Yesterday I read a few shorts I picked up. So this might be my last book post for a bit. Not sure I'll get much reading done on vacation. We'll see. I have a bunch of manga I have to get finished and passed on so I'll focus on that but I'll try and update with some vacation fun when I can. Have a great Sunday.
Sadie's Kiss by Sophia Tithenia (68 pages)

Casey works at an LGTB (is there no standard letter designation?) hot-line and shelter in San Francisco. He also happens to be psychic who can see in people's heads. He senses someone being attacked and it's really strong so he and his colleague set out to find the guy. They find Evan gay bashed with his dog. He doesn't want to go to the hospital but they insist and Evan is blind so Casey takes the dog. Evan is as surly as they come. He didn't want to go the hospital but has a broken leg. Hello, that doesn't just heal up on it's own you know. Anyway, he's totally rude to Casey who is strangely drawn to him. At home, Evan comes on to virgin Casey and a virgin he is no more. Afterward Casey leaves because he felt Evan pushing him away. Casey's his friends give him shit so he goes back and convinces Evan to let them try a relationship. Few things. The guy has broken ribs and a broken leg and they have sex three times in 24 hours. The magical healing cock? Or is he just that much of a nympho. It was insta-love for Casey but I'm going with some kind of supernatural thing because of the way they connected psychically. Oh and the blurb made it sound like the dog was a big part of the story (I feared the dog's POV from the blurb) but the dog liked Casey. I would have loved to see this drawn out, dealing more with why Evan was so prickly and slept with so many guys and Casey breaking through the walls.
Martin and the Wolf by Anne Brooke (41 pages)

Martin goes to a party at his friends' house and meets Lucas. Before he knows it they are "mating" in the bushes as Lucas calls it. He's strangely drawn to Lucas but he's a bit weird. They start dating and while Lucas is still odd, Martin is strongly drawn to him and within 3 months or so are practically living together. Then one month Lucas comes home dirty and injured and Martin is freaked but Lucas says it was friends fooling around. The next month it happens again. He still won't spill. The next month Martin decides to follow and gets in he middle of a pack fight as they do NOT like Lucas mating with a human and aren't about to let him leave the pack. Oops. I have to give Martin credit for just accepting Lucas' explanations because I'm not sure I'm so patient and I thought he seemed a bit oblivious but later you find out he wasn't as blind as you thought, his little brain was working even while they shagged their brains out. I would have liked to have known more about the wolf pack and the mythology of them if you will because the description was different than you sometimes read, but it was a smexy little romance and I loved that it was definitely set in Britain. A nice change from generic locales.
Angels and Airhead by Anne Brooke (11 pages)
Wow, I'm on the Anne Brooke diet. :-) Ricky and Jez have been friends for years. Ricky figures Jez is everything he's not, handsome, good job, nice apartment, savings account so he's never made a move despite both being gay. They're hanging out one day when suddenly angel appears. Ricky does NOT believe in angels but the angel is here to help him get his shit together and realize that Jez loves him. The interactions with the angel are quite humorous and after he leaves Ricky has no memory of it but is suddenly compelled to make a move on Jez which is very welcomed. It was just a cute little short and I did like the angel muchly and his way of talking to Ricky.
I hate shopping, too. Well, except for book shopping... May you both survive!
Hmm. Think I'll skip the first one. I have the second, and have been thinking about picking up the third.
I've got the first one on my TBR, the others sound good, especially #2, I'll have to add them to my wish list.
Good luck with the shopping!
Glad I'm not alone Chris. I HATE trying on clothes. I did try on a few things the other night, I desperately need tops for work. But I'm going to try and do some shopping in the US next week. Cheaper prices and no whining kid trailing behind.
Oh yeah, except books. LOL If I see a bookstore it's like a magnet.
The first one was okay, but I wouldn't say it's a must-read. The other two were good.
Thanks Lily. I already mentioned the mall when I woke her up and got grumbles and groans so should be interesting. LOL
Holy crap. Just found out there is no high speed internet at the house. WTF? My friend is trying to configure her laptop to work with a blackberry or some shit so we'll see. I'll be running down the road to the coffee shop for regular caffeine infusions. I don't even like coffee but they have internet. LOL
Lordy, an Anne Brooke diet is SERIOUSLY scary (as my husband will tell you!!). Thanks for this, Tam, and so glad you enjoyed the reads - it's an early birthday surprise for me - I'm 46 tomorrow! Double Lordy indeed ...
