were available. ;)
If you want stalkers, read Call Me Sir, Too. Oh, wait, it's not m/m/m.
Tam, I can't believe you didn't at least recognize that picture from all the promo for the movie! tee hee sexy wolves.
*shrug* What can I say Wren, I'm Twilight challenged. I only know little pug-nosed Taylor Lautner because KZ makes fun of him. :-)
I don't mind a stalker story, but I did those the other day, 3 in a row, so I think I need to lay off for a bit. I have to figure out what to move on to next. Maybe some BDSM lite. LOL
Are they the cheese doritos?? Cos if they are the cheesy ones I totally get your analogy.
Knowing how you and yours think about the Twilight movies, I had a serious WTF moment when I saw the New Moon pic. I think you should take it off now. It's scaring me.
Oh yeah Kris, the cheesy ones are the best.
Okay, I explained my ignorance to the kid and she claims I must be brain dead because that background is everywhere and I should KNOW that's a Twilight picture. Whatever. They are werewolves which was making my point of the whole post. Sigh. Some parts of pop culture I purposely tune out.
LOL, great analogy. When I'm in the mood for some Doritos reading I usually go to Stormy's books. Quick and satisfying at that moment.
I really like the first picture and the second one, I had no idea what it was either. I'd never heard of New Moon. :)
Ha! Thank you Lily for supporting me in my obliviousness. I've just been told we have to watch more TV and visit more video stores. Eh.
I think I'll stick to reading Doritos and looking for pics of hot guys in undies. ;D
Wiser words were never spoken. LOL
You know how when you use google chrome as your browser and you get the little images of pages that you visit the most?? Anyways it makes that top pic in this post look like some sort of bug.
It's freaking me out a little.
Sheesh, first you have a problem with the wolf boys and now my ballet boys look like a bug. LOL I do find if I tip my head to the left I can figure out their respective limbs better.
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