Then I was bloggity blogging around the interweb and I was goofing around told someone I loved them and I thought of this which I always found amusing.
She always called her mother lady. I'm easily amused. My daughter had a Nancy Drew computer game with a parrot that would squawk "Don't leave me, I love you!" and her and I would always say it in parrot voice. Yes, we're weird.
I'm booking the apartment in San Francisco for yaoi-con in October. I'm very very excited. Well, not cause of yaoi-con although that will be okay but because the Kchris' are coming. It's going to be so confusing at the apartment. Kris, Chris and my daughter is Kristen. Oh yeah. We're going to have to assign nicknames at the door. Kanga, Lumberjack and Kid. Too bad we have to wait until October. Oh well, always good to have something to look forward to. If anyone else is going let us know. I think I'm going to need more than 5 days.
What to do today. Well you could all go to Desert Island Keepers and see if you and Kris share any reading habits, good or bad.
Chris sent me this cartoon which so made my morning.
Wren finished her mini-story about Red and Wolfie. Great ending and super job Wren. If you haven't read it go and have a gander.
Here's some cookies. How about some nice European boys from Next Modeling Agency.
Sergi Agoretta (before he waxed off his chest hair)
Jozef Exner
For those squicked out by poor Jozef (who probably gets asked for ID constantly) here is someone who was definitely old enough.
Alberto Guzman
I do love me a scruffy boy.
Jacey Elthalion
Your 15-year old cheekbone guy is blond. Uck. Scruffy guy's pretty cute, other than the scruff's starting to look like a 'stache. :(
Not going to answer to Lumberjack, thank you very much. :D
You have a problem with blonds ... blondie? Don't be prejudices against your own kind. I swear he's 18, at least. Maybe 19.
Okay, no Lumberjack. Ummmm. What else is Minnesota famous for? Besides a big ass mall?
Yup. I do. :) Also, my ex-husband being blond pretty much ruined the blond thing for me forever.
Realistically, I won't answer to any nicknames. I'll have no clue you're talking to me.
Okay, we'll just poke you and say "hey you". :-)
I like scruffy and old enough. Something about the blond feels weird. And Sergi has too much forehead.
Thanks for the Red/Wolfie shout out! You are their patron saint.
Patron Saint of erotic romance couple. Think I can put that on my resume? LOL
Poor Jozef. He's not getting any love. Sigh.
It was kind of fun to look at Scruffy's portfolio becuase he had some pictures when he had really long hair and then you could see it getting shorter and shorter, finally ending somewhat shorter than the scruffy picture.
Definitely resume worthy.
I think Scruffy would look hotter without the 'stache. Still like him, though.
Without the scruff he looks much younger and girlier.
Oh. Oh my. I may have to study these for a while. *hums*
Hmm. So, Wren, do you feel your involvement in the m/m blogging community has had a negative impact on your writing output? ;)
Chris: Yes. But it has done wonderful things for my imagination.
Chris: Are you telling me I should be writing instead of looking at cute menz?
Chris, don't be mean to Wren. I'm sure she's thinking hard about her next book as she looks at the boys.
Yeah! pbbbbbbth!
True, look at how the whole story of Wolfie and Red grew from a single photo at Tam's place...
*nods head* Uh huh. You just never know. Blondie's looking for a Daddy. :-)
Funny story. Remember that post I did at Wave's about armpit sniffing/licking? Well suddenly today there is a post about the danger of pit bull dogs. WTF? Lee Rowan posted and said "Did you actually READ this?" LOL I was going to avoid it because it made no sense. Obviously someone has a google alert set to "pit" and just posts random paragraphs warning about pit bulls. People are so weird.
Oh yeah, it's my day for weird replies from posts at Wave's. Carlton Mellick III showed up to accept his gold and bronze medal in the ugly book cover contest last night. Too funny. He seemed to have a good sense of humour about it all.
Sounds like a fun trip you've planned in October :) even with the confusing name thing, lol.
I would love to go to San Fransisco again, I really liked it there!
The men candy is yum, especially the last one. I like him best with the scruff and the shorter long hair, like at this pic. :)
I prefer it that length too Janna. Longish but not too long.
I've never been to California at all so I'm really looking forward to the trip.
Yes, it's the perfect length to get your fingers wrapped in... 8sigh*
I think you'll love SF, it's not too hot (in fact it was rather windy when we were there) and it's just a beautiful city with the steep streets and the harbor and beaches and parks and old trams.
Re: the pit bull thingie - I get pingbacks like that, too. Just another kind of spam. Never hits my blog because anyone's first comment has to be approved by me.
Okay, EDJ (evil day job) got the best of me today and I was no where to be found!!