Hugs & thanks!
Happy Birthday Anne! I know the feeling. It's truly frightening. I need the Angelina Jolie diet or something that instantly melts the pounds, while allowing me to eat what I want. LOL
Have a super day!
:)) Axxx
I hate clothes shopping too. You can guarantee if I'm in a shop and have no money I'll see loads of things I like but when I actually have money, I'll spend hours looking and find nothing I like *sigh*. I'm a 'run in, grab something suitable, pay and run out' type of clothes shopper, which is probably why I never have anything to wear because in my case 'suitable' means jeans and long sleeved t-shirt tops.
That's how I shop Jen. Oh look, it fits, its a suitable color I'll take it. But I really need tops for work (I have tons of black, black and black pants LOL) but maybe in the US I can find something for a good price.
We had a bit of snarling to start but we had a "discussion" and in the end:
I got - white jeans ($12 can't go wrong), 2 t-shirts, a black peasant-type top, a pair of capri's with enough pockets and zippers to make an army ranger jealous, a pair of sleep pants and underwear.
Kristen got - a bathing suit, a cute matching cover-up dress (that was my idea), a really cute summer sun dress for $15, underwear, and two pair of shorts.
We're exhausted. ;-)
I'm sympathetically exhausted!! Heh, I buy most of my shirts and jeans/pants at the thrift store because it's easy and random. :)
If I were a more standard size I would shop more at the thrift store but most of the time I can't be bothered sorting through all the crap to find one good item. Basically I buy retail because I'm lazy. :-)
Shopping is about the only girly thing that I do do. *Dear God I hope Tracy shops.*
"is there no standard letter designation?"
Heh. Something I wonder every time I see it.
Happy birthday, Anne!
LOL You may be out of luck Kris.
In this book it even changed within the text. First it was LGTB, then LGBT. I was like huh? Okay, I googled it seems the G and L are interchangable. I googled it with TB and there is a for sure a place in Vancouver that uses LGTB so seems there can be any number of variations. And of course you add Q and here in Ottawa they add an extra T (GLBTTQ) for "two-spirit" which is the way aboriginal people sometimes refer to gay men and women. Soon it will be the whole alphabet.
Shopping sucks, unless it's online shopping.
I've often wondered why there is not a standard letter designation. I tend to use GLBT all the time. Those letters just flow better for some reason.
Haven't heard of the magical healing cock before? I thought everyone know that the cock had those powers. Every time I hear some guy grumbling about how some woman "needs to get laid" because she's mad, I assume the guy is referring to his magic wand and his oh so miraculous powers.
"his magic wand"
Heh. Yeah.
I tend to use GLBT as well. It just works for me. But seems there is no one "right" designation. I would just suggest authors keep it consistent in the same story.
Oh boy, I guess it's left to me to be the shopping queen then. Um, well, I don't hate shopping but I don't adore it either. I'm like Jen - when I have the money I can't find stuff but when I don't I see tons.
I like the sound of both of the Brooks books. I think I'll pass on Sadie's Kiss - Evan sounds a bit too surly for my liking.
Happy Birthday Anne!
You're right Tracy. Evan was very surly. I could understand his hatred of hospitals given his past but come on, a broken leg? You don't just shake that off. It was a bit OTT for me.
Yeah, you would think someone would be smart enough to know that they couldn't piece their broken bits back together with a plank and some string. Unless he's MacGyver! lol
MacGyver wouldn't even need string if he had 3 gummy bears and a balloon. :-)
The dog on the cover sold me - even if the book was no good.. I am such a sucker for the animals...
Glad the Brooke books worked for you...
Did you survive the shopping spree with the kidlet... any bones broken... and get packing..
Happy Birthday - hope you had a grand day celebrating...
In this case I had hoped the dog would play a greater role since it was played up in the blurb but she didn't.
I did survive. She was even in a good mood after she found the dress for herself. It was just a rough start. The luggage is "mostly" packed. I need all those bathroom things you use until the last minute and I'm going to put some stuff in a small carry-one so I don't have to drag my luggage into my friend's house for just overnight. I'll be ready. Really. I will. :-)
Thank you for birthday good wishes! I am as drunk as the proverbial and have spent at least 2 hours typing this sentence, Lordy. Hic! Who's got the champagne bottle??!
Well, at least someone is drunk posting on my blog. Better Anne than me. LOL Glad you had a great day Anne.
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