Double Shot Cappuccino by Stephani Hecht (76 pages)

For the last year Nash has been dealing with the death of his brother in Iraq and running the coffee shop they co-owned. Out of the blue his brother's best friend Tyler shows up, now out of the military himself. They start a no strings attached affair that within days becomes all strings for Nash as he's been in love with Tyler since they were kids, however Tyler treats him as just a good time. When he finally confronts Tyler about wanting more it doesn't go well. This was a sweet story and while it moved quickly the fact they knew each other for years helped make that more plausible. Tyler was a jerk though and I wanted him to suffer longer. I'm mean that way. I think Nash should have made him wait at least a week before he forgave him. Maybe two. :-P Nash's young clerk Colby seems to be set for a story which I'd love to read too. A good entertaining read.
The Gentleman and the Rogue by Bonnie Dee and Summer Devon (157 pages)

Yes, I read an historical. *gasp* Sir Alan is home from the war and suffering from depression, he figures his last hurrah before he offs himself will be some hot smexin' with a whore. Jem completely throws Alan off his game. He's got a smart ass comment for everything, tells outrageous stories and calls Alan on his morose behaviour. Strangely Alan is attracted and manages to keep Jem hanging around and offers him a position as valet although he's not comfortable with his own sexuality which Jem finds frustrating. When the daughter of one of Alan's men is endangered by her psycho guardian (the military Dr. from the war), Alan and Jem head off to see if she's okay and rescue her if necessary, putting Jem in danger. Okay, Jem was the most adorable thing ever and I was in love with him from the first page. He was funny, smart, sexy, loyal and stood up for the underdog despite being raised on the streets. I think I remember Erastes (the expert on all things historical) saying this was very accurate historically and it may be, no clue, but it was damned entertaining. While it was historical and they had to be careful about being found out, it wasn't all consuming. By having Jem as his valet they were able to be together in ways that no one questioned, so it wasn't all mega-paranoia. So if you're not a fan of traditional historicals but love a spunky little fighter of a hero, I highly recommend it.
Well, okay! You have swimsuit, passport, and beer. Things are looking up! And both of these books sound good. Thanks for bringing them to my attention. :)
You sure you can take beer across the border, Tam?
If so, would you mind stopping in Wisconsin with a s'pack of Moosehead?
I'm pretty sure. We can bring it this way. If not, I guess the border guards will be having a party Tuesday night. LOL I have Keiths and Labatts (my friend's favourite). If I ever drift down to Wisconsin I'll bring Moosehead.
You're welcome Val. I'm kind of leaving it up to my kid to get herself ready. The advantage of an older kid. She's staying with a friend for 3 nights then her Dad for 3 so just have to get my self together. Oh yeah, sunscreen to protect this pasty white skin.
Sounds like you have the essentials covered. Hope you have a fabulous time.
I really liked Stephani's book and have the other on my TBR.
Have a great weekend!
I have the important stuff done, I have money, a passport, a swim suit and beer. It's good.
It is definately all good...
I will be getting that Hecht book..
Thanks Lily. Hope you have a good one too.
Hope you enjoy Stephani's book EH. It was a good read.
Oh they both sound good and I'm not a fan of historical m/m's. I know, I read a ton of m/f historicals but so far that's the way it is. :)
Yes, laundry would be good for you this weekend. And packing. Packing's good as well. Take your spf 50 with you as well. We do not want you to be a crispy critter. :)
It makes sense to me Tracy because I think the dynamic in a historical m/m is very different than m/f. I'm not a huge fan but this one was fun with a bit of drama and Jem made it worthwhile.
I'm working on laundry. Already have 1 in the dryer and one in the washer. Woohoo. Definitely SPF 50. I envy my kid. She inherited her father's skin. She merely has to glance at the sun and gets lovely brown. Not me. Sigh.
I feel a bit better that I'm not the only non-historical reader who's been reading some m/m historicals and enjoying them... much to my surprise, as well as to everyone else's! :)
I would've made Tyler suffer more, too. And I want to read more about Colby, too!
Heh - it's good you have the essentials ready. :D
I think there are stories that happen to be set in historical time periods and then there are historical books where the emphasis is on the time. I find the latter a bit too serious sometimes.
I think women are just meaner. We like to see men suffer for their idiocy. :-)
Hey, were those tornados far from you? There were tornados in MN weren't there? I would SWEAR I heard that on the radio but I was telling JCP that maybe I imagined it.
In Michigan the tornado siren went off and a huge branch fell down from the tree in my backyard. I always hate it when storms come because I don't have a basement. Not only that, but they always get my stupid dog so worked up that he takes cover in the bathtub.
Eeek Stephani. That sounds scary. I'm not THAT far from Michigan but we had one tornado across the river in Quebec 15 years ago and it's still the talk of the area. In fact I find we rarely get storms here like I used to see in Manitoba. So no storm warning system. Dogs are goofy, cats just hide. :-)
Tam, I hope you have a great vacation!
The historical looks good. I may have to add it.
I'm am waiting impatiently for Colby's story. That guy has hidden depths, I just know it.
I think you're right Eyre. He just needs to find the right guy.
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