Thanks to Lily at ♥ ♥ I Love Books ♥ ♥ , I received this lovely award. It means I have to answer the questions below using only one word answers. We'll see how I do. Thanks again Lily, love your blog and all your luscious eye candy. (Take into account some of these answers come from when I typed it, not from when it is posted. I may well have laughed since Monday.)
Your cell phone? Slider
Your hair? Short
Your mother? Great
Your father? Retired
Your favorite food? Bread
Your dream last night? Forget
Your favorite drink? Water
Your dream/goal? Travel
What room are you in? Office (work)
Your hobby? Reading
Your fear? Snakes
Where do you want to be in 6 years? Chile
Where were you last night? Home
Something that you aren't? Skinny
Muffins? Chocolate
Wish list item? Money
Where did you grow up? Manitoba
Last thing you did? Coffee
What are you wearing? Clothes
Your TV? Dying
Your pets? Annoying
Friends? On-line
Your life? Boring
Your mood? Meh (is that a word?)
Missing someone? Nope
Vehicle? Red
Something you're not wearing? Mittens
Your favorite store? Books
Your favorite color? Blue
When was the last time you laughed? Monday
Last time you cried? Monday
Your best friend? Far
One place that you go to over and over? Work
Facebook? Fun
Favorite place to eat? Black Thorn (two words but hey, it's my fave)
We are then supposed to choose someone else to pass on the award and I choose Chris of Stumbling Over Chaos. The woman is a whizz with the links and I always find very funny and cool stuff on her site to pass on to friends. Her "reviews" are even shorter than mine :-) and her pics of her kidlets are always adorable. Oh and we mustn't forget the stock photography guys. Maybe I'll even take up knitting some day if she keeps blogging about that too. Enjoy Chris.
Just to encourage you, here's some cookies as bait.
Jon Kartajarena
Chad White
Yayayayayayayayayaay to you!!!! I am glad I finally followed the bread crumbs to you honey!!!!!! And what a lovely post to come to!! Hope you had a great Monday!
Welcome Cecile. Glad you found me (us). Monday was ... well, Monday. LOL
Ack! Me?! Waaaah!! But you did say such nice things... Your cookies need sharper cheekbones, though, to be really tempting. And hair long enough to run fingers through. ;)
Jon has long hair for you. Looks like he just rolled out of bed too. Not sure I can do much with their cheek bones though. I'll keep that in mind for future choices. ;-)
Monday was Monday indeed.
Chris, the first thing I'd do with those cookies if I were you is dunk 'em in the bathtub. They look a little grubby. I suspect they've already been handled. *ahem*
I need specifics on the bread - what type?
Great post!
What do you mean you've not got your mittens on? That's indecent, that it :).
I'll have you know I cleaned those boys myself. They are just a bit tired after ... Well, they just need a little rest.
In about an hour I'll be decent Jen since it's -9 wit the wind this morning. Brrrrrr.
Tracy: Well, pretty much any kind but a warm French bread slathered with butter works for me.
Brr, Tam! It's +34F right now...
It's supposed to be in the mid-40's all week but it's still getting well below freezing at night and with the wind that's a bit chilly, although I just wore my spring coat this morning and it's not too bad. Beautiful sunshine so I'm happy.
Sounds like last week here. This week it's supposed to be cloudy and rainy all week, although maybe as warm as 50!
I'm in shock!! Did I just read that Chris is going to do a meme!! Are a few nice words about her blog really all it takes?!
*feeling a bit offended* ;)
Well Tam, you did a nice job and I'm impressed that you managed to keep your answers down to one word. I did this meme a while back and I remember having a hard time with that part, lol!
She CLAIMS she'll do it, we shall see if it comes to pass. :-)
Using one work was hard for me when I have trouble keeping the simplest thing to less tan 150 words.
Okay I have been gone... and come back to see that Chris is going to do a meme....... OH WOW!!!!!!!!!
All hail Queen Tammy... **bowing**
Oh, for cripes sake.
The pressure mounts Chris. You HAVE to perform now. You're adoring public awaits.
Always fun to learn something new about my friends. Thanks for playing along.
I'm looking forward to reading Chris' meme.
Tank Lily. Chris ad better do an amazing job because I think we all have high expectations now. Poor dear.
Tank? That was thanks. LOL
The pressure is on..... **biting nails to see what she will come up with**
Tam, maybe if you throw another cookies with sharper cheekbones at her, the woman stops yawning ;)
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