Did some reading on the weekend and went to Avatar yesterday. Meh. The scenery (the floating mountains and glow-in-the-dark everything) was bloody amazing, the story? Not so much. I saw the whole plot spelled out for me about the 5 minute mark. Val did a great post at Wave's about stock characters and stereotypes and this movie had every single one. The evil military guy who orders people killed, the evil mining company raping the planet, the mining manager who only cares about money, the peaceful natives in tune with nature, the young hero who is manipulated to give information but "goes native" and then sides with the indigenous people to help them, the conflict with the heir apparent, falling in love with the princess, blah blah blah. Every Disney movie ever but with more violence and cooler special effects. And the 3-D glasses made my nose hurt and were unnecessary I think. Oh well, I can say I've seen it and the scenery really wouldn't look as impressive on a TV as it did on the big screen. But worth $27 for two of us? Mmmm, maybe not.
So on with the reading.
Better Than a Dream by Katsumi Asanami (250 pages)

Yuuki owns a cafe in a small town near a popular mountain for climbing. For two years he lived with his mountain climber lover Tsukada in gay bliss until Tsukada was killed in an avalanche. A year later a high class chef with a limp shows up and more or less bullies his way into a job and room and board. (as per many yaoi themes) Yuuki goes with the flow and he likes Kamishiro so they get along. Meanwhile Yuuki's friend Shin has been hanging around for the last year, obviously waiting for his chance with Yuuki but when he assumes Yuuki and Kamishiro are sleeping together he gets drunk and nearly rapes Yuuki which spurs Yuuki to make a move on Kamishiro. Things are going well until Shin reveals that Kamishiro was one of the people on the mountain when Tsukada died and it seems Yuuki has been more or less pretending Kamishiro is his old lover as they resemble each other to recreate what he lost. Conflict ensues until he realizes he loves Kamishiro for himself and not because he's a replacement. On the whole this was a pretty good book but with a few issues. Yuuki is a bit of a mess, he figures it's his fault his friend almost raped him because he should have slept with him sooner. Huh? WTF is up with that? Is that a Japanese thing? And there is a bit of hopping around in time as he remembers his life with Tsukada and what happened when he died, but it was an okay yaoi novel which will be starting it's world tour shortly.
Seducing Stephen by Bonnie Dee and Summer Devon (144 pages)

It seems we can't use "accidental" reads in my m/m rut challenge. *pout* It's historical. Sheesh. Anyway, Peter shows up at his friends' house where they host sex parties occasionally and finds a boy in his bed. Oops, wrong weekend, but while Stephen (a guest of the hosts' son) is initially freaked he's all up for some man-lovin'. Peter tries to steer clear and while he doesn't really hide his preferences, he's a love 'em and leave 'em kind of guy. But Stephen asks for more education which Peter is pleased to provide. When the host asks him to leave he says some nasty things to make Stephen think he's an ass. He then spends the rest of the book regretting it as she seems to have turned Stephen into a guy like himself. Eventually Stephen has to drop out of school to take over the family business (which he hates) and Peter has to find a solution to convince Stephen they can be together. Realistic? Not sure. Maybe. Peter says he's rich and influential enough that people ignore what he is, so it could happen. They are discrete though to a point and worry about being seen but it's not the excessive "Oh my god, I'm so evil cause I like the butt secks" self-flagellation I've been running into which makes me berserk. So for a historical for me it was a decent read. Kept me interested anyway.
Oh the authors are guest posting at TA Chase's blog today if you want to read more about them and this book.
Quinn's Hart by Cassandra Gold (145 pages)

