I'm not sure how much posting I'll do. I haven't even looked at my pictures. But generally:
I arrived at midnight, crept into the apartment and crashed.
Got up and met Kassa. Headed downtown with Kassa and Chris. Wandered down Bourbon Street then met Leontine, Janna, Tracy and Kris for lunch. We registered for GayRomLit and wandered some more then went to the opening ceremony. This was followed by a trip to Lafitte in Exile for our first of many visits there. Naked boys on the bar, but there were issues. No dancing skill, but much nudity. (I will be doing a post on Lafitte's for Janna so y'all have to wait for details). Home at midnight, pretty drunk with all the free booze and what wasn't free was cheap.
Off to the conference some author readings. Then we went for a stroll further down Bourbon street and I had jambalaya for lunch. Then we walked further to the Riverboat cruise/author signing. We didn't really get out on the boat much because we were in a glass enclosed portion and at times security didn't even want to let people up the stairs. *sad face* But it was cool to put faces to the names of all the authors. We then went back to the apartment and ordered pizza from the wood fired pizza place/health food store next door.
We headed back for the pretzel party and Kris and I stopped at Lafitte's to drop off some weird Aussie cigarettes for the bartenders. And hey, it was super happy hour and Brandon knows how I like my "vodka and fruity stuff" so we had a couple of drinks then went to the pretzel party, talked to some more people and went home.
We got up early to go on the cemetery tour. It was cool. I find the whole concept of above ground tombs kind of creepy, but I'm sure it's cultural. Then we took the street car back downtown and I headed off to do some shopping and found the sex toy store. Wheee. I didn't buy anything because I was terrified customs would search my bag, but they had some freaky "no way that's for real use" stuff.
Then I went back to the hotel and I went for my author lunch with author Rachel Hamowitz and my new friends Jackie, Angel and Catherine. It was an okay lunch, the restaurant had a line so they kind of grabbed your plate as soon as you were finished and slapped the bill on the table. Still, thanks to the author for lunch.
After hanging by the pool for a bit, I went back to the apartment to "rest". We headed back for the MLR hurricane party. Had a drink and chatted with Clare London for a while. Also started talking with John and Kelli and ended up going out for dinner with them and Clare and her son David. After dinner we went back for the wine and cheese party and gabbed some more and introduced Kelli to Kris. Kris swooned because Kelli personally knows Samuel Colt and Chris Porter. Honest to fucking god. I'm getting together with her when I go to SF in March. Whether she liked me or not. LOL
After being bored (texting Adam and Polt) and wanting to get the GAY bar crawl going it finally happened, then promptly didn't. The first stop was some bar in the straight part of Bourbon street, it was totally unorganized, no one knew what was happening, so Kassa, Kris and Chris and I said screw this and went back to Lafitte's. We were met by the joyous cries of Jimmy (it was like Cheers when we walked in) and then we proceeded to drink and watch go-go boys and drink some more and flirt with go-go boys and anyone else within walking distance and each other and did I mention we were drinking? Yeah. Stay tuned for Janna's post. Some people from the bar crawl finally made it there but around 3:00 we went home.
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This was not one of the boys we saw, for one, he`s got way more clothes on. Touching however was encouraged. |
Umm, yeah. I became intimately acquainted with the toilet bowl. We went back to the hotel (6 of us in a cab, seriously) because Chris was sick or there would have been 7. I couldn't face the smell of the brunch so I sat in the lobby and chatted with Clare and David some more. Then after some very tearful good-byes and huge hugs I left for the airport.
I got a call from my daughter saying the flight was delayed while I was in the cab. Grrrr. But I made it and they said I'd still make my connection. Later it was delayed again and there was no way I'd make it. I was told they could fly me to Philadelphia, then the next day I would get to Ottawa at 3:00. Arrgghh It turned out I could stay another night in New Orleans and still go to Philly in the morning and catch the same flight home. No brainer. I made them give me taxi vouchers and headed back to the apartment. I was glad we had it one more night.
We walked back to the hotel to drop some stuff off for Lori from GR and then picked up a slice of pizza and some cheesecake for dinner. I could barely keep my eyes open and finally at 8:00 gave it up and went to bed.
All the flights were on time and I got home around 4:15. Then had to run my daughter to her riding lesson and go and get groceries since we had nothing at home and made dinner and showed my kid all my loot and now typed this. I`ll upload pics tomorrow maybe.
I thought I'd be more exhausted but it's not that bad. The best part of the weekend was meeting some people from on-line that I know like John and Cole. I also met some new people like Jackie and Angel and Laura, Kelli and Catherine. There were also some authors I was stoked to meet and I refuse to name due to leaving someone out who will be hurt I didn't say them. :-)
I heard next year is Albuquerque. Huh? I'm not sure if I'll go. Part of the appeal of this year was the chance to get a bunch of people I know in one fun place. Half the appeal was the city. I'm sorry, but Albuquerque holds no appeal for me. Santa Fe, yes. So we'll see if I attend next year or not. It's a long way off.
I didn't realize you were that sick! You poor thing. I think mine was because of getting all flustered Saturday morning and forgetting to take my critical meds (including an antihistamine).
I'm glad you got home today without drama! I saw Kris off in a cab headed toward the train station around 11 am, then hopped in my car. I'm in northern Missouri right now... rah.
It was kind of nasty but it was worth it. LOL
Safe travels home. Hope it's smooth on the last leg of the journey.
Jeez, it's about time! You have no idea how I've been scouring the Webz for reports and pictures. It sucked to be here, thinking about all youse guys.
I would've opted for continually escaping to Lafitte's too. Oh yeah. Would've got my crazy on.
BTW, the burials are above ground because of the high water table. NOLA is, I think, below sea level.
BBTW, I think you should've bought kinky stuff just because of the customs agents. Heh.
Anyway, glad you got home in one piece!
Thanks, Tam - I hope so, too. And I'm glad it was worth it - you were very, very happy Saturday night. :D
KZ: Interestingly, our cemetery tour guide said no, the burials were because of the French and Spanish traditions, not because of the water table.
No kidding? You mean I've been lied to all these years? Hmpf. I'll never watch the History Channel again.
(Damn, Chris. Are you sending messages while you're driving in the dark? Do not do that!)
Heh, no, I don't even talk on the phone and drive. I'm at a Super 8. :)
Glad you had fun!!!
My understanding is that KZ is right - we are below sea level and they bury them above ground so they don't pop back up if it floods. Could be a mixture of practicality and tradition...
Would have loved to see a post about customs agents, lol.
Glad you're feeling better - I too was intimate with the toilet Sunday. Ugh. But had fun!
Pretty good recap of the highlights Tam. Hope you got the email with Jimmy's picture. Tracey also sent out a great group shot where you're peeking over Leontine's shoulder .. very cute.
I'm glad your flights were nice and easy but I agree on next year's GRL. Random placement much? Maybe someone will explain why they'd pick a town in the middle of nowhere (literally).
Oh and nothing wrong with praying to the porcelain god. I think pretty much most of us did that at one time or another and I hear in New Orleans it's not considered a successful trip until you did. So 'grats!
Wish you'd been there KZ. You could have hung with us at the bar. Oh and what Chris said about the burials, apparently. *shrug* I always heard the water issue too.
Hope you had a good night Chris.
Well Patti, Kassa says it was pretty much a sign of a successful night out so we're golden. :-) It was wonderful to meet you.
I'll have to look at the pics today Kassa. Maybe I'll take my netbook to work so I can check out my memory card today. It is totally random and I hope they reconsider or have some amazing reason that NO ONE knows about for having it there.
My voice is still shot from the weekend. It was so great meeting everybody. Jackie and I had the best sister weekend ever!
My voice was pretty shot a few times too Stephani. And Jackie is totally fun and I'm in love with her a bit now. ;-) It was so great to meet you both in person.
I'm home and the kitties are deeply unimpressed by my souvenir hacking cough.
Oh no. Hope you feel better soon and glad you made it safe and sound.
Thanks. From reading reports of GRL, it looks like I'm not the only one who caught "con crud". At least Kris avoided it this year!
Omg!!!!! You, too!!!! I have such a sore throat I sound like a phone sex operator.
LOL Most people sounded like that after a night at the bar. Friday I was awful. But maybe there is a bug prolonging it. I'm hoping I got lucky and missed it.
Seems like a lot of people were sicker than I thought they were. SO sad.
KZ - it would have been awesome if you were there. You'd have fit right in with the group. lol
It was a great time. I'm not sure about next year either. :)
I didn't feel bad-bad, just kept throwing up. LOL It was worth it perhaps.
Tam, what a party girl you are! It sounds like a fantastic trip.
Sorry to hear about your rendezvous with the toilet bowl.
Word veri: dictinuf. Were you dictinuf on your New Orleans trip?
It's a town that more or less drags you kicking and screaming into the party life. Not that I kicked or screamed that hard. ;-)
And you have a dirty dirty mind.
Says the pot to the kettle ; ).
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