So we've been tossing some hints around, some small, some significantly less so, but today is the day. Jenre (who many know from her own blog she had, and from her reviews at Reviews by Jessewave and at Three Dollar Bill Reviews and me of ... here, and the occasional post at Wave's as well - must get on that) have started up a new blog devoted to reviewing short stories.
I am a self-admitted short story slut and Jen is also a fan. We find that shorts don't get much coverage on most review sites. Once in a while. but certainly not on a regular basis. I do cover them and Jen used to do her Saturday shorts, but our new blog will be nothing but short reviews, we mean that in all ways. Short stories along with short reviews. So click on our banner up top and stop by and say hi on our first day in our new life.
I'll still be doing my regular thing here, longer stories along with links to any shorts I post reviews for over on the other site and the odd other fun thing I do. We hope to make a few more converts to the short story genre.
If you have your own blog and would like to help get the word out for us, feel free to steal the banner up top as our advertising budget is limited. Like zero. :-)
Weeeeeeeeee nice going! I'll be sure to pop over every now and then! :-)
Awesome! Congrats to you and Jenre *roar*
Thanks guys. I'm looking forward to working with Jen on the new blog.
Yay! It's going to absolutely bloody brilliant!
At least, I hope it is :).
I hope so Jen. It will be fun if nothing else. :-)
I'll mention it Friday. And I just passed the info along to Jase for author news on the GRs group. :)
You know I love shorts, so I'm off to check out the new site. Congrats to both of you!
Thanks, Chris :)
Thanks for helping to spread the word Chris and for the good wishes.
Very Cool!
What a fabulous idea! Sure, I'll help pimp you! Have you set up a separate blog? If so, what's the url?
Two other questions: first, what do you consider "short"; second, Jen, you sure your hub won't mind you going back to blogging...and with the same person with whom you share that secret baby/love child?
We have decided that a short is a short story or novelette, not a novella. We've gone for a cut off point of 20,000 words.
Here's the site: http://briefencountersreviews.com
Hub and I had a 'discussion' last night about the whole thing and he's OK about it. I'm afraid I haven't told him about the love-child yet :).
OMG, this is so awesome! Jen, I remember how much coverage of stories you used to do with your Saturday Shorts feature. You were the only reviewer to seek out shorts until Tam started as well.
Outstanding! Our genre needs this new blog. There are so many short stories out there getting written so fast, and it's true that they get no recognition. I'll definitely help put the word out about your new blog!
Thanks Miranda.
KZ, would you hush about the love child? The whole world will know soon and it won't be a secret baby anytime soon.
I hope that having two of us on the site means that Jen's life won't be quite so overwhelmed. We are also going to skip the weekends when traffic is slower and personal lives are busier so hopefully that translates into less stress all around. Once we get in the groove too I think it will flow.
Thanks so much Val. There really are a lot of shorts coming out, especially with things like the DSP doses which increase the numbers. It's going to be weird for me to do a more formal type review, although I'm probably still pretty chatty and go with my gut as opposed to more analytical and academic. Oh well, such is my style. :-)
I think you're going at this the right way -- split duties and no weekend posts. And your two different approaches should make for a really delightful, always-interesting review site. Can't wait!
Crap, now I have to write some shorts. :-)
now I have to write some shorts
Ooh yes! Something with Jackson and Adin in, please. Pretty please!
I posted over at the shorty blog, but I just wanted to say hi and congrats here. Glad to know KZ's working on some shorts now. :)
Yes yes, get writing KZ.
Thanks Wren. Feel free to write a short or two of your own there missy.
Wait a minute. I only said I'd have to start writing shorts. I didn't say when.
Oh. Is that a gauntlet being thrown? No wait. I don't do short... except for, you know, when Kris demands it. And now that dang Goodreads group - I'm finishing that one up today I hope.
Short stories are hard to write (good ones, that is) and I think a lot of people don't get that.
Now KZ, now!
Definitely a gauntlet Wren. They are hard but nothing like stretching yourself. I have faith in you. ;-)
Pfft! I'm still waiting for Cirque!
Now that I have two blogs you'd better not be holding your breath. I should send you the first three chapters, like a publisher. :-)
Yes, do. Then I could read them and tell you I'll publish it and then you'll have to finish!
Great new, ladies! I'm excited for you.
Thanks Eyre.
Very, very cool. :)
Thanks hon. :-) We hope it goes well.
I blinked for 5 minutes and you two go start an adventure...
Congrats on the set up and I will certainly be checking out what you have been reading...
Oh my! How exciting. Hugs to you both!!!
Thanks so much Eden. We're excited.
This is so fantastic! I really enjoy short stories. And, as a new author who, to date, has only written short stories, I can't tell you how wonderful I think this is. I know from experience that it's hard to get people to review short stories. (Though you were kind enough to review one of mine! Many thanks again!!) It also makes it difficult for readers to figure out which short stories to buy because of lack of coverage. So, bravo to both of you! There are tons of review blogs out there, but I believe you are filling a truly important niche that has been vacant too long! ;)
Thank you so much Lily. Shorts are definitely under-represented. I think there exists yet a bit of an attitude that the bigger the tome the more profound, but I like my shorts. you know what they say, it's not the size that matters. :-)
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