Quinn's friend more or less bullies him to go on a singles tour to Disney. He's 6"7" and 250 lbs of shy insecurity. He's sure he's going to hate it and is attracted to a hot guy who he's sure will hate him. But Josh is intrigued by Mr. Big and Silent and invites him to join a few of the guys when they have free time. Seems they get along great but Quinn is still sure it's Josh being nice. Eventually he believes Josh wants to spend time with him but they keep being interrupted by a couple of other guys who are pushy and clingy. Eventually they get to the smexin' when Josh's ex shows up at the door and says some nasty things about Quinn which shoot right to the heart of his self-esteem issues. I did enjoy this book in part because of the Disney references. They go to the theme parks and the author talks about the ride and Josh is like a kid which amuses Quinn and when he makes Quinn go on the It's A Small World ride I could so related to Quinn's response. That thing will scar you for life, I swear, but it's almost mandatory. LOL So I'm not a Disney freak but it was fun and Quinn and Josh were likable characters who I wanted to get a HEA so on the whole a cute little read especially for those who've been to Disney and will get many of the references.
Oh, dear. Yuuki needs some therapy!
So how did you not know that Seducing Stephen was a historical before you started so that you could add it to the challenge??
Quinn's Hart was pretty cute - and it was a nice break from heavier stuff that I'd been reading.
Hi, Tam! Thanks for links! Intriguing reviews today (as always). I think the last two books sound like reads I might like. I hear you on the historical gripe "the excessive "Oh my god, I'm so evil cause I like the butt secks" self-flagellation I've been running into which makes me berserk." I find that real tiresome myself, even if it is historically accurate, so I'm glad the historical didn't wallow in it. The Disney thing sounds appealing different, and too funny! I can just see this huge guy on the Small World ride, ha, ha!
Well, I knew it was but it wasn't the one I committed to reading for the challenge. I didn't think you could switch it out. I haven't tackled the other one yet again but hey, I have until St. Patrick's Day before I freak and then swear up and down that Seducing Stephen was the book I MEANT to put for my historical.
Yaoi's not my thing but the other two sound good.
Rushed mornings like that can really suck. Hope the day gets better for you.
That's why I tend to stear clear of historicals because I get to frustrated Val. It may have been the way it was but I don't have patience for it and I'm not sure even if I lived 100 years ago I would have had patience for these guys with time to sit around mooning about how awful they are. Get it together and do something, get a job, do something useful with your life. LOL
The Disney one was fun although at his size I'm surprised he could fit on some of those rides.
Space Mountain was terrifying just being 5'9" - I can't imagine how close the beams would've felt at 10" taller!! O_o
Lily: Well, it hasn't gone anymore downhill so that's a good sign. LOL
Do you go to Disney often with the kids? I know you don't live "close" but closer than me. :-) I found it fun but I still think they should have had them at a Disney princess breakfast. :-D
I generally hate rollercoasters Chris but I find in the dark I'm better because I can't see what's coming. My Mom is another story, that was probably the first and only rollercoaster she's been on in her life. This little voice from behind me kept mutterng "oh my god, oh my god" the whole time. LOL
*sending sympathy vibes*
I hate it when your day starts off-kilter. It takes you all day to catch up with yourself.
Thanks Jen. It doesn't throw you off. So far it's settle down. Super quiet day here today.
"Conflict ensues." I love that!
If you want to say that Seducing Stephan was your m/m rut challenge pick, I'll back you up 100%. And won't tell anybody the secret.
Heh, Kris will NEVER notice that. Nope.
Thanks Wren. I knew I could count on you guys to back me up. I'll TRY to read the other one, I will, but I might switch to the fantasy choice since I technically have a historical under my belt.
Shhhh. Chris. She's sleeping, don't wake her.
*suddenly gets the strange feeling that a conspiracy is taking place*
No no Kris, it's just Chris with a CH rambling again, pay no mind to her.
Tam, I'm only about 2 hours away from Disney now that we live in North Florida but we don't go too often. It can be very expensive.
My hubby and I took Alex for his 4th birthday (and he loved it) and it was several hundred dollars for 2 adults 1 child for 3 days. We'll be taking both Alex & Emma either later this year or next year. Gotta save my pennies and build up lots of stamina. Those two can really wear me down. :D
Yeah, my parents have a condo in Orlando which we can use, but the tickets for the parks, food, transport, etc. do not make it or a cheap vacation.
Heh, I'd just go down to Orlando, stay in the condo, and drive to Cocoa Beach every day. It'd be fun to experience the area as an adult with $$ instead of as a teenage runaway, living hand to mouth.
Bleh, Monday and alarms. I feel your pain.
Chris: I think the last time we went we didn't even go to a theme park, we just hung around, went to Tampa to the beach there (so foggy we could hardly see the water) and just kind of hung around the pool a lot. Relaxing but seems a waste to be in Orlando and not do the parks.
Thanks Sarah. So far Tuesday is an improvement. Well, my alarm went off anyway.
I think I like the Yaoi the best of the lot - I have read a Gold book and it sound almost the same plot line....
She does make an easy read though ....
Historicals - nope, **running as fast as I can***
Hope this morning was a better start for you....
I had some bad luck with a Gold book quite awhile a go so I stayed clear, but then read a couple of shorts that turned it around for me. It's not a huge plot driven story but a cute read.
Historicals aren't really my thing, but some I obviously like, just depends on the book. I have trouble starting them though.
Oh, congrats, Tam!
Thanks for the heads-up Chris. And thanks Jen and Dakota.
That man in the upper left is SO beautiful! (Am I being superficial? Why, yes I am!)
I'm all for superficial. :-) His eyes are pretty amazing.
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