Night Shift by Jenna Byrnes (62 pages)

A serial killer is picking off drug dealers and Ryder (another book where they go by last names) and his team are having no luck. Stone is a hotshot up and coming AA detective brought in to lead a task force. Ryder isn't thrilled and he and Stone get off to a rocky start but within hours are fucking each other's brains out. So they work together while sleeping together and arrest a suspect that Stone is sure is guilty. Ryder knows something is hinky and his snitches offer him some info that supports this. As well, Stone has big aspirations and as no desire to be an out and proud cop like Ryder is. Seems Ryder was right about a conspiracy and Ryder's snitches manage to help them catch the real killer at great risk. My biggest complaint is this book moved really fast. They meet at 2:00 pm and are in bed by 6:30. Whoa. I also wanted more info about the murder case because I didn't really understand it all and why the killer and his henchmen did it, but it was only 60 pages so I guess you can only fit so much in. But it was an okay story about two cops working together. Oh and yes, both guys on the cover are white, but that cover is used for tons of books at that publishers.
Only in His Dreams by Shawn Lane (68 pages)

Darrel, an accountant, has been crushing on his boss Travis, a partner at the law firm since he started but figures he'd have no chance. Finally, one fateful night due to a broken down car they spend some time together and with the help of the machinations of Trevor's flamingly gay secretary they start a relationship. Everything is going great for a few weeks when they go for dinner with Darrel's Mom. She is not thrilled her son is gay but is really put off that Travis is white. Travis is then worried about coming between Darrel and his family. It was a cute story about two guys who both thought the other wouldn't be interested and the only thing that annoyed me was Travis' reaction to Darrel's Mom. He was a high powered lawyer, in his 30's, and yet he acted like a teenager who'd been warned off by a vengeful Dad with a shot gun. He didn't even try to talk to Darrel about it until he forced the issue, but until that I thought it was a sweet story about the guys. I'd be curious if Travis' secretary Barnaby and his law partner Nathan get a story as they were dancing around that one.
I have two days of training coming up Monday and Tuesday so I won't be around the net much since I won't have computer access except for my phone which doesn't work for most blogs. Sigh. I'll be seeing little pink computer mice climbing the walls I'll be in such severe withdrawal. :-)
Hope everyone is having a great weekend.
I believe I read in the comments somewhere else where Shawn Lane said there are several related books coming out, so... I was wondering the same thing! :)
I had a little mini-theme thing going on yesterday, too - guys in long-term relationships that were going stale, making things worse by not communicating, then pulling their heads out of their asses in the nick of time.
Hmm. Netbook to coffee shop during your lunch breaks?!??
Now that you said that Chris I remember that too. But I hadn't read the book so it didn't twig in my brain that it was these two.
I'm tempted to take my netbook, the training is at the university so there must be wireless but I'm afraid they'll think I'm weird and expect me to socialize with them all. LOL
Great reviews, Tam! Isn't that annoying though when the art department gets the cover wrong and puts two white guys on the cover of an interracial romance. Seems careless to me ...
Good luck with your computer withdrawal!
That publisher always uses those covers so I don't pay much attention anymore Val, I just make sure it's two guys and not the one with a guy and a girl. Te blurb says he's "dark skinned" but I didn't really associate that with African American. Not sure that's just me being dense or what?
Tam you are a woman of many talents. We'll miss you while you're off training and socializing and what not.
I appreciate that a publisher can 1) save money and 2) categorize by putting books under a label like "Lust Bites", but I still sort of hate it.
It kind of bugs me too. I understand with a Sip which is 12 pages on average paying for covers would be prohibitive, but for a 70 page book it seems it could merit some kind of personalization on the covers. But ...
These both sound interesting. At least the second story attempts to deal with the black/white issue, even if it was a bit annoying. I get irritated with I/R romances where everyone pretends that the colour means nothing.
Shawn Lane has written another good I/R romance with a white cop and a black lawyer. Now if only I could remember the name of the thing. Hang on, I'll go look it up....
...it was The Other Side.
Enjoy your training meeting. I know these things can be a drag but I hope you get some nice food out of it :).
In the first book Jen the bigger issue than race is sexual preference. Stone is concerned being in an openly gay relationship will hamper his climb up the police ladder (which it probably would).
Food? Ha! Working for a government in deficit with a wage freeze means I get muffins tomorrow morning then after that we're on our own. We're right across the street from the mall so I guess we can go get lunch there.
I just hope you remember the little people when you've made your millions off your newly discovered talent... and why in the hell is that boy wearing three pairs of pants. It's weird.
I know I know. I considered cropping him but that would have required more work. From what I've seen (and I'm not saying where) the outer pants often have holes in the ass and it LOOKS like they are showing off their undies, but in fact their real undies are under the "faux undies". But as I can't see his ass I can't say if this is the case. LOL
I'll invite you to my mansion housewarming when I hit the big time. ;-)
Enjoy your training day my dear... Sometimes it good to get away, even if it's just out of the office..
I have read those books - both author are good with me.. Not forced or overplayed - easy reads for me.
I love I/R - m/m and m/f stuff.... -
They were good reads EH. I started a thread in the GoodReads m/m group with a list of I/R books. Not all are African American, but include Hispanic, Asian, Native American and a few others so you could check the list to see if there are some you haven't read yet.
I haven't read either of these although they sound good.
Ugh, I hate when I'm forced to attend banking seminars. Hope the muffins are good. :D
I'm hoping for a double chocolate muffin. :-)
I made chocolate espresso muffins once. Those were AWESOME.
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