It was still only the odd author who would find their names or a comment here and there from Jen. Then suddenly last fall things started picking up and people started finding me. I wasn't sure what I was supposed to do with that. It wasn't my plan to have people read what I wrote, I was sometimes a bit too snarky maybe. I don't consider myself a real review site, not like Jen, Lily, Val, Kassa, Wave, or others who really look at structure and characterization and that type of thing. I'm more of the I know if I liked it camp of reviewer. Can't say why sometimes (although I'm learning) but I either did or I didn't. I love that people stop by to say hi and have some fun and then go off on tangents. Always feel free to talk amongst yourselves here. My blog door is always open.
I have learned a lot about writing and books (especially yaoi 0_0) and about myself from the people I've met on-line connected with the m/m community. I have made lots of amazing friends; authors, reviewers, readers, and I'm thrilled that I'm going to get to meet some this fall. I'm so excited to be going to San Francisco and I'll get to meet Kris, and Chris and Tracy and Jen and hopefully Clare London and Aunt Lynn who reviews at Wave's and I have another friend who lives in the Bay area. I'm definitely going to need more than 5 days. :-) Plus time for being a tourist with my daughter. I can't say THIS blog is the reason I know all these amazing people but it doesn't hurt. So there's my big *smooch* to all my on-line friends. I love you all.
So in honour of my special day, just like in first grade, I'm bringing treats for the whole class. :-)

Happy blog birthday Tam!! You're a warm, funny lady and I always know I'm in for a treat when I pop over here.
Thanks for the cookies, yum, yum :).
*raises glass*
Here's to another year of blogging for you :).
Happy birthday to your blog
Happy birthday to your blog
Happy birthday to your B-l-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-G
Happy birthday to your blog!
Oh, and look. Apparently your treats are edible... or at least lickable. How... nice.
Smooches and luffs to you as well lady. I'm so looking forward to meeting you and everyone else in October. Can't wait! :D
Happy Blog Birthday! I only recently found you but I do enjoy reading your blog!
One thing I like about book blogging is you get to "meet" people you never would have met otherwise. That's so cool that you get to meet your blog buddies in RL in San Francisco.
haha - w/v is "skybard". Now that's just funny.
Thanks Jen and Kris. Glad you enjoyed the cookies. It's hard to believe it's been a wear. Wow, time flies by.
Have a great day/evening.
Thanks Patti. Meeting people is the best part.
Skybard. Sort of a futuristic space Shakespeare.
Happy blogiversary to YOUUUUUUUUUUUU!
Hmm. Those cookies look like they've been gnawed on. Kris????
Congrats on your blogiversary, Tam! It's always a treat to stop over here, but today is extra special :) You're fabulous!
Happy Blog Birthday to you!!!
I really enjoy coming here and reading about the books you've read. You're wonderful and very funny and it's a pleasure being your online friend.
Thanks for the cake and YUMMY cookies!
Congrats on your blog birthday, Tam! I'm one of those who only discovered you a few months ago, but before that I didn't know anything about blogs or blogging at all, lol!
And thanks for celebrating with the lovely cookies :)
Hey Tam!!!! Happy Blog birthday to you honey!! I am glad to that I have found you!!!! It is very cool how we do get to meet people we otherwise would not have met!
Hugs to you and hoping to see many more birthdays with you honey!!!!!
And ps... I love your cookies. Although I think I am going to fix me a glass of milk to have with my cookies!
Happy blogday, Tam!
I don't know what I'd do without your blog, Tam. Or without you showing up at my blog. SRSLY. (Did I spell that right? I'm so freakin' square.) Anybody who makes me chuckle regularly--and whose daughter makes fabulous Photoshop pix of my crushes--is aces in my book.
Long may you blog!
(Certain pix aren't showing up on my 'puter. Wonder what that means. Am I being told I'm a dirty cougar?)
Happy Blog Birthday! Thanks so much for sharing your tasty treats, too.
Ohhh, finally I can see the cookies! *droooooooooooool*
*nom nom nom nom*
Happy blog birthday, Tam! I just found your blog a few months ago and am really enjoying it, even if I don't comment much.
And thanks for the cookies. Mmmm
Thank you to: Chris, Wren, Lily, Janna, Stephani and Ricelle.
Matthew: Welcome to the blog and glad you got to taste the cookies.
KZ:P I have a special program that knows if the gap between the age of the model and your own is too great, it blocks it out. ;-) And hey, congrats on two great reviews of The Prayer Waltz at Wave's and Jen's today. You go.
Kris: Take it easy on the boys. Don't leave marks.
My training was "okay" today. There is always one person in every class you just want to take in the alley and ... Well, she was annoying as hell. LOL
And especially boooooo, no chocolate muffins this morning. Oh well, I had a croissant.
I was able to see my e-mail on my phone so I saw all your nice messages, just couldn't reply. One more day.
Tam, if you lived close I would make you a Big Top Cupcake. We got the mold the other week and it's so much fun.
Mmmmm. Cupcakes. I'll just have to imagine it Stephani. Thanks. :-)
Happy Blogiversary!!!! Congrats to you. I remember when there weren't so many people commenting here. My how you've grown. lol
Thanks Tracy. I remember you were one of the first to visit as well. Things do change. :-)
Shoot. I missed Cecile. Thanks to you too. :-)
Tam, big congrats on your one-year anniversary! Your blog is a must-read for me, and you've even taught me to be more succinct, ha, ha! Thank you for the link and the mention, and I'm thrilled that you've caught the blogging urge and plan to keep on doing it!
Thanks so much Val. I'm not sure how much I got the bug and how much I feel obligated to post something now if people show up. LOL But it's still fun.
Congratulations on hitting your year mark with style! And those cookies are yummy!
Thanks Miranda. Glad you enjoyed the cookies. They are calorie free so that's a bonus. :-)
I have a feeling they may even BURN calories... *panting* <-- That is so unattractive but I can't seem to help myself.
Happy Belated birthday hon...
I agree with Jen - it is a treat everytime I come over here....
Very cool for me to have met you...
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