By one stinkin' vote. *sob* :-) But it was fun. I am so not the competitive type as a rule. LOL Not sure what got into me. Anyway, Eyre thinks I should still give you all a full frontal reward, and I did find that picture of Levi Poulter, so when I get home I shall reward the faithful. They are letting us off our chains at noon today. Woohoo. I have to go and pick up a few groceries, then pick up my kidlet and then we are spending a lazy day/evening at home. I think. I am. Most of her friends are out of town so I think she's staying home as well. We'll be on-line, boring as ever. LOL
So check back later for pics. I will likely click that "this website might have nekkidness" button just because I don't want anyone to be "shocked" and I'll put NSFW in the title just in case. Thanks again for all the support and the votes and for giving poor Craig a heart attack. I'm so evil.
Awww, by just one vote?
You'll always be my #1 ;D
Yay for half days! Enjoy your time off.
Thanks Lily. *sniff* :-)
One hour, one hour. I've done nothing, I could have stayed home but didn't want to use vacation days. LOL
I'm sorry Tam! I was campaigning for you! :(
Thanks hon. It was a lot of fun anyway. Hey, he had guys with iphone, I didn't have a chance. Who knows WHAT kind of incentive he had going over there. ;-)
Have a fun New Year's Eve.
One vote?! Ack!!
I know Chris, not sure if that's better or worse than a blow-out. LOL
So close...and yet so far. But if it was fun, then you're still a winner (or wiener as KZ likes to say).
My husb and I will have a lazy quiet New Year's, too. It's my favorite kind :)
Happy to you, Tam!
P.S. I clicked on the 'treasure trail' link above your very hot hottie, and it didn't work :(
Awww - that sucks! Sorry to hear it but we still loves you the bestest!
I fixed the link Wren. Now you can perv with me. :-) Enjoy your quiet night in.
Thanks Tracy. At least someone loves me. ;-)
At least you had fun hon....
Next time you'll get them.....
Happy New Year to you and the kidlet...
We did EH. It was a good time. I have to start campaigning earlier next time. :-)
I promise I'll vote for you next year!!
Yeah yeah sure. I should have phoned Harry. :-P
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