Okay, what is the background of this pic. Ummm. Well, I was probably doing a search for one of two things, bondage or tattoos. Possibly piercings but I'm thinking likely tattoos. Who is he? Well, as you can see his name is Trevor Wayne, he is a gay actor (ER, Buffy, Nip/Tuck, etc.) and model. If you want to find out more about Trevor there is an interview and some pics in The Advocat magazine. He seems like an okay guy. His website is also on the pic below you could check if you want.
I'm not going to tag anyone on this one because I have a sneaky feeling many of the people I tag would run into the same issue I had. A) needing to photoshop it first or B) having no story to tell except "he was hot". :-) But if you'd like to give it a whirl, try it and see what picture you'd come up with. If it's particularly appealing or has an interesting story behind it, post it on your blog and share with us.

Whoa, unusual! I'm not so sure about the shaven head, but otherwise he's hot! It must have taken a lot of time tying him up like that -- look at how complicated the knot looks on his right wrist.
Oh Tam, this is priceless!!!!!!!! I love it. When the party is over at my place, I will pick up this meme... Why you might ask... cuz I am curious to see what folder is truly first and what is that 10th picture... heeeheee... And yea.. cuz he was hot is enough said!
Hope you have a great day hon!
I thought the rope work was intriguing Val, that's why I didn't crop his lower half. You can't really see all his tattoos clearly, but the one on his tummy says "garbage pail kids". Ummm. Not so hot. LOL
Glad I could inspire Cecile. Maybe you'll have a boring picture of a tree or something. LOL That would be depressing.
Work is making me crazy yet again. This project from Friday is going to be the death of me.
Oh Tam... Your pictures always inspire me, hee hee!
Yea, watch my picture be a pic of the lake or something lame like that, lol. If it is, I am not posting it. I will just go to my hunk folder and chose from there... Who says I have to be honest.. Hey maybe that folder is coded to be the first one!! LOL!!!
Oh hon, I am so sorry... Wish I could help with you with your project... **Tequlia is ready when you are**
I couldn't read a THING about your meme, cause I saw the photo and...well, you know me and hairthings!!!
And I didn't hoodies were of interest to you. Mayhap a similarly themed Monday is in order...
I think tonight may merit a blender full of margaritas.
Polt honey I have a whole FOLDER full of hoddied hotties. I would be thrilled if you did a hoodie theme day in my honour. :-)
I just voted you my new best friend....
I was looking recently for photos of man/men tied up but couldn't find anyting (my google image skillz are seriously lacking). Love this -tats, rope, manbits *sigh* What else can a girl ask for? ;)
Every time I see rope bondage like that, I think Nicky & Brandon. :)
Interesting. My first two picture folders were empty. The third one was "Archived Photos" and the first directory was "060728". The 10th picture was of a purple stucco house. It's the second house in this post.
Patti: If you want the pic of his manbits exposed (and tied up, ouch) Google his name and beautiful mag and you'll get the article I got the picture from. The Advocat article I linked to has a close-up of that pic from about the waist up.
Definitely Brandon and Nicky Chris. Sigh.
Polt would love that house as he loves all things purple. When our friend Enrico went to Mexico he took tons of pics of purple houses. They seem very popular down there.
I KNOW I would have the same issue. LOL.
Of all the people out there Kris, I knew you would have similar issues. LOL
Cheeky! Although very true. ;)
Ack! How did I miss that you have a blog?? I have some catching up to do!
Hi Michelle. It's mostly book reviews so you haven't missed much but feel free to chime in on the threads. We like to go off on tangents sometimes. Everyone would love to get to know you. They're friendly if slightly (?) wacky.
And Michelle M, you really have missed lots because Tam's hella funny.
Michelle is funny too. If only she'd get her own blog. LOL You will bow to the peer pressure someday Michelle. (I'm just terrified Justin will find me. LOL)
Thanks Chris. You flatter me. I did read Turquoise by Kiernan Kelly, you said you wondered what I thought. Did you read it? I posted it yesterday.
I haven't yet! But thanks for the heads up about yesterday - for some reason, Google Reader didn't alert me to that post...
"They're friendly if slightly (?) wacky."
Chris sure is! *beams*
Kris: Kettle. Black.
Play nice. Don't scare her off yet Kris. Although she comes to us from Puntabulous and she can hold her own with those boys over there and you know how THEY are. So she'll do fine.
Chris: You keep saying that to me. I do not think it means what you think it means.
Tam: "Although she comes to us from Puntabulous and she can hold her own with those boys over there and you know how THEY are. So she'll do fine."
True. We're nothing like that. ;)
"True. We're nothing like that. ;)"
Umm. No, not quite like that.
yay! I love that you're such a pervo! :-D
Glad I could make your day Adam. :-)
Love the tats and the bondage rope (yes, Nicky/Brandon comes to mind right away). I've seen his pics before although I wish he had hair.
My first folder is book covers for posts. Not very sexy or fun. :)
Well, some book covers are sexy Lily, but it's not quite the same. :-)
I might have had the same issue ;) but it made your post very interesting!
I need to know now: where can I find Nicky and Brandon?
James Buchanan books Janna. It starts with Cheating Chance, then Inland Empire and I saw James posted this week that number three is coming soon. Can't remember the title now but they are excellent books. Everyone adores Brandon and Nicky and mourn's Nicky's hair in book 2. :-) They are Torquere books but you might be able to find them at FictionWise or ARe.
FW has them, plus it has Toy Box: Handcuffs and Toy Box: Rope, both of which have Nicky & Brandon stories.
I'm checking them out! Good thing FW has the 30% sale right now :)
Just wondering: was the association because of the (lack of) hair or because of the ropes?
No, not a rope accident Janna. That would be funny. But Nicky has amazing hair (I have hair envy) which due to the story is gone in number 2. Sigh. I remember once James said she's always amazed how many people comment on the lost hair.
Hmmm, I don't know if I want to read about a guy whose hair is prettier than mine ;) but hey, I'll give it a try!
@Chris: Just discovered that I've read the Toy Box: Rope. Can't remember Nicky and Brandon's story, have to look that up, but I rated the collection as a whole very low...
I know Janna. I always said I could never date a guy who better hair than me. I do admire it though. LOL
The books Cheating Chance and Inland Empire are looking good! They are in my FW basket already :)
Janna: I think, after reading those two books, you might like the Nicky & Brandon story in Toy Box: Rope a lot more! :) I think I tried to read the other stories and didn't bother to finish them.
I agree with Chris. The rope story makes more sense once you understand the relationship of the guys. Otherwise it just kind of drops you in the middle and you feel a bit lost. I think I liked another one of the rope ones, the circus one. It was kind of weird but different.
You are so easy Janna. In the basket already. LOL
Easy is my middle name *grin*
Although I had to go over to Torquere for the first book, lol! Oddly FW only had the second book.
I thought the circus story was very weird, I didn't get it at all *g*
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