It's been one year since Jen and I joined in holy blogrimony and we started Brief Encounter Reviews, which is devoted to reviewing short stories in the m/m genre. It's been a fun year where we've gone from a monogamous twosome of reviewers, to more of a polyamourous love-in with five of us now. So stop by the blog to read a recap of the past year and our impressions of one year of happily ever after.
LOL! I love that image :).
Also rather like the idea that we've somehow become embroiled in a 5 way love-in, lol!
Sometimes it is like a rather large love-in. :-)
My LORD your hottie of the day today...I mean, I know this has nothing to do with your seahorses kissy anniversary spectacular or whatever, but my GOD he's smoking hott! Yes, with TWO tt's!
There's no romance in your soul if you aren't enamoured by Jen and I as seahorses almost kissing. LOL He is lovely isn't he? Wouldn't you love to come home from work and find him waiting for you upstairs? Mmmmm. *gazes off into space*
I'm sure I'd have some kinda of sappy romantic comment about the kissy seahorse thingee, if HE wasn't over there totally distracting me. And Tam, he could be in ANY room in my house..hell, he could be out on the front porch for all I care, I DO him right then and there, in front of the neighbors, God AND country. homina, homina....
Congrats on your anniversary! (sorry, I'm late to the party)
Better late than never as they say. ;-)
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