I got nuthin' today because it's so damn hot I can't even focus on reading. It's supposed to be cooler today so I'm hoping that perks me up. Anyway, I'm stealing this concept from my friend Jere at
Blind Prophecy. Now that he's (almost) getting a break from law school he has brought back the ever popular "Marry, F*ck, or Kill" game. I will give you three guys (I may put some fictional ones in there some day but I'll start with real today) and you have to say which one you'd marry, which one you'd get kinky with and which one by default you'd have killed. Of course we wouldn't REALLY have him killed, maybe just banished to Omaha or Kabul.
Usually he tries to keep it within a theme and I'll try to do the same. I tried to think of some guys who would be familiar to most no matter where you live globally and thought I'd go with James Bond. So which of these guys would you Marry, F*ck or Kill IN THEIR PRIME. So as if they were still the age/condition they were when they were playing James Bond, not necessarily today.
Um. What if I don't like my choices? :)
You HAVE to pick. Suck it up Buttercup. :-P
What if I just want to f*ck all of them? Can I f*ck them, then choose which two I get to marry and kill?
Your hottie is hot!
Do you get the feeling that your readers might not play the game as you want them to. Making up their own rules and what not?
I'm with Jen, I just want to f*ck all of them.
I really want to f*ck them all. :D
But, if I must choose only one then I'd like to f*ck Daniel Craig. I hate to kill off Pierce Brosnan but I could spend my life married to Sean Connery and never tire of that of so sexy accent.
Marry... Sean Connery
F*ck... Daniel Craig
Kill... Pierce Brosnan
You must be a wicked negotiator when buying a car Jen. LOL
I think you should all give them a try then Wren. I'm all for changing the rules as we go along. :-) My red undied hottie is nice isn't he?
I think I'd copy you Lily, after test driving them like Jen. LOL
The big celebrity gossip here today was that Daniel Craig was seen kissing a guy outside a gay bar. Oooooh. My thought was "And?". Who really cares?
My thought... Really? Are there pictures? ;D
Since I can't look at Sean Connery without thinking of the SNL Jeopardy skit, I can't pick. I just keep waiting for Sean to yell, "The day is mine, Trebeck!"
My thought is Lily's thought.
Also, I'd rather see your hottie for the day f*ck all of them before I even think about making a decision.
Come on Tam, do we have to choose? I look at Pierce Brosnan and I think of Remington Steele. I loved Remington Steele, I was crazy about him. It was my first crush! For a while I even thought that every Irishman would look like him. ! As if.
Daniel Craig I'd like to punch (succeeding probably just in injuring myself) and then, of course, f*ck.
And Sean Connery? Another smartass that would look perfect flat on a bed. Or wherever.
*pulls up chair next to Kris*
Great idea you had. I'm ready for the show! ;D
Well done Bug. I had the major crush on Remington Steele as well, but Craig works for me.
You'll just have to join us in the watching Stephani.
I think it's Kris FTW. We're going to need a bigger space, maybe I should rent a small theater with comfy seats and cabana boys to serve drinks while we make our decisions.
Marry--Pierce Brosnan
F*ck--Daniel Craig
Kill--Sean Connery
I think I read somewhere that Connery is a misogynistic jerk.
I read that too Eyre, but if he'd recite the phone book to me with that accent I'd likely let it go.
ooooh, I LOVE Marry, Fuck, Kill!!!!
Okay, lets see now...
Marry: Daniel Craig, cause if I gotta wake up every morning looking at the same face, I want it to be his.
Fuck: Sean connery, but only Sean Connery as he was in the photo, NOT now. Anyway, I chose him, cause you just know he'd be wild in the sack!
Kill: Pierce Brosnan. He was a fine Remington Steele but he damn near killed the Bond franchise. he deserves to die for that alone.
Good choices hon. :-)
Marry - Pierce Brosnan
Make sweet love to - Daniel Craig (even though he looks like he just sicked a lemon)
Kill - Sean Connery (the misogynistic thing is a turn off)
But what about Roger Moore and Timothy Daly?
Good choices Michelle. I could only pick 3. You can have a threesome with Daniel Craig with the others. LOL
Marry Daniel Craig, then you could do him all the time.
Fuck Sean Connery, he deserves it.
Kill Pierce Brosnan. Nothing personal, just doesn't do anything for me.
LOL Love your Sean Connery reasoning John. There's always one poor guy who gets snuffed by the process of elimination.
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