JackMagic by Jillian Snyder (60 pages)

Aaron's sister ropes him into going to her bachelorette party. (Why oh why must the gay brother ALWAYS go to the freaking bachelorette party?) They end up at a magic show with a super hot magician. At the break Aaron goes outside for a smoke and runs into Jack (the magician) in the alley. They chat and Jack gives him his phone number. After confessing to his sister what happened she convinces him to call. They go on a date and Jack admits that most people only want to be with him because he's JackMagic but they really like each other so head back to Jack's. There Jack bugs Aaron until he confesses what his favourite part of the show was and they re-enact it. Lets just say it involves a chair and several restraints and a blind fold. It was a very cute story and I found it very steamy. Sometimes I read sex scenes and they leave me kind of meh, but this one was not meh at all. So just the start of their relationship when they decide to see where it will go. I quite enjoyed it. I would check out other work by this author.
Time To Do by Kim Dare (106 pages)

Brennan and Rigby have been friends since elementary school and are now roommates at university. Rigby is fine with Brennan being gay though he's straight and he has always felt the need to take care of Brennan. One day while cleaning Brennan finds a "to do" list of Rigby's which has "kiss a guy" and other guy sex things on it. He has been in love with Rigby for years hiding it but suddenly kisses him. Rigby doesn't freak and decides he wants to try other things on the list. Brennan tries to put him off knowing he's in for a broken heart when Rigby goes back to the ladies but being in love he just can't say no. There is some angst as Brennan is always waiting for Rigby to change his mind yet admits he's pathetic enough to take what he can get from Rigby even if it's only a quick hand job because he can't get a girl. I'd say Rigby does most of the developing here, he admits to himself that he enjoys what they are doing, and that maybe his image of Brennan was not quite right. He feels that the nameless faceless guys Brennan hooks up with in bars are taking advantage of him but then realizes maybe it's the other way. It takes some major convincing for Brennan to believe that Rigby wants to date him and be with him and I'm not sure at the end he really believed it. As with most Kim Dare stories there is an element of D/s, with Brennan an acknowledged sub who visits leather bars and wishes Rigby were a dom which they kind of get into near the end, but not in a big way. It was a good story of two friends finally getting together and I could understand Brennan's fear that he'd be second best someday.
Harder by Jamieson Wolf (7 pages)

Owen's had a crush on his coworker Sebastian forever although they've never even spoken. One day Owen is in the bathroom having a pee when he sees a very attractive penis next to him. He checks and it's Sebastian. Seems that Owen is VERY well endowed (10 inches which looking at a ruler is really freakish) but Sebastian convinces him with very few words to mutual blow jobs right there in the bathroom at work. He then e-mails Owen to meet him after work where they head to Sebastian's and fuck in the foyer. (gotta love alliteration) It's just a quick and dirty slice of life for these two but what did surprise me was they didn't use condoms when they fucked. I know some people don't care cause it's fantasy and I don't like condoms for blow jobs in books but my first thought was "OMG Owen, what are you doing? You didn't even know what his voice sounded like this morning and you're letting him bareback? Say no you fool, he could have anything!" So I found that a bit surprising but there is so little relationship building it's just 2 quickie sex scenes essentially but in 7 pages you get what you get. It wasn't bad, just not much to it.
Hope everyone has a great week.
One day Owen is in the bathroom having a pee when he sees a very attractive penis next to him. For some reason, I just found this very funny, ha, ha! But I think them exchanging blow jobs right there beside the urinal might trigger a full-blown germ phobia from me. I mean, eeewwwwwww!
It sounds like Jack Magic is the clear winner here. Great reviews, Tam!
Love your winged man pic. I really must dig out some more m/m stories with winged heroes as I loved the one I read recently. Any recs?
Well, they did move over by the stall Val but still in the bathroom. LOL I'd say JackMagic was definitely the winner.
Have you read Kiernan Kelly's angel stories Jen? Dancing on the Head of a Pin is the story of demon Cael and angel Malak, then is a trio of stories set in Cael and Malak's world but with each one about a different Archangel. It's only 70 pages but they are interesting little takes on the personality of each Archangel. They are both from Torquere.
I picked up JackMagic (and Harder, but I wasn't expecting much from that even before I read your review), too. Time to Do is my favorite Kim Dare... who's doing a giveaway of a forthcoming m/m release at my blog starting tomorrow. :)
I do enjoy Kim's work. I found it a bit angsty, not that I blamed Brennan or being angsty and he was nice and sarcastic. Look forward to the give-away.
I added JackMagic to my to-buy list. Sounds good!
Time to Do I actually read (I think it's the first time I read a book you've reviewed ;)). I found it an okay read. Nothing more.
Finally we are getting some overlap Janna. :-) I really enjoyed JackMagic, hope you do too.
Yep, I will get there eventually ;) Although you will always stay 10 steps in front of me with your reading speed :D
Just finished Harder. Forget the no condom thing - no lube?! Oy.
Spit, baby, spit. Did they use spit? I just checked. Nope, no spit. Ouch.
And check the dimensions on that baby when they're in the bathroom. O_o
Yowch. *orifice clench*
JackMagic was a terrific short. Made even more enjoyable by how unexpected/different it was, I reckon.
Yeah Chris, it was pretty largish, not like Owen's 10 incher though. *roll eyes*
I really did enjoy JackMagic Kris. I think I wasn't expecting much especially when it started with the "gay brother at the bachelorette party" schtick. Stop that authors, stop it. Find other ways to hook up the gay guy with some hottie. Just cause he's gay doesn't mean he likes hanging out with the girlies, sister or not.
JackMagic sounds really good and I like Kim's stories. Looks like to more to add to my buy list. Thanks a lot, Tam! :D
As for the 3rd, the no condom thing would just piss me off. I'll skip that one.
Sorry Lily. :-P I think the third one was meant to be more of a fantasy type thing but no lube or condom with him being as large as it said just didn't compute or me.
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