No tinsel on the tree (cats eat it) but it looks pretty good. Those blue lights really light up. I think my mantle looks pretty good. The Santa right above the little tiny stocking (my daughter has a bigger stocking than that LOL) was one that my grandparents had when I was a little girl. He used to have an electric light inside him but now he just sits there. But he must be over 40 years old.
If you have a pic of your tree or menorah or festivus pole or whatever or a link to your blog with pics put it in the comments so we can all share the beauty of the season.

No decorating here - have I mentioned the ninja kitties before?! :D But your place looks very festive!
LOL - my veri word is tummie.
Beautiful pictures! We just trimmed the tree last night, so I will but a post up tonight and come back with a link to share. :D
My cats could really care less. Now that Vanessa is over her paralyzing fear of the tree, it just annoys them that it blocks part of the patio doors.
Look forward to seeing your pics later Miranda.
Sweet decor, Tam! I've posted mine on my blog
I wish I had a good way to capture our back yard at night. I have a couple little trees out there all lit up and it looks great, especially with the snow on the ground.
Thanks Wren. Your's looked great too.
I love outdoor lights, unfortunately the way my townhouse is built I can really only have them around the garage door which is boring and a PITA to put up. One of those few times I think "A man would be handy right now". Or a gigantic staple gun, that would probably do the trick as well and be less annoying on the whole.
Very nice, Tam! We didn't get it together to decorate this year so no photos, but I'm enjoying yours!
You still have 13 days Val. :-) I'll have mine down before New Year. I hate having to clean up all that stuff after. I like to start the year with a tidy house (because it's the only time all year it gets that way 0_o).
Your decorations look wonderful, Tam. :) I like the blue lights. I'm afraid I'm not decorating this year. Like you said, it seems more effort than it's worth, especially since we won't be at home with Christmas and will be gone until January 3.
Especially if you're not going to be home Janna. Then it seems like a lot of work to set it up and not even enjoy it. Safe travels over the holiday.
Fabulous tree! I don't decorate. It doesn't seem worth the effort when it's just me here. Of course, my cats would climb a tree and think all the ornaments were toys anyway. :) My parents will have a tree, and I'll be there for Christmas day.
I can't have a proper tree anymore since the russian mob are psychos. I went with this one this year:
I put mine up last weekend. The completed tree is visible at the end of this post:
Also, you might wanna stop by and see this year's Christmas video, guest starring Mama Polt! :)
You're tree looks very...filled, lotsa stuff on it. Looks very festive. But maybe if you put less stuff on it, you'd have less reservations about putting it up?
If you're not going to be home it is a lot of work and I know I wouldn't bother either Eyre. It's the dragging everything out an d then packing it all up again. Such a hassle. Maybe I just need servants to do this for me, or a slave boy, either one.
Very pretty. The house and tree look nice. No tree here, too much effort.
I thought it would be a glass Christmas tree dildo Kris. :-P
Your's is nice Polt because you have lots of lights. I need more lights. Our tree only has about 50% of the decorations I actually own. I'm a bad one for buying new ones. Just got 4 in Chicago. Sigh. Yes, I must stop by and see the video, meant to do that the other night.
I know the feeling John. You're likely going to be with family on the big day anyway so why bother.
Har. Har.
Besides the kittehs would prob'ly smash it.
Your tree is gorgeous! Ours looks like the kids decorated it (which they did, lol). Now they fight over whose turn it is to turn on the lights in the evening :)
If I can find one Kris you are sooooo getting it. Cost be damned. And yeah, Sean Michael probably.
Thanks Mush.
We haven't turned out lights on yet tonight Patti. Maybe we should get on that. My daughter did most of the decorating but by 15 you hope they have some sense of appropriate ornament placement. LOL
Got my pics up now :)
The Russian Mob?!
Very nice Miranda. I see where I've been doing it wrong all these years. No alcohol. Next year. :-)
I love your tree and mantel decorations! It's lovely that you have something from your childhood as part of your present Xmas. :)
I combined my Xmas pic and the Teaser Tuesday into one post and it's up now.
Thanks Lily. I will pop over and check your's out.
Very nice decorations, Tam! I'm a total sap for Christmas. Pulled out my entire Santa and snowman collections this year (they're all either vintage or handmade -- nothing from China), but our usual absurd Charlie Brown tree from the back forty didn't get much attention. Pathetic thing...
I remember as a kid KZ everyone piling in the truck (seatbelts be damned) and heading out into the "bush" to find the perfect tree. which always turned out to be a bit Charlie Brownish once you got it in the house. :-)
Your collection sounds lovely, I'm just too damn lazy.
A very merry tree!
I skipped the tree this year. Bah humbug!
Do you have your Charlie Brown tree Michelle? That's not bad. But I know the feeling.
What a great idea Tam! Merry Christmas all! :)
I am defiantely enjoying the picture...
Isn't it nice to have those little bits and pieces of holiday stuff that just brings back so much memories...
No tree for me either, my kids are more interested in the January sales rather than the spirit of the season... mercenary little so and so's...
My daughter hates shopping and I'll say we don't really have many sales here in Jan. Or maybe we both are oblivious. LOL
Very nice tree and decorations, my dear! :)
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