We have a mi-fi that someone is letting us use but our access is intermittent. But I'm here. Yay. I have zero pictures, but I'll load some from other people's cameras later.
Hit by Love by Cassandra Gold (28 pages)
Scott is mugged on his way to a club and paramedic Mateo comes to the rescue. As he's leaving the hospital Mateo is waiting and offers him a ride home. When he confesses he's interested Scott invites him to come up and ..... At least he'd only had a smack on the head before he had sex and not a broken leg like that last book. It was just a short slice of life for these two guys just starting out. It was a cute little read.
Pump Me Up by Andrew Grey (115 pages)

Warning - stalker Chris. :-) Maddoc decides to check out the gym with a trial membership. Seems he's got a stalker and he'd like to feel more confident. His coworker Dan goes to the gym and invites him to join them for a workout. Later he'd invited to dinner by Dan's friend and Ivan comes along. Ivan is a former Marine who is hot. When Maddoc's car dies Ivan gives him a ride home and he explains about the stalker and Ivan offers to teach him some self-defence. Things go well for them although Maddoc wants to go slow until a show-down with the stalker. It was an okay story and to be honest I didn't know who the stalker was but a few possibilities were thrown out that had me guessing and Ivan were both older (30's? 40's). This is a follow-up to Dan and Gene's story Spot Me.
Straight as an Arrow by Sean Michael (90 pages)

Hunter travels a lot for work and kills time with on-line porn. One night he discovers a D/s chatroom and has an encounter with Sir T. He's freaked out and when it happens a few times he confesses he's going to tell his partner Kyle because he feels it's like cheating. When he confesses, Kyle also has a confession to make. How convenient. Kyle is thrilled his vanilla lover might want to try some kink but Kyle is totally freaked out by the idea but eventually comes around. To be honest I find the coincidence of your lover being an on-line mystery man a bit too pat. I think it would be more honest if it was with a stranger which allowed them to explore something new. I know, I know, less romantic, then there is no question of "cheating" but the odds are slim I'd say of finding your man amongst the billion on-line entities. I also find SM books seem to have very similar narrative style or the way people talk. Many of them "sound" the same, just different names/occupations. It was a typical SM read but with slightly more plot than some.
I'm just glad you were at a safe distance from that earthquake, Tam. God knows we don't want your brain to be rattled; it's on too good a roll right now!
You're not used to humidity in Canada? So it's what, like Arizona but cooler? And with hockey rinks? :-D
Just keep enjoying that vacation!
P.S. I'd be drinking too if I were in a house with twelve people. Unless it was the size of Windsor Castle or Neuschwanstein and the people were of the male persuasion, handpicked by me.
LOL! Thanks for the special stalker warning. ;)
I'm glad everyone's still alive. Nothing ruins a vacation like murder and jail time. Um, I'm guessing....
Yeah, talked to the kidlet and she said something fell off the microwave but that was about it for excitement. I guess some buildings have been slightly damaged and city hall had some windows smashed.
Yeah, it gets a bit overwhelming at times with the 12. It is a HUGE house though, 5 bedrooms and I'm sleeping in the den on my air matress. Lots of us have books and computers so right now there are 4 of us in the living room, all on computers in silence. Lots of space to get away if you need it. It gets a bit loud at night since I don't have a door on my room but life goes on, everyone is quiet in the morning.
The only people of the male persuasion who showed up were the gardners and they were not the stuff of dreams. LOL
And it's only early Friday afternoon, another 36 hours to go.
Oh forgot, we get humidity intermittently in Ontario (rarely in Manitoba). It may be humid for a few days, then cool off. Right now it's in the high 70's with low humidity and is supposed to be like that for the next several weeks. We have our moments but not continuously.
No murder, I think we'll be okay. ;-)
Holy hell Tam - that's a lot of bottles! Well, I guess with 12 of you...but still! lol
I have to agree with the Sean Michael book. What are the odds? And what was the boyfriend doing as Sir T anyway? IDK, that would bug me.
Hit by Love sounds cute.
KZ - I want to be at Windsor or Noish-whatever (ha! didn't want to spell it) with you!
Veri word: immut. No. See, that's the problem, I'm NOT mute and it gets me in to trouble on a regular basis!
Great that you're having a good time, and that everyone is still intact ;)
None of these three books speak to me, maybe the Andrew Grey book eventually, but the others not at all.
Enjoy the rest of your vacation, Tam!
Thanks Janna. Enjoying laying out by the pool and getting some of my yaoi read. :-)
Whoa, I like that array of bottles! Not the "loud at night" and "air mattress in the den" parts, though. Think I'd rather be in Ottawa in an earthquake. In a bar.
You're welcome to join me at whichever castle I end up choosing, Tracy. BYOB (bring your own boys).
A rescue, a stalker and an online hook up who just happens to be your partner??
By the look of that picture you and your friends are having a great time!!
Sigh. My post to Tracy keeps vanishing.
I find that whole on-line behaviour is or is not cheating kind of borderline and it really wasn't explored. The odds of finding your man out of the billion on-line is pretty rare.
BYOB, like that one KZ. It's not that bad, lots of laughs. We were playing "I've never" last night until 2:00 laughing our ass off.
Now if someone would just write a books with all three of those elements wrapped into one Kris, we'd have a winner.
We are having fun Lily. Today I have to float on my back in the pool to even out the "tan", aka burn. :-)
Yay for having fun, yay for pictureaque scenery, yay for alcohol, yay for not anyone getting killed and a special YAY for the soccer dude Hottie Of The Day. Seriously, if this was the soccer players uniform, than I'd be ALL about watching them play!
Seeya tomorrow!
See you tomorrow hon. Will be a busy day with breakfast with Vuboq.
Tam, what's "I've never"?
BTW, those three story elements could easily be woven together.
You all sit around with a drink in hand. First person says "I've never been scuba diving" and if you HAVE been, you take a drink. So your goal is to come up with something YOU'VE never done but you hope everyone else has because they will all have to drink, in theory getting drunk faster than you.
You learn A LOT about people playing that game. It would appear that many of my friends were drug using alcoholic kinky sluts in their younger days. :-)
Tam, I so glad you're having a great time! Your friends sound like they're lots of fun. :)
We are having a good time Eyre. Lots of laughter. But I think enough alcohol and food to last me several ... months maybe. LOL I drink rarely but I've made up for lost time.
Tam: You better be recovered by the end of October. ;)
I think I'll manage Chris. :-)
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