But I am here and lmbo!!!
Way to go Mom!!! I am still laughing at that one. Why.. cuz that sounds like something I would do!
Oh... my... those cookies... are very dunkable!! And legal... O_O!! Hope you had a great day!
Uh huh. Totally legal. Thanks for backing me up Cecile. ;-)
Well, I am getting a new patio door tomorrow and I didn't want the fix-it men to think I live in a total pig sty so tonight I did most of that cleaning I didn't do on the weekend. Vacuumed, swept, cleaned the rabbit cage, cleaned up the front entryway, took out the trash, cleaned off the coffee table and dining room table (or at least straighted it out LOL) and took down my blinds off the window. I think I'm going to get new ones. I've had those for 10 years, time for a change. So I had a very productive evening I must say. I will finish my kitchen in the morning I think. Should only take me 1/2 an hour so I'll go into work a bit late.
And see - you were motivated, so I bet this all happened in a fraction of the time it would've over the weekend!
True Chris. I thank god my Mom comes to visit once a year, otherwise who knows WHAT would motivate me. LOL
It is amazing what a little deadline will do.
Oh yeah. I've decided I need to have company at least monthly, because when I don't?! Um.
Monthly!?!? Holy hell. LOL Bi-annually works for me. :-)
Damn. Who knew I was a cleaning over-achiever? ;) Of course, I have a wee 637 sq foot condo, so....
Well, my house is not huge by a long shot and if I didn't have a kid, 2 cats and a rabbit it would be easier to clean. LOL I'm having a rare beer to celebrate my hard word. Even got the kitchen finished. Will vacuum the stairs tomorrow morning and I'll be good for a bit.
Mmmm, Alberto's got a hot bod and Jacey is gorgeous, even with a mustache. YUM!!
I loved the cartoon. So true!! :)
I've never been to Cali but my sister and daughter have and both really liked it. I'm sure you guys will have a blast. I'm so jealous! ;D
Enjoy your beer, you earned it with all that hard work.
Jacey is good looking. He looked older with the scruff.
I'm sure we'll have a blast out west. I don't mind walking DOWN steep hills as long as there is a trolley car going up. LOL
Kanga?? The hell I'm answering to that. I might answer to The Awesomest Person On The Face Of The Planet though. Or just Awe for short. ;)
Sigh. God you guys are fussy.
Tam that sounds like a fun trip - be strong girl a room full of C/kris' how will you manage...
Hope you have a smashing time...
Thankfully I'll have my own room to escape to. ;-) Although my daughter may have claimed that. LOL I'm sure it will be a blast and we'll get along like a house on fire.
I really envy you guys going to San Francisco. Yowee Con I could live without, but a great vacation is a great vacation. *sigh* Will one of you send me a postcard?
Wren, if they don't send me a postcard, will you send me a postcard? Will somebody send me a postcard? From anywhere? That way I can at least have a vicarious vacation. :-)
(As always, love your taste in Hotties, Tam!)
I love to send postcards!! Well, and get them, but I swear, no one sends them anymore...
Of course, if you're offering up your mailing address, I'll send you that ManLove mix cd first. :)
Oh, and I'm not planning on going to the con.
I will likely only go to the con one day. I think. LOL I'm forcing Chris to hang with my kid that day. Did I mention tat Chris? I think Tracy is coming up from LA or where ever as well. Clare London will be at he con. A veritable festival of the m/m world.
If you send me your address I'll be happy to add you to my list of people I send post cards too wen I travel. Oh and anything that comes from SF WILL have naked boys on it. :-D My daughter collects post cards so we are always happy to get some.
I'd be happy to send you a postcard KZ! It would be from nowheresville, but if you email your address, I'll get right on it.
So ya'll are going to SF for the yoweecon and you're not going to the yoweecon? Am I missing something?
I'm going because I've never been to San Francisco, I'll get to hang out with Tam and Kris, and there are assorted other bloggers in the area that I'll be visiting.
I believe yoweezowee con is the excuse Kris is using to come to the US and I figure if she makes it to my continent the least I can do is meet her there.
I can see clearly now. You all are sure to have a blast. Those of us left behind will be looking for your detailed postings of the festivities!
Three people will be getting my address. I expect to be inundated with postcards.
Hey, maybe we should set up a postcard exchange! Wouldn't that be more fun than a meme?
[Note to self: Get a life.]
It would be fun KZ. I have a bunch of people's addresses from the yaoi exchange. If you send me your address and I get Wren's I'll send out the note. Everyone just has to pop some postcards in the mail. Easy peasy. :-)
I'm sure we'll all be posting amazing blog reports Wren. :-)
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