MY GOD! Get your mind out of the gutter, I'm talking books. Sheesh. I know many people like long books, I am a self-professed short story slut. I'm not anti-long books, but I don't necessarily seek them out either. I will admit thought to having trouble getting started on them. I love James Buchanan's work. I LOVE Nicky and Brandon, I think I bought the last book All or Nothing within a day or so of release, which was mid-April. When did I start reading it? Yesterday. It's been sitting there staring at me. It had great reviews, everyone loved it, I knew (know - not finished yet) that I would love it but .... I just couldn't seem to make myself start a 320+ page book. It takes commitment, I'm unlikely to finish it in a day (unless I start on a weekend) and I hate having to stop, it breaks my flow. Once I'm in the story I just want to go until the end.
However my TBR is starting to freak me out and I keep buying books and reading the short ones and leaving the others so I went to the file and All or Nothing was my largest e-book file (pdf) at 3,536 KB so I opened it up and got going. I'm about 1/3 of the way through and I think my computer nearly caught fire last night. Whew. Smokin'.
But I thought I would do a little poll (if you can figure this out - depends on readers and file types I suppose for e-books - or use your best guess).
1. What is the largest file you have in your TBR (I know pictures can make it wonky but which one has lots of pages) or the fattest book on your paper TBR shelf?
2. How long have you had it waiting?
3. Do you really think you'll read it someday or is it just sitting there until you finally give up and pass it on or file it away?
My answers:
1. After All or Nothing my next largest book is Keeping Promise Rock by Amy Lane (3,487 KB).
2. I downloaded it on Jan. 30. Ack!
3. I will definitely read it because everyone has said how amazing it is, and how much it will make me cry. Sigh. So combine, big book + tears and I'm even more loathe to start it. I know I'll probably love it because I really enjoy Amy's work but I'm just a wimp. But I'm actually determined to read it next so I can say I got rid of my top two "big" books. Maybe it will make me feel better and then when I win the sequel at Chris' (hint hint), I'll be ready to roll.
And just because I know you were all excited thinking you were getting x-rated cookies based on the title, here's a couple of black and white cookies, but not x-rated. Sorry. Wrong blog. :-)
LMAO! I think I'll keep my mind in the gutter. It's kind of nice there.
1. What is the largest file you have in your TBR (I know pictures can make it wonky but which one has lots of pages) or the fattest book on your paper TBR shelf? Milrose Munce and the Den of Professional Help. 1.9 MB on my laptop. I probably have some that are larger on the external hard drive, but I didn't hook it up to check.
2. How long have you had it waiting? Since May, 2010
3. Do you really think you'll read it someday or is it just sitting there until you finally give up and pass it on or file it away? It was a free download offered somewhere. Maybe from Sony. I can't remember. I don't know if I'll ever read it.
That sounds like a textbook Eyre and huge. Somehow I'm thinking it likely will rest for a very long time on your reader. I'm intimidated just thinking about it.
Well, dammit. My ebook reader is off in its own little world re: pagination - its pagination relates to NOTHING. And... I don't get pdfs. Pdfs are really large compared to other formats. I haz reader error?
Of course, I have the rtf for Something About Trevor, and it is somehow 40 mb. You read that right. It's 117 pages in Word, but must have a VERY high quality graphic in it. Fortunately, it converted down much smaller in mobi.
Ummm. Ya lost me hon. LOL Although I did go "holy crap" at 40 mb. A whole boy should pop out of a file that large. :-)
I prefer them long *grins* Short stories frustrate me sometimes as they end but I want more :)
I've only read the first Nicky/Brandon book (thanks for the ref Chris!) and loved it - I guess that makes me two books behind now? crap.
I just don't like stopping Patti. Already tonight I haven't read anything because I kind of lost my momentum when I had to stop last night and what's the point of starting, only to read 50 pages when there are 150 to go? It's a bit of a self-defeating attitude I know. Sigh.
Yes, Inland Empire is next and then All or Nothing. I'm sure you'll enjoy them both.
Uhhhh.... I can't figure out length by file sizes at all. It's just totally meaningless to me.
For example, I have an ebook Mastering Toby by Jan Irving that looks like the longest thing I've got at 2563 KB. But it's only 180 pages on my Sony ebook reader.
Then I have Sea Change by Chris Quinton measuring at 1241 KB, but it comes up at 432 pages. I mean, what??? It's a PDF and the first one is an epub, but otherwise, I can't explain it.
1. What is the largest file you have in your TBR (I know pictures can make it wonky but which one has lots of pages) or the fattest book on your paper TBR shelf? Conflict In Blood, Book 3 in the Partnership In Blood series by Ariel Tachna.
2. How long have you had it waiting? 09-28-2009
3. Do you really think you'll read it someday or is it just sitting there until you finally give up and pass it on or file it away? I'll definitely (really hope I do) read it. It should be this year since it's one of my challenge reads.
I stole the super sexy guy in the first b/w pic. Mmm, he is freaking HOT!! ;)
Brent's bottom is back! Woot!! This one looks like it could use a few slaps to redden it up (can you tell I've just finished a BDSM *g*).
1. I'm actually reading the thickest book in my TBR pile at the moment - The Sea Change by Chris Quinton. It's about 430 pages long.
2. I've not had it waiting long (about 2 weeks) because it's one I have to review and I tend to just get on with those.
3. n/a
I do have other longish books in my TBR pile. In fact perhaps my longest should be counted as a series really - Special Forces by Vashtan & Marquesate. I count that as several books rather than one. I keep putting off reading it because I don't have enough time at the moment to devote to a series.
Beats me Val, I don't understand technology. LOL
Glad you liked #1 Lily, he's very yummy.
You are a naughty naughty girl Jen. :-D Being "forced" to review somethikng does help you keep from putting books off. Forcing myself doesn't really work though. I never listen to myself. LOL
Oh, thanks for the reminder, Jen - Special Forces is probably the longest book in my TBR, too. No idea how long I've had it, though...
How am i supposed to get my mind out of the gutter when Brent Corrigan's posterior is in my face???
methaphorically of course. We it REALLY in my face, typing a response here would be the LEAST of my concerns!
I think those Special Forces books are not really my cup of tea from what I've heard. A bit too "gritty" for me I think.
It's hard to focus with that up there huh Polt? :-D
ROFL! Okay, my mind is out the gutter now...
I have both your top two 'big' books on my ereader too, unread and since ages. :(
But I think the biggest book is Special Forces, over 500 pages. I only downloaded it last night :)
Lovely cookies!
Glad I'm not the only one who is avoiding the long ones Janna. Books, long books. ;-) The Special Forces books seems to be quite the lengthy tome. Too long for me I'm sure, even if it's broken down.
Yeah, the seperate parts of Special Forces (three on total) are over 500 pages I think. O_O But they are free, so I caved in. ;)
I'm so appropriating this title. :)
1. The Name of the Wind by Patrick Rothfuss.
2. Sometime last year. Maybe the year before. Eek.
3. I'm reading it for Orannia's Big Book Challenge. Hopefully.
Appropriate away.
Umm. Good luck with that challenge. You still have 5 months.